
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

The Destruction Of A Planet

After that bloody battle Tristan dragged his unconscious comrades to a clear and clean area the system then began to put Tristan through the harshest of training.

He trained his body for hours on end and after that he gathered the turbid essence of [Heaven and Earth] after gathering the turbid essence in his body he then went on to cultivate the will power method the system had given him. He also practiced chi cultivation, but the system had told him never to break through the ninth layer of chi for he had to finished strengthening all methods he was practicing to its limits.

After grewsome training life and death battles where next. Without notice or warning 3 months had passed Tristan who was taking a rest took out one of the thick and heavy book he had bought, it had four words written on it

[Eternal Immortal Sword Art]


[After mastering this sword art/style one can slay immortals and demonic gods with a single strike and ones sword aura or will would last for eternity, and if one attain even grater heights in the future they could split even Eternity itself into two causing a tumultuous waves in the river of time.]

Seeing the description of the sword art Tristan grew curious and opened the book but instead of pages he saw a lifelike picture of the starry heavens, but under the the pitch black sky a man stood his eyes seems to be piercing the void but Tristan soon became astonished

But what astonished Tristan was that the image began to move and soon enough he felt like he had enter the world where the sword wielding man stood.

''Boy so you've come here to learn my sword art, let me show you'', but as Tristan was about to answer the man moved and said ''when wielding a sword you will focus on how fast you could slash out and how much force you put into the weapon.''

As he said that he slashed out quickly causing the air around him to vibrate vigorously Tristan's expression turned pale when he saw this seen, the sword wielder spoke at this moment ''but instead of going faster you go slower and add enough force to split time.''

Tristan asked in a slightly trembling voice ''how does one going slower affect the flow of time?''

The man smiled and said ''let me demonstrate.''

Tristan did not know when but the man hands had already reached over his sword grasped tightly in his hands ''Now when slashing out you go [Slower and add force]''

The man hands began to move down wards but it moved so slow that one could cook a pot of rice 3times and still have more time but the man then shouted

''[Slower And Add More Force]''

At this moment he seemed to have been frozen in time Tristan however stared with a grave expression on his face he could feel the sensation of being sliced into two, the man the shouted out but his voice was like static.


After saying that a faint mark was made in the air but strangely enough the sword began to move dragging the mark into a line but just as the sword slash was about to be completed the scene fore and a system notification rang out.

''Warning warning if the host continues to watch their will be a 99% chance of death''. ''do you still want to watch?''. But a if in a trance he replied with ''yes'', the scene that had stopped began to move but the man had a weird smile on his face.


Time and space severed immortal gods annihilated the stars broken and now profound but instead of being killed a weird yet cool sensation began to flow into his soul room then throughout his entire body.

The man who finished the sword art had a soft smile on his face he then said

''That witch flows in the body and soul is the eternal essence you can now reach unimaginable heights, now go on young one and imprint your name into the ages''. [May you tranced the confines of time and space.]

Tristan didn't know why but he repeated the phrase ''[May you transcend the confines of time and space]'' he then bowed then left.

The book closed as if not to let him see the mysteries within Tristan however was excited he had gotten the eternal essence and now he could advance his turbid essence technique to even grater heights

He sat cross-legged and began to refine the turbid essence in his body soon enough he began to glow with a murky light but it soon turned into a ethereal and transparent light. This here was the last method of the turbid essence technique witch was to refine the essence and body making them one creating a pure transcendent essence body.

But now that he had the eternal essence technique he could make his body type become a eternal essence transcendent body and with this body type he could absorb the essence of the sun and moon before becoming a type 1 being.

A/N definitely didn't make that up.

Time flowed onward like a river making its way down a mountain and in no time 6 months had passed Tristan had reached the night layer of chi long ago but managed to to temper it to the point of near indestructability, he had also reached the pinnacle of will power unable to move unward and his essence body was at its limits with energy, he also practiced the two stances of the eternal immortal sword art to near perfection.

But at this moment the world rumbled and shook as if on the brink of collapse Tristan head raised to the sky as he did so he saw the demonic god And god hero in an intense clash he roared out

''You fcking idiots''

But his words reached no one all of a sudden his pupils contracted and he shouted ''shit its gonna blow!''


-planet will collapse in 3 2 1


It all happened in an instant the worlds core collapsed in on itself then caboie, continent size fragments flew out into the void of space ,Tristan however was rapped into a thick membrane of energy his head then peaked from the fragment he was on.

The blood drained from his face as he said with fear ''wha, what the hell is this its all in fragments'' seeing the destruction of a planet first hand was a shocker to any unless your a dragon ball fan but to normal people it was down right a horrifying sight to look at he then asked fearfully ''system where the brat and the others?''

The system replied ''i sent them back well have to go at this solo''

Hearing that he sighed but he did not know that a seed was planted in his heart and that seed would soon spout into a heaven towering tree.