
The hidden king

As the leader of the Wolf King, he mysteriously disappeared, and during her journey to explore the truth, she discovered that things were not simple, leading to a journey full of courage and suspense.

Saltyalfalfa · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 30

In the distant reaches of the river domain, the operations of the OLVE New Alliance had effectively ceased, causing the once-organized small leaders to scatter. Refugees in various shelters were now deprived of basic necessities, forcing them back to the streets to beg or resort to theft. The security environment around Laoya Wharf and its neighboring towns deteriorated as a result. Local sheriffs once again sent urgent letters to the Lawrence City-State.

The newly elected chief of the Southern Cheeno tribe repeatedly violated the borders, driving away traders and planters, and even seized part of the river domain's land, disregarding the peace treaty signed by his predecessor.

Liam, training soldiers in the barracks, received a messenger's urgent letter, causing him to furrow his brow in confusion. He quickly tucked the letter into his chest and went out to discuss countermeasures with the elders.

Anina once again ventured into the mysterious corridor beneath her canyon villa, leading to the candle-lit altar, where she pleaded for her deity's appearance. Instead, she received the deity's anger and rebuke, viewed as a worthless person by the deity, someone who did not respect the deity's guidance, and was only concerned with personal grievances. Despite her fervent pleas and arguments, Anina could not regain the deity's trust. The promise of gold that the deity had made to her was now seemingly unattainable, leaving her to find a way to protect herself.

Heidi was summoned by the High Priest Osha and coldly given a transfer order. She would no longer serve at the Lawrence Temple but would be transferred to another temple on a distant continent. Heidi reluctantly relayed the message to Milia; although she didn't have to leave immediately, she could no longer be involved in the inner workings of the temple. 

Milia hugged her friend, her heart filled with guilt and reluctance, but Heidi smiled and comforted her, "From the moment we decided to fight, we were prepared for this, weren't we? Don't worry about me; you're the one who needs to be stronger, they will surely come to deal with you."

Anina once again secretly visited Elder Gabriel's reception room. After instructing the servants to leave, Anina asked Gabriel to bring Kenny as well. She proposed a new plan to Gabriel. After hearing it, Kenny felt like he was falling apart. He stood up and shouted, "You're completely disregarding everything for personal revenge, trying to drag us all down?"

Ethan, steadfastly guarding Milia, though not living in the small clinic, came almost every day, bringing her a bouquet of freshly picked flowers from the field. They would ride horses by the lake, chatting about the past, which greatly improved Milia's mood.

One morning, Ethan had just set foot on the path in front of Milia's small clinic when he noticed something was wrong. There was a commotion ahead, with many neighbors and villagers crowding around, making a lot of noise, interspersed with the sound of doors and windows being smashed and things being broken. 

Ethan hurriedly pushed through the crowd to the front and saw Milia being pushed out of the house by someone, causing her to fall to the ground at the door. Ethan rushed over to help her up, and Milia's face was covered in tears.

Ethan was about to turn and rush up to fight with those people, but Milia stopped him. Ethan then noticed that Liam was standing next to him, his face filled with helplessness. These were people sent by the gods from the realm of the gods, and they were the enforcers of the gods. The leaders and elders of each city-state had no authority to intervene in their actions.

"What happened?" Ethan asked anxiously. Milia wiped away the tears on her face and whispered, "They said I was impersonating a member of the Wolf Clan and not qualified to live among them. Moreover, I openly admitted to committing a crime, so I am not qualified to run the clinic."

"So, they can come and violently destroy your clinic, and even harm you?" Ethan clenched his fists in anger.

"They didn't give me any time, demanding that I leave Lawrence immediately, and they confiscated all my assets, including my horse and sword." Milia pursed her lips. "This is all Anina's doing; she is seeking revenge on me."

"Let's go. Let's leave here first," Ethan said, supporting Milia's arm and helping her straighten her back. They left under the curious, disdainful, and mocking gazes of the villagers. They heard the sound of hammers smashing iron and glass bottles shattering behind them. 

Milia's tears fell once again. Ethan knew that she had put a lot of effort into this small clinic, and after leaving the courtyard of the olive tree, it became her safe haven for rest. It was the only place where she could find solace and healing in her previous fragmented life. When this safe and happy haven was shattered, the hard scar that had just formed in Milia's heart was cruelly torn open again, revealing her still-fragile heart after being hurt. This was Anina's goal: to weaken Milia's strong spiritual strength and trample on her greatly valued personal honor and dignity.

Ethan helped Milia onto the horse, and immediately several members of the execution team caught up with them. They were dressed in the dark green robes given by the gods, carrying long swords and some even carrying hammers. They silently followed Ethan, showing a firm attitude to escort Milia to leave Lawrence City-State immediately, without any delay or communication with the people of Lawrence City-State for help.

Under pressure, Ethan had to lead the horse with Milia towards the city gate. He looked back at Liam, who was standing still, nodding at him. The two of them had long had an understanding, and Ethan knew that Liam would find a way to help. Feeling somewhat relieved, he could only leave the city with Milia. Their figures left Lawrence under the gaze of the guards on the city walls. 

Milia, riding on the horse, turned her head to look back at the red-brick city-state. She had come here as an orphan girl, then became the wife of a leader when she grew up, and now she was being expelled as a sinner, her dream of a homeland truly shattered.

Ethan found a simple wooden shack in the forest and settled down temporarily. This shack, which was drafty on all sides, was a place where hunters rested overnight during hunting trips. The ground was covered with rough stone piles and dirt, which could be covered with leaves for temporary rest. 

There was also a pile of stones for burning a fire to cook. Ethan secretly observed Milia's expression and saw that she had calmed down a bit. He gently told her that he would leave first to find Liam, bring back some supplies, and discuss countermeasures. Then he left his spare sword with Milia for self-defense and hurried away on horseback.

Milia perched upon a weathered stone nestled in the shadowy recesses of the shed, cradling Ethan's sword in her arms. Her thoughts were consumed by worry for her imprisoned father, Odessa, whose confinement barred him from both news and visits. Contemplating amidst the swirling mist, she sought a strategy to navigate the tumultuous currents of conflict, mindful of protecting her cherished companions.

Meanwhile, Ethan spurred his steed homeward to Lawrence, where he encountered Liam and his retinue at the city gate. Liam's voice, a mere whisper, carried grave tidings of the peculiar behavior exhibited by the supposed divine executioners. They had departed the city without paying homage to the high priest in the temple, a breach of protocol shrouded in secrecy. Ethan's incredulity was palpable as he pondered the audacity of those who dared to usurp divine authority. Liam's cryptic revelation of the gods' fractured unity only deepened Ethan's unease.

In a gesture of solidarity, Liam provided Ethan with provisions for temporary sustenance and advised seeking refuge with Milia in the forest for no more than a fortnight. With a resolute nod, Liam affirmed his belief that this unsettling chapter would soon reach its conclusion.

Several sunsets later, Ethan arrived at Annia's opulent villa nestled within the gorge, where he was ushered into the lavishly appointed living room. Annia reclined elegantly upon a sprawling divan, delicately sipping fruit-infused tea as she regarded Ethan with a quizzical expression. Her demeanor betrayed a hint of amusement as she speculated about the purpose of his unexpected visit.

Seizing the moment, Ethan reclined leisurely opposite Annia, his gaze unwavering as he broached a subject long shrouded in mystery. "Forgive the suddenness of my inquiry, but do you recall Thomas? His demise remains shrouded in enigma, devoid of any semblance of closure."

Annia's lips curled in a dismissive gesture. "Who can say for sure?"

Ethan's smile broadened. "Having navigated the River Domain for many years, I've acquainted myself with some of the underworld's factions. On the day Thomas passed, I was the last to visit him. I recall our shared concern for a fellow inmate, someone I believe goes by the name of James."