
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

Killing the Bastards


Host has gone into [Rampaging state] all stats will be temporarily increased by [5]

[Attack speed] (5x) [Attack Damage] (5x)

[Movement Speed] (5x) [Defense] (5x)

Tristan's eyes glowed red as his body dashed forward, boom! the earth cracked apart with each step the others dashed out as well

Tristan's mouth dropped open as he roared, the roar filled with rage and killing intent shocked the sky and the earth, boom! lightning struck about as if the heavens were enraged at the atrocities it witness


Host has gained effect boost [Heavens Rage], all attacks will be imbued with the lightning element, and natural speed will be increased

His body flashed as he reached in front of the disgusting sight, Tristan then activated [Deep Meditation] he wanted to keep a clear head when he ripped part these bastards his hand then slapped over,


a deafening sound similar to thunder rang out and the bodies of the tribes men that were eating the woman broke into chunky bits of flesh and blood,

lightning crackled about turning the chunks of flesh and blood into a pile of ash and charcoal one of the bulky men who had aided in the killing rushed over with anger on his face

his axe slammed down as it grew in size, Tristan snared as he met the axe blade head on

dang dang

The two exchanged two moves before Tristan ripped his head of his body Tristan threw it onto the ground stepping on it with force,


brain matter flew everywhere as electrical radiance crackled about, Tristan's expression of rage dyed down a bit but that was only a bit, Trever soon rushed over

Ora terrifying as thick killing intent rushed over like waves, the others then came joining in the slaughter, Adeline opened her mouth and a huge vortex shot out, she didn't stop their she shot out another one

a pitch black tornado to be formed as it crackled with lightning and thunder as it borrowed the power of the sky an elderly looking man rushed out as he clashed head on with the vitality devouring tornado Hong long long

The ground cracked apart as the elders body shriveled slightly making him look like a dried up corpse his body was then flung out wards crashing heavily on the ground,

Trevor's killing wave converged turning into a sword he rushed to one side slashing and poking at the now scared and enraged tribes men

The ground, people and buildings were split apart with each slash leaving dust and mangled flesh hanging about the mic holding demon came in as well,

she sang in a shrill manner making the cannibals who heard it to freeze in place while they bled from there ears and nose, the rest of the group went into the buildings,

they then saw a sight that they would never forget for the rest of their miserable lives, internal organs were strewn about like decoration in the room, little children were playing about in the maggot infested room

The children either had huge wounds on their bodies were maggots were deeply festering


These roars shook the sky and earth as these remaining few went on rampage, killing everything in site, they couldn't do anything to help the children for the maggots had went deep one of them roared out,

'' find that fucking old man!! ''

Tristan stared at what was inside the old huts his eyes widened for he was shocked beyond his imagination, these fuckers don't deserve to live at all but to die,


lightning descended along with Tristan cry full of rage and killing intent

boom boom boom

'' Ahh shit he's gone berserk ''

Tristan's eyes now had a electrical radiance flickering about but he wasn't the only one the big black burly man roared out as his body towered 15 meters in the air he then slammed his hands into the ground


The ground ruptured as the few remaining tribes men around him were turned into blood mist the tiny huts were blown away turning into wooden fragments by the terrifying winds, as the two idiots went berserk,

some searched around for the cold looking elderly man, '' huh you trying to run not in this lifetime you old thing ''

A flickering image of a large hand stretched out the elder looked at this hand with fair in his eyes he then placed the baby in front him as if blocking an attak

'' This fucking, disgusting, worthless, ugly and shitty old man dears to sacrifice the child, ''

The hand paused as the look on the elders face became disgusting to look at, for he was gloating like he had won a shadowy figure darted over

The next thing the old man saw was the back of his body, huh, what's going on he then saw the rest of his body dissected like slabs of meat he tried to scream but no words came out of his mouth big ugly mouth the perpetrator behind this was Trevor as held the baby in one of his arms

while the two idiots were destroying everything the rest of the group went to the mountain that was next to them to were the barbarians were caged

Lightning flashed about while terrifying winds howled, the two attacked madly Tristan who had by now lost consciousness was using heavens rage madly not knowing what he was doing,

-host has fallen into a state of unconscious meditation, host will stay in a unconscious state for about two days

-heavens rage deactivating

-Rampaging State deactivating

Where am I Tristan looked around but saw nothing but darkness and a thick fog covering his surroundings it was dead quiet no sound neither were his thoughts speaking about like they used to