
What You Want

Lin Jianye remained unmoved, waving his hand dismissively as if shooing away a fly, and said, "Get lost. Go to the finance department and sort out your wages. I don't want to see you at Qingyuan anymore."

The head security guard's face turned pale as he slinked away.

"Oh, isn't this the young master Dongfang? What's going on?" Lin Jianye looked surprised as he glanced at Dongfang Hong and his entourage, including Lan Linlin, who was now hiding behind Ye Haoxuan. Lin Jianye immediately understood the situation.

"Is this your friend? Lin, you're really going downhill. You even associate with such country bumpkins?" Dongfang Hong said coldly.

"I don't give a damn about who my friends are. What's it to you, Dongfang pretty boy? I've warned you before. Having fun is fine, but the staff here are not for sale. If you want to have fun, go to the third floor. If you want to cause trouble here, I won't let you off," Lin Jianye retorted.

Lin Jianye and Dongfang Hong had never gotten along. Initially, Dongfang Hong had no interest in Lin Jianye's scene, but today he came for the rough stone and the auction.

"Your friend hit my men. Don't you owe me an explanation?" Dongfang Hong said with a dark expression.

Ye Haoxuan said coldly, "Dongfang Hong, huh? I feel like I went easy on you just now."

"Who do you think you are? You're quite arrogant," Dongfang Hong angrily retorted.

On the side, Zhou Ming said, "Dongfang Hong, this is my brother. What do you want?"

Dongfang Hong was taken aback, only then realizing that Zhou Ming was also present. The two young masters in front of him had similar backgrounds to his, so he reluctantly suppressed his anger for now.

"Alright, kid. I won't spar with you today. Just you wait," Dongfang Hong said, gesturing for his lackeys to leave with him.

"Is everything okay?" Zhou Ming asked.

Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

"Let's go back," Lin Jianye suggested.

Meanwhile, Lan Linlin behind Ye Haoxuan felt dizzy and nearly collapsed with a soft gasp.

"What's wrong?" Ye Haoxuan quickly supported her trembling body.

"Ye Haoxuan, I..." Lan Linlin felt unbearably hot all over and wished she could tear off her clothes.

Ye Haoxuan suddenly remembered that Dongfang Hong had forcibly drugged Lan Linlin with the wine earlier.

He quickly checked Lan Linlin's pulse, his expression tightening. Then he turned to Lin Jianye with a wry smile and said, "Can you arrange a room for me?"

"No problem," Lin Jianye and Zhou Ming smirked lewdly, understanding exactly what Ye Haoxuan intended to do.

Shortly after, the room was arranged, and Ye Haoxuan helped Lan Linlin into the room, placing her on the bed.

At this moment, Lan Linlin felt a surge of discomfort within her body, her gaze becoming unfocused as she tugged at her clothes, murmuring, "Hot... I'm so hot... Ye Haoxuan, I'm burning up..."

Currently, Lan Linlin was dressed in a crimson qipao due to work requirements, typical of the revealing attire in places like Rustic Jiangnan.

The scanty clothing couldn't withstand Lan Linlin's pulling, revealing large patches of skin, catching Ye Haoxuan's eye.

Despite Ye Haoxuan's exceptional composure since inheriting medical skills, he couldn't help but swallow hard.

He immediately slapped himself and said, "You're a doctor, how can you behave like this?"

He then took Lan Linlin's pulse, his expression sinking as Lan Linlin's pulse raced, likely due to something potent that Dongfang Hong had slipped into her drink.

Suddenly, Lan Linlin flipped over and pinned Ye Haoxuan beneath her, murmuring as she kissed him passionately, wrapping him tightly like an octopus.

Ye Haoxuan felt Lan Linlin's body burning with heat, even though he usually had great self-control, he found himself parched.

"Lan Linlin, wake up, you can't do this."

Seeing Lan Linlin's bewildered eyes, Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but curse himself silently as a beast. As a doctor, he shouldn't behave like this. He quickly pushed Lan Linlin away and laid her flat on the bed, gently pressing a specific acupoint on her body.

Lan Linlin's eyes regained a hint of clarity, and she began to regain consciousness.

She writhed in discomfort on the bed, pleading, "Ye Haoxuan, help me, I'm in so much pain, please help me."

Ye Haoxuan said, "Lan Linlin, you have to hold on, I'll help you treat this, you'll feel better soon."

Lan Linlin desperately shook her head and said, "No, I don't want you to treat me, I want you... Ye Haoxuan, I've liked you since high school..."

Ye Haoxuan was taken aback, with a bitter smile. He had been classmates with Lan Linlin for three years in high school, and they had some contact when they attended Qingyuan School together. But their communication gradually diminished after he got a girlfriend.

He shook his head and simply pressed an acupoint on Lan Linlin's neck, causing her to fall into a deep sleep, finally quieting down.

He sighed and said, "Lan Linlin, I can't treat you like this. I'll have to inconvenience you for a while. Besides, am I the kind of person who takes advantage of others' vulnerability?"

He took out a needle bag and then pierced several acupoints on Lan Linlin's head...

After a flurry of activity, everything was finally settled.

Just then, Zhou Ming's call came in, informing Ye Haoxuan that the auction was about to start and asking him to meet them at the auction center on the sixth floor.

Hanging up the phone, Ye Haoxuan went straight to the sixth floor, only to find that the auction hadn't started yet. Zhou Ming and Lin Jianye had already instructed the security guards, who led Lin Jianye towards a private box.

Inside the box, there were already a few people seated, including Lin Jianye, Zhou Ming, and Dongfang Hong.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan enter, Dongfang Hong's expression immediately darkened, and he let out a cold snort. If it weren't for the importance of today's occasion, he might have already confronted Ye Haoxuan.

Apart from them, there was a venerable old man with snowy white hair, which caught Ye Haoxuan's attention. He seemed familiar, as if Ye Haoxuan had seen him on the antique appraisal program on CCTV. Could it be that these old men were here to appraise items for the auction?

Ye Haoxuan smiled and nodded at everyone before sitting down next to Zhou Ming. At that moment, Lin Jianye was holding a scroll he had purchased from Ye Haoxuan, consulting with one of the old men.

The old man's surname was Wang, and everyone called him Old Wang.

As Old Wang examined the painting, he nodded in approval, saying, "This painting is from Gu Kaizhi's later years, truly a treasure. It's rare indeed. You shouldn't auction it off; just sell it to me instead."

Lin Jianye chuckled, "Old Wang, I hadn't planned on selling this painting. It's for my personal collection."

Old Wang paused for a moment, then laughed and scolded, "You're deliberately teasing an old man like me."

The other people also brought out their antiques for Old Wang to appraise, and he provided answers one by one.