
The Happy Family ( Naruto fanfic )

This story is about how you (female mc) enter the Naruto world and save everyone possible. While you are at it you encounter situations which were not originally in the Naruto verse. Oh well you being there has brought some changes so you work hard to restore everything back to normal. Read the story to enjoy the adventure.

MonsterCrimson · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

9. Gotta save them

We were back from those D-rank missions. Hokage started listing out more D-rank missions. I realized it was the Tazuna mission day. Just I was thinking that Naruto interrupted Hokage's list of missions.

Naruto: These are chores!! I want a real mission😤😤

Iruka : 😱😡😡 Naruto, How could you interrupt Hokage-sama's speech?? Also You guys have just started. It takes time to get bigger missions

As they kept speaking about ranks and all, the team zoned them out and were focused on Naruto's ramen flavor discussion.

Hokage : Ahem!😐😐

Kakashi : Sorry 😅

Hokage : Well since you guys insist on having a bigger mission,  I assign you to an escort mission.

Naruto : 😃🤩 So who are we escorting? A princess? A leader?? Who ? Who??

Hokage : You will be escorting the bridge builder Tazuna

Tazuna: So these snot nosed brats are going to protect me??😒😒

Naruto : Wh-what the hell? We are going to escort this guy? And what do you mean snot nosed? Huh? 😠 We all are qualified ninjas. We are genins

Tazuna : 😒🙄 So that short kid is supposed to protect me??

Naruto : Hey don't insult my friends and who are you talking about?

We check our heights. Me and Sasuke are of same height. Next is Sakura. And the shortest is ..... Naruto.

As soon as he realizes it's him that Tazuna was talking about, Naruto lounges forward to attack Tazuna but gets caught by Kakashi mid air.

Naruto : Leave me. I'm going to kill him😡😡

Kakashi: You can't kill the client Naruto😓. Also I will be there along with them so there is nothing to worry Tazuna-san.

Tazuna : Whatever,  those two boys atleast look reliable.

Everyone else : 😶

(Y/N // Aira ) : Excuse me but I'm a girl😅.

Everyone else : * slow nod*

Tazuna : * blinks * *blinks*😐 You look like a guy. Whatever you look reliable unlike this brat *pointing towards Naruto*

Yet again Naruto struggles in Kakashi's hand.

Kakashi: Well then, everyone get ready and meet me at the front gate in an hour.

Hokage : Wait!


Hokage : (Y/N\\Aira) will join you guys later. You all start the mission without her.

Kakashi: Okay.

Naruto : Why🤔

Sasuke and Sakura : 🤨🤨

Hokage: She will be doing a small mission and then join you.


Naruto: How come she gets a separate mission? What type of mission? Huh? Huh?

Kakashi: Hokage-sama is it necessary for it to be done by her? What type of mission is it by the way?

Sasuke : *thinking* Hokage trusts her enough to be giving her a solo mission


Sakura : *thinking *  Wow she is so cool. She is getting a solo mission. As expected of (Y/N\\Aira).  😍😍

(Y/N // Aira ) : Its okay you guys. I will complete the mission and follow you guys.

Everyone looking at Hokage expectantly: *blink*

Hokage : Its not a big mission. Just some investigation. You guys carry on.

Kakashi : * Not happy with the answer * Okay *looking at (Y/N\\Aira)* Be careful.

(Y/N // Aira ) : Don't worry 😄

Kakashi: Let's go everyone. She will follow us after she is done with her mission

Sakura : Be careful Aira-kun. Also all the best. I will be waiting for you 🥰

(Y/N // Aira ) : Thanks Sakura. Don't worry I will follow you guys as soon as I'm done with my mission

Soon Team 7 excluding me leaves with Tazuna.

(Y/N // Aira ) : So what is my mission? Also change the Tazuna mission rank to A

Hokage : A??  Don't you think we should call them back if it's that serious

(Y/N // Aira ) : Don't worry about that. Plus this mission is necessary for the team

Hokage : If that's what you think. Also the village nearby has been attacked and it was by a single person. Do you know anything about this?

(Y/N // Aira ) : There wasn't any mention about this in my world. Perhaps it is a result of me being here. Do you want me to check that place?

Hokage : If you also don't know about that, it could be dangerous. You will be going with Anbu members

Two Anbu members appear out of nowhere. You recognize their chakra. They are the ones who have been keeping an eye on you since you have entered the village.

Hokage : Pls check out the village and report to me. After that you can join them.

(Y/N // Aira ) : Very well. I will go now itself.

Hokage : Good. Now disperse.

While team 7 gets ready and goes to Land of Waves . You and the Anbu go to checkout the village.

The village was completely damaged. There was blood everywhere. Not a single soul alive.



The yin siblings were here. Though their trail is faint, we are sure it was them.

So you think they destroyed this village??

Not them exactly. It's possible that the human they brought here did this damage.

What? The human they brought?

Yes child.  Even when you use powers which are from us you will be leaving such trail too

What? That means ppl can tell about you two

Not everyone child. Only they can. As long as they are with their human, their human will leave such trail and so will you. The only ones who can sense such trails are them and us.

Omg. So how do I report this to Hokage?

Just tell the truth child. There is nothing to hide.

I see. Lets head back and report this to Hokage. After that I can go to the others.

Very well child. Shall there be need we will help you.

Thanks. Lets go now.

After that I call the Anbu back from whatever investigation they were doing and inform them that I have enough information to give to Hokage so we should head back. They looked hesitant as they don't find anything in my hands, but their mission was to only aid me, so they agree to fall back. We reach the tower. I explain it to Hokage. Who gets lost in deep thought probably thinking about how many more things will be going wrong. He says that its a valuable information and that we will discuss further after Kakashi comes back and asks me to go and join the rest of the team 7. I go and get everything ready. As I'm leaving there is only one thought in my head

Gotta save Zabuza and Haku.

Meanwhile at the destroyed village

??? : So you are here too (Y/N). I hope we never meet.

Back to you

I use summoning jutsu to summon a large bird. I ask him to drop me off at Land of Waves. The cute bird happily agrees. I fly at a great speed towards my

destination. I soon spot the land of waves. After a few minutes I find team 7.

Looks like the fight is over

I jump down from birdie while saluting it with two fingers. It gives a small smile before flying far away. As soon as I land everyone is shocked. They are happy to see me and also excited to share their victory which was not the case as you knew. Kakashi tries to step towards you before collapsing. You swiftly catch him before he hits the ground and princess carry him.

Tazuna : Let's go to my place. You guys were in danger because of me. This is the least I can do. You guys go to his house and settle Kakashi into a futon.

Tazuna apologizes to you first, saying it was his fault that your father is in this shape now and how brave he was.

Looks like they spoke about me when I wasn't there. Not like it's a big deal.

Naruto then explains how they defeated Zabuza and how cool they were , how he planned an attack to help Kakashi. You knew once Kakashi wakes up you have to tell them that they haven't exactly defeated Zabuza. But until then they need to rest. Everyone eats dinner and takes rest. You stay with Kakashi thinking if you could have come earlier you would have been of help, but then again fhe original team 7 had to this to gain some confidence and to understand the meaning behind missions. You drift to sleep as you kept thinking about the future and how to save Zabuza and Haku.