
The Harvester's Scion: A Tale of Death and Destiny

"SILENCE", " TOTAL DARKNESS " This were the thought in his mind as his consciousness slowly drift away, taking along with it his dreams He could help but reminisce the words his father told him, "death is the only true path to life" For the first time he felt the truth in those words as there is nothing more relieving than dying at this moment After fighting alongside his kid sister tirelessly against an enigmatic evil threatening to consume the world, only for them to meet a tragic end at the hands of betrayal. miraculously he got a second chance, setting forth on a quest for vengeance against those who wronged him. But as he grapples with his newfound abilities, he realizes that the line between hero and villain is blurred, and the path to redemption is fraught with unforeseen dangers." With each step he takes to embarks on his quest for vengeance, he discovers that the enigmatic evil threatening the world has only grown stronger in the century he was dormant.

umukoro_prosper · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Tagged sword god

Lying luxuriously on a king-size bed is a tall man about 18-20 years old with blonde hair and a toned physique that would shame many athletes if they were present in this royal-grade room.

This young man was busy enjoying his wonderful sleep when his smartphone began to ring.

Reluctantly, he decided to wake up after a few rings. His expression was annoyed as he opened his eyes.

Surprisingly, the moment he opened his eyes, his pupils seemed to resemble that of a predator. They looked reptilian, glowing a mild orange before returning to normal, like the pupils every human should have.

"You better have a good reason for waking me up at this time or you'll be resurrecting your character a few dozen times," he scolded the person on the other end as he sat up and picked up the phone.

A jovial laughter resounded from the other side of the phone, revealing a young man's voice.

"Calm down Rhaegar, don't make it sound like you are the strongest one amongst us," Rhaegar called out, a bit annoyed, while Aemond seemed to be having a good time annoying him a bit more.

"If you don't say why you called me now, I'm hanging up. Trust me when I say I'll login and beat the crap out of you when I see you," Rhaegar threatened.

Aemond joked a little bit more before getting serious. "There is a new player onboard."

Rhaegar's eyes constricted once again, changing into the reptilian pupils. "Is that why you woke me up?" Visible anger could be felt in his voice.

Rhaegar sighed tiredly, seeing that Aemond wasn't ready to answer his question. "What is his ability?"

"A necromancer, from what I have seen and the grumbling of one of his defeated opponents. He was grumbling about his summoned minions being overridden, giving this new player authority over them," Aemond explained.

"Not interested," Rhaegar declined immediately, not liking necromancers who hide behind summoned minions in battle.

"He is a level ten ability user with more than ten straight wins."

"Still not interested," Rhaegar rolled his eyes at the shameless efforts Aemond was putting in to persuade him.

"He is a sword user too, and he's going solo against the Butterfly Sword Gang."

"I already told you, I'm not inter— Wait, what did you say?" Rhaegar cut his statement halfway as the words sank in.

"You heard me right, he's going solo against the Butterfly Sword Gang. You should know what that means. Also, many people are tagging you in the online forum. I guess you'd have to check those out yourself. I've sent you an invite to the spectators space I'm watching from, if you wish to see the battle live. You better log in now or wait to get playbacks later."

With that, Aemond ended the call, leaving Rhaegar to his own devices.

Rhaegar didn't log in straight to the virtual world. Instead, he ordered his AI to pull up the current hot topic discussions on the online forum.

After navigating through many other insignificant topics, he finally found the most active platform for discussion at the moment, the one he was looking for.

Taking his sweet time, he went through all the comments, especially the ones he was tagged in.

"Can't believe this guy took out Neama with just a single sword strike. I bet even the Sword God would find it hard to achieve this."

Many people reacted to this post, and more similar ones were being posted.

"For the first time, I'll say I've seen someone better than the Sword God. This guy is f*cking good. He took out Alden within a few moments of the battle."

"Wait, isn't Alden the guy with the hardening skill whose body is as strong as diamond when he uses his ability?"

Someone else asked, and more comments poured in, with the majority of them comparing the new player to the Sword God.

Rhaegar felt the veins in his head wanting to explode after reading a few more comments. He decided to stop before he got worked up over the annoying remarks people were making.

Out of curiosity, he decided to log in and see this new player for himself.

Rhaegar's mind was filled with all kinds of thoughts as he logged into the virtual world. His heart thumping loudly in his chest as he entered the battle arena, all the while telling himself that he's only here to see for himself what the new player has to offer. But deep down, he knew that he was here to prove that he was still better than the so-called new player. With a deep breath, he clicked the link Aemond had sent, and he was transferred to the spectators' space.

To his surprise, the place was filled to the brim, almost exceeding the maximum number each private spectators' space can carry.

He didn't dare to think how other private spectators' spaces would be like if this one was like this.

Fortunately, the spectators' space is built in a way that everyone can get the real experience of watching a battle as if they were there in person, hence the restrictions on the number of people a spectators' space can hold.

Looking around, Rhaegar could see that most of the spectators were discussing the new player and why he was called the "death god."

There wasn't a single battle he had gone into where he didn't end up giving his opponent a swift death, hence the alias given to him.

There were also several heated arguments about whether he could actually defeat the sword god or not.

But there was one thing that everyone agreed on: this new player was going to be a tough opponent.

Rhaegar didn't know what to think, but he decided to watch the battle and see for himself. After all, he was the best there is, and no one could defeat him... right?

He scanned the battlefield, which looked like a broken town with wreckage and damaged buildings.

Soon his eyes landed on the figure he was so eager to meet.

A young man stood tall and proud, clad in dark armor that seemed to shimmer with an eerie blue light.

His pale skin was flawless, and his hair was a bright, almost blinding blonde.

His eyes were a piercing blue, and they seemed to bore into you with a terrifying intensity.

His face was handsome, with sharp, angular features, but there was a coldness to his expression that sent a shiver down your spine.

This was the character Arthur had created after thinking it through.

He needed to stay hidden at the moment due to a lack of strength, but he wasn't some weakling to bow down and get lost in the crowd.

Hence, he made his character slightly different from his original look in terms of hairstyle.

In his hands was a great sword covered in a dark, sinister, eerie energy.

His gaze focused on the three figures opposite him, using some of the broken buildings as cover.

The three figures were just as Rhaegar had imagined - powerful, deadly, and ready for battle.

The first was a tall, muscular man with long black hair and piercing green eyes.

In his hands was a massive sword that glowed with an eerie green light.

He exuded an aura of strength and power, and Rhaegar knew this youngster Pete of the giant race as one of the formidable forces in the butterfly sword gang.

The second figure was a woman with long, flowing red hair and fiery orange eyes.

She was clad in a black special armor outfit, and her hands were glowing with an orange fire.

Rhaegar knew this lady was the fire elemental of the gang, and a powerful one at that.

But it was the third figure that truly got Rhaegar's attention.

It was a young elf girl with long, white hair and icy blue eyes.

She was dressed in a white gown, and her hands were covered in frost.

The girl gave off an aura of coldness and distance, and Rhaegar knew she wasn't someone to be trifled with.

And these three figures stood facing off against one person, ready for battle.

Rhaegar couldn't help but worry for the youngster at the other end, he had tried taking on this gang before, but the result wasn't encouraging.

They ended up tied after he went all out from the get-go.

Seeing the youngster's calmness and the many craters and completely destroyed buildings

He knew straight away the intensity of the battle that had been going on before now.

Scanning around a bit more in search of minions, and so as it was said, he is a necromancer.

He only saw three scattered at different places, standing still, doing nothing as if they aren't part of the battle.

And from the look of it, these three ghouls were the ones said to have been stolen from that necromancer guy.

To imagine they are still here and are now part of his force, made Rhaegar wonder how powerful this guy is to be able to achieve such a thing.

Just then, one of the three Butterfly Sword Gang members moved. It was the giant race guy, his size crazily increasing as he changed into his giant form in an instant.

His sword also grew along with him and was glowing intensely with the green, eerie energy.

Without delay, he slashed that sword down against the hard floor, and powerful tremors followed suit, breaking the ground apart. It looked like an earthquake was trailing a long path heading towards Arthur.

At the same time, the elemental lady shot a barrage of fiery arrows at Arthur, wanting to seal off his only means of evasion.

Not to mention, the elf lady had made her move too, slashing against the ground just like the giant. Long ice spikes trailed through the ground, heading for the other escape route Arthur had.

Knowing it would be futile to try and escape, Arthur did the opposite, choosing to take one of the three attacks head-on.

Obviously, he chose the attack of the elemental. The dark energy on his sword grew intense too.

As his speed was fully let loose, he wasn't holding back anymore.

Ever since he started battling in the VS training space, he hadn't fully utilized his race's body features.

Others hadn't given him a reason to do so either, but now he faced a powerful foe. He isn't being reserved anymore.

Arthur's figure sprinted forward, his hands moving at an incredible pace, leaving a blurry effect anytime he moved them to slash at or defend against the fiery arrows.

The spectators burst into a fiery level of discussion, surprised at Arthur's speed and precision.