
The Happy Family ( Naruto fanfic )

This story is about how you (female mc) enter the Naruto world and save everyone possible. While you are at it you encounter situations which were not originally in the Naruto verse. Oh well you being there has brought some changes so you work hard to restore everything back to normal. Read the story to enjoy the adventure.

MonsterCrimson · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

10. Join us

A/N : Hello there guys. Thankyou for reading my story. I want to inform before hand that my updates are not going to be regular, I apologize in advance. My health isn't in a great condition so I will update whenever I can. Also comments and shares are highly appreciated 🤗🤗 . Stay safe and Take care guys. Onto the story.


Y/N \\ Aira POV :

Morning arrives. Everyone gets ready. We have our breakfast in silence.  Sakura and I help with dishes. We all then wait in Kakashi's room for him to wake up. Finally he wakes up at noon.

Sakura : Sensei you are finally awake. You shouldn't use sharingan too much if it strains you.

Naruto : Yeah Yeah.😣

Kakashi :  I will be careful from next time😄😄

Y/n \\ Aira : Sup papa, had a nice nap eh😁

Kakashi : 😅

Y/n \\ Aira : So before you guys say anything I think it's important for you guys to know that Zabuza is still alive and that masked man is his accomplice.

Kakashi : I agree with her.

Sakura & Naruto : But you checked his pulse, wasn't he dead? That's what you said 😰😰

Kakashi : I did, but remember what type of needles did that masked man use?

Sasuke : Those were senbon needles.

Kakashi : Correct. Those are effective to kill only when used at vital organs. 

Sasuke : He was attacked on the neck.

Y/n \\ Aira : That allowed them to trick you into thinking that Zabuza was dead.

Sakura & Naruto : Now what do we do😱🙀

Y/n \\ Aira : Train what else😗

Sakura : But what type of training we can do in such a short time which will help us defeat zabuza??

Kakashi : Let's go onto the field. I'll show you what you guys will be training.

Sakura : But sensei you are injured how will you train us?😰

Y/n \\ Aira : I am here you know? I can help with the training. Also I already know what we will be doing😁😁. Let's go.

All of us go in the open to train. Kakashi asks Sakura to explain chakra. She explains the basics of chakra and Naruto acts tough as a know it all. It was funny seeing him struggle with the basics. Though that shouldn't be the problem , he becomes the Hokage after all. I smile to myself thinking this.

Kakashi : So you guys are going to learn tree climbing

Sakura & Naruto : Sensei we already know how to climb trees🙄🙄

Kakashi : without hands😄

Sakura & Naruto : 😶🤐

Y/n \\ Aira : I can display.

I climb the tree without any effort. I then proceed to stand upside down like a bat(⌐■_■). I see Sakura and Naruto's jaws on the ground. Kakashi explains them that they have to focus their Chakra on their feet and for starters they should use momentum. Sakura effortlessly climbs and marks the tree.

Y/n \\ Aira : Awesome Sakura! You did it so easily. As expected of you.😊

Sakura : Thankyou Aira-kun 🥰🥰

Kakashi : Looks like only the girls in this team are capable of learning fast. Also I guess Uchiha's are all talk. Naruto you said you wanted to become Hokage  maybe you should give up on that.

Sakura : Sensei stop it😣😣

(Sasuke-kun will get mad , what if he starts hating me)

(Y/N\\Aira) :( Looks like they are riled up now. ) Hey guys I am going for a short walk , okay?^×^

Kakashi : Okay, be careful

Naruto : I will be perfect at it by the time you come back , dattebayo.😼

(Y/N\\Aira) : All the best Naruto , you too Sasuke

Naruto : I will😸

Sasuke : Hn

I start walking away from the team. Soon I'm in the middle of nowhere.

Child looks like the person associated with the yin siblings is near , be on guard

Omg looks like my guts knew something was wrong. Where is that person? Can you locate them? If that person is taken down everything will go back to normal right?

Forgive us child but his trail is weak so we can't exactly locate him. As per your question, taking down that person is only a short term solution. The yin siblings will just go and find another human. Teaching a lesson to yin siblings is what the solution is to the mess they have created.

So do I go find that associate of the yin siblings and confront, or just stay on guard?

Just stay on guard for now. If that person attacks you we will help you take him down.


I keep walking without any destination in my mind. I kept getting into fight stance everytime I heard a sound. It felt like I was being watched. I turn around. Looks at all directions. No one. There's no nearby yet I feel being watched.

???'s POV :

When I first saw her , it felt like I imagined her to be here because I felt guilty of what I am going to do and needed support. I thought I was hallucinating. Looks like I was not. Good thing I stayed back in that destroyed village and the better part was that the yin siblings weren't with me then and now. She is here. I hope she doesn't get hurt. Once I'm done doing whatever it is they want I can go back. I will make sure to take you back too. Just wait Y/N. I will solve this and then we can go back to our world. Thankfully I remembered that this is the Naruto world. I was never a fan of anime. It was you who insisted I watch Naruto. I'm glad I listened to you. As expected you got into the main team of the show. Don't worry I will protect you from the shadows till I can complete their work. Stay safe.I need to go back now.

(Y/N // Aira )POV :

Child looks that person has left.

Its night now. I go back and am met with Sakura's worried face.

Sakura : Aira-kun where were you for so long? We were so worried😖

(Y/N\\Aira) : Sorry everyone I just sat down and took a nap, by the time I woke up it was dark😅

Kakashi :  If you were going to sleep you should have just come back to the house. Don't do that again, okay?

(Y/N\\Aira) : I promise I won't do it again. Where are those two?🤨

Kakashi : Those two are still practicing.

Let's have dinner for now they will join us after they are done.

After sometime they join us. We all eatin silence except those two. They are making loud noise and are competing , they barf after sometime but still try to continue. Sakura scolds them saying that they are wasting food if all they are going barf and that food is already scarce here to begin with.

(Y/N\\Aira) : She is right Naruto. You shouldn't be forcing yourself to eat more than what your body can handle. If you barf it's a waste of food. How about you eat moderately and I will help you with your training later okay?😊

Naruto : Really? Then I will only eat litlle now. Can we train after eating 🤩?

(Y/N\\Aira) : Sure 😄

After we complete eating our dinner we headout to train. Sasuke also comes along with us. At first they try it on their own. Sasuke uses too much chakra which results in blowing away the trunk. Meanwhile Naruto is using too less chakra which is resulting in his fall on butt. I then approach Naruto.

(Y/N\\Aira) : Ne Naruto,  you are using too less chakra thats why you are falling on your butt . That doesn't mean you have to go and use excess chakra, if you do that it will result in the trunk of the tree being blown off like how its happening with Sasuke

I say this while gesturing to Sasuke. He nods slowly processing it

(Y/N\\Aira) : Don't worry. First of all calm your head. Focus your chakra on your feet. Since the amount was less before put a bit more chakra onto your feet. But don't overdo the chakra pressure,  okay?

He nods. Looks like he understands a bit now. He goes with a speed and reaches halfway and loses the balance as he gets excited for getting the hang of it.

(Y/N\\Aira) : That was great Naruto. But don't get excited at midpoint and loose your focus. I will go now. Practice a bit then come back okay?😄

Naruto : Okay! And I will master chakra control soon , dattebayo 😼

(Y/N\\Aira) : I believe you. Take care and don't stay out late you two.

I go back knowing full well that he was going to be sleeping in the woods. I should come back at 3 AM with a blanket.

Meanwhile with Naruto and Sasuke :

Naruto tries to go in full speed before Sasuke decides to interrupt.

Naruto : Hey I was going to reach the top, why did you stop me? 😾

Sasuke : ....

Naruto : Come on why did you stop me?😤

Sasuke : So what did she say?

Naruto : eh?

Sasuke : .... about the tree climbing ....

Naruto : .... I'm not telling you 😼

Sasuke : ....💢 Whatever

Sasuke moves so as to go back to training.

Naruto : So she said that...

Sasuke halts but doesn't turn back.

Naruto : Looks like you don't want to know , okay~~~~

Sasuke slowly turns back

Naruto : So you do want to know

Sasuke : 💢💢 Are you going to tell or not?

Naruto :  I will tell you , geez calm down. She was telling that I was using way too less chakra and I should use a bit more but not overdo it like you or else I will end up blowing away the tree.

Sasuke : Okay

They continue practicing. As I thought I woke up at 3 to check on everyone. Sasuke came back but Naruto did not. I took a blanket with me and draped it over him and went back to sleep. Morning came by and Naruto wasn't here. There was still sometime left for breakfast so I went to wake up Naruto. As I made my way I could see one more figure. It was Haku. He looked like he was confused whether to kill him or leave him be. I approach him before he could decide.

(Y/N\\Aira) : Sup Haku.

Haku : How do you know my name🤔

(Y/N\\Aira) : Wow you are very calm.

Haku : I don't see a reason to panic aimlessly. All you know is my name which I wonder how you know it.

(Y/N\\Aira) : No need to worry. I didn't come here to pick a fight. I'm here for my dumb teammate who fell asleep in the forest.

Haku glances at Naruto.

Haku : So you came for him, did you drape a blanket over him?

(Y/N\\Aira) : Yeah I came in the middle of night to do that.

Haku : Looks like you care a lot for your teammate. You still haven't answered my question though.

(Y/N\\Aira) : Aight I will be clear. I know you are the masked man who helped Zabuza escape from my team when he was going down. And I don't expect you to believe me but I know a lot about the future and also your pasts. I just want you to know that the person who has hired Zabuza is going to betray you people. When you guys come to attack me and my team in future just know that once you guys are almost out of chakra he will try to kill you because you guys are expensive. I know you are not going to believe me but remember this. Even at the end of that fight I am willing to save you guys. Just say that you guys are willing to join us and I will help you. Of course even if you don't want to join us I will still help you guys.

Haku : It's rather hard to believe as you said. But even if that comes true what reason do you have to save us. We are your enemies after all.

(Y/N\\Aira) : You didn't deserve any of the bad things that happened in your life Haku. Zabuza would also have been a proper normal ninja if it wasn't for that f-ed up tests to become a shinobi in his village. In my opinion you guys deserve a second chance. That's the reason I am willing to help you even if you consider me your enemy.

Haku : You are interesting.

We here rustling. We turn towards Naruto to realize he is starting to wake up.

(Y/N\\Aira) : So you are finally up sleepyhead .

Naruto : Eh? Why do I have blanket? Oh it's already morning? Good morning Aira-chan. Who is that?

He is now fully awake and is pointing at Haku.

(Y/N\\Aira) : Thats Haku. Haku found you sleeping and was about to wake you up. I came up and started a conversation so we just kept talking and picking herbs. Also I had to come in the middle of the night to give you that blanket. Don't sleep outside like that, you will catch a cold.

Naruto : Thankyou for tha blanket Aira-chan. Also why are you guys picking herbs?

Haku : My friend is injured so I am picking herbs to help him heal. Why were sleeping in the forest anyway?

Naruto : Wow you are such a great friend just like Aira-chan. I fell asleep in the forest after training.

Haku : You must have someone you feel the need to protect to be able to be pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion.

Naruto : Eh? That*quick glance* you could say that. Haha

Haku : 🤭🤗. Well then I will be going.

As he leaves I say

(Y/N\\Aira) : He is such a nice guy, isn't he Naruto 😄


Sasuke walks past Haku towards us.

Sasuke : What are you guys still doing here? Breakfast is ready.

(Y/N\\Aira) : We are coming.

We three head back to have breakfast. After that Naruto and Sasuke head back to training. Sakura and I go along with Tazuna to shopping. I packed a couple of onigiris so that I can give it to the kid shown the anime. The condition is worse when you get to see it up close in the market. We do some vegetable shopping and headback. While on our way back a small kid touches Sakura's bag. She tries to get into fighting stance. I stop her. She then sees it was a little kid. He asks for something to eat. I give the onigiris I had packed and Sakura gives him some candies. As the kid walks away happily Sakura has a sad smile. I assure her that we will make sure that bridge is built and then this village will go back to normal. She looks assured by my words and gives nod while going back to her normal self. Soon night arrives and we all have dinner. Sakura asks the forbidden question about the picture. I zone out while they talk. Inari comes and shouts that no matter what we do we won't be able to do anything. Naruto and Inari start a shouting match. Inari soon leaves the house in tears reminiscing the past. Sakura is scolding Naruto saying he could have handled it better.

I follow Inari and sit beside him silently. He glances at me and goes back to watching ocean.

Inari : Why did you follow me?

(Y/N\\Aira) : It looked like a company would do you good.

Inari : Then why didn't you say anything?

(Y/N\\Aira) : I didn't want to disturb you. But I didn't feel like leaving you alone either.

Inari : Thanks I guess. *sniffle *

(Y/N\\Aira) : You know Naruto grew up without parents. His parents died right after his birth. The village has outcasted him. He had to grow up alone. Only when he joined the team he had some one to turn to. Until then he was all alone. So of all people he understands your position the best.

Inari : ...😞

(Y/N\\Aira) : I know you have a hard time believing people but try to trust us okay? I promise on my name, we will make sure that everything goes back to normal and that the bridge is built. So believe in us even if it is hard . Give us a chance to win your trust.

Inari : ..... will you guys be able to?

(Y/N\\Aira) : I promise.

Inari : If you fail I will never forgive you!!

(Y/N\\Aira) : But if I fulfill my promise, will you believe in heroes?

Inari : If you do as you say, I will!!

(Y/N\\Aira) : Its a promise then.😁

We go back to house and everyone goes to sleep. I need to time my entry so that I arrive aftet Sasuke has awakened his sharingan but is not pushed to the verge of death by those needles. Morning arrives faster than I anticipated. I couldn't sleep properly thinking about how to handle the situation without everyone getting seriously injured. I decide to go out before everyone else and meditate in the forest for a while. After Naruto enters the fight I can spectate from far and them enter the battle.

I inform Sakura and Kakashi that I was going to meditate for a while. I reach a place surrounded by small flowers. I sit down cross legged and start meditating.

Child looks like the yin siblings are nearby.

What?? Should I go and try to find them??

Yes child. Let's hurry up before they disappear.

I follow the directions given by the siblings who are living in my head rent free. We end up circling the whole island before losing their track. I realized I was late for the battle. I hurry up to the brige construction site.

I try to take look from far on what was going on. Looks like I am later than I intended to. Sasuke is hurt but still hasn't jumped infront of Naruto and passed out, so this is still a better timing.

I appear onto the battle seen out of thin air shocking everyone.

Zabuza : So this is your the last but not the least team member. If I am not wrong she is your daughter, right Kakashi?

Kakashi frowns upon hearing that. That information was classified. The only people who knew were a few selected jounins and the elders of the village.

(Y/N\\Aira) : You are right on that information Zabuza-san.

I say that while focusing chakra into my fists.

(Y/N\\Aira) : So I want to remind you that , you guys are at a disadvantage.

Before Haku could react and try to stop me I shatter the ice dome swiftly. Haku falls down but gets back into fighting stance immediately.

(Y/N\\Aira) : Have you thought about what I said ?

Haku : I have considered your generous offer. But I must say that with no evidence backing your words we had to refuse your offer. I hope you understand.

(Y/N\\Aira) : No hard feelings. Don't worry about it. I did say that even if you didn't accept my offer when time comes I will still help you guys.

We were about start fighting even with peoples confusion as to what we were talking. Looks like he didn't inform Zabuza cause he looked lost while we were talking. Kakashi saw this as an opportunity to use chidori. This was going at a faster rate than that of anime due to my involvement. I knew Haku was going to jump infront of Zabuza and I was prepared to save them. And just as expected Kakashi tries to use chidori on Zabuza while hus guard was down. Sensing that Zabuza was in danger Haku jumps infront of him. Kakashi is baffled at Haku's sudden appearance and is not able to control chidori. I swiftly erect a mud wall between them. It slows down Kakashi's chidori but Haku still gets hurt on his shoulder. Nothing serious enough to end his life atleast. Everyone is shocked at the mudwall.

Zabuza : Why did you save us kid?

(Y/N\\Aira) : Haku knows the answer.

Haku is shocked that I stood true to my words and saved them. Before we all can continue there is lot of noise from one end of the bridge. Lo and behold it's none other than Gato and his people. Everyone other than me has already exhausted a great amount of their chakra. As I told Haku how Gato would be betraying them, it happened. Haku was shocked to see it unfold. Gato told them exactly what I told what he would. Haku briefly explains to Zabuza about me and my prediction. He says that they can trust me and it would turn their lives for the better if they joined me. It looked like their discussion so I ask again in front of everyone this time :

Join us