
"Short-sighted appraisal master."

The old man's expertise in antiques is truly profound. His analyses are spot-on, and with just a few words, he can dispel the doubts of those present.

At this moment, Dongfang Hong also took out a Song Ru kiln vase and mentioned that it had been authenticated by Master Shen Yunzhou as a counterfeit. However, he didn't understand how it was determined, and hoped Old Wang could clarify his confusion.

Old Wang chuckled, "Master Shen is no less adept at spreading rumors in this regard than I am. Since he says it's a counterfeit, there's no mistake."

"Shen Yunzhou?" Ye Haoxuan's mind stirred, recalling the middle-aged man from the antique street.

Dongfang Hong pointed out a flaw on the vase and said, "Master Shen only spotted this one sign of forgery. Please, Old Wang, see if there are any other discrepancies."

Old Wang nodded, took the vase, and carefully examined it. He said, "This ceramic imitates the craftsmanship of the Song Dynasty, it's a high-quality imitation vase, and the flaw you pointed out is the only one. Without this flaw, it would be indistinguishable."

Old Wang continued, "This vase is an imitation, with fine craftsmanship but no real collectible value. It serves as a good lesson for future generations."

Dongfang Hong nodded and said, "I bought this vase for 300,000 yuan from an antique market. I thought my eye wouldn't be wrong, but it seems there's always room to learn. Hehe... consider it a lesson."

With that, Dongfang Hong lifted the vase high, intending to drop it to the ground.

In fact, these people don't care about money at all. Spending 300,000 yuan just to hear a sound brings them joy.

At this moment, Ye Haoxuan suddenly said, "Wait a moment, can I take a look at this vase?"

Dongfang Hong was taken aback. He sneered, "What, are you interested too? A poor man like you, pretending to appreciate antiques here?"

Old Wang smiled and said, "Antiques are about art, regardless of wealth."

Everyone present was of high status. If Dongfang Hong were to embarrass Ye Haoxuan now, it would make him seem petty. So, he said, "Old Wang is right."

Ye Haoxuan took the vase and examined it closely, but couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Ye Haoxuan, with his inheritance of arcane arts, can see things that normal people can't. Ever since his last acquisition of a painting, he knew that every antique possessed a soul. Whether modern or ancient, as long as it was a work of art, he could discern its essence.

After a thorough examination, Ye Haoxuan still couldn't determine the truth about the vase. He said, "Can I buy it?"

Dongfang Hong sneered, "If you like it, I'll give it to you. It's just a fake, not worth much money. Besides, can you afford it?"

He had already checked Ye Haoxuan's background and knew he was just a penniless nobody.

Ye Haoxuan said, "This was purchased with your money. Please give me a price. Otherwise, I'll feel guilty."

Upon hearing Ye Haoxuan mention that he had bought it, Dongfang Hong frowned slightly, feeling a bit annoyed. Although 300,000 yuan was nothing to him, it reflected poorly on his judgment. He sneered, "Since it was bought for 300,000 yuan, you can have it for 300,000 yuan."

He thought Ye Haoxuan couldn't possibly come up with 300,000 yuan. To his surprise, Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "Okay, I'll transfer the money."

Dongfang Hong was stunned, then gave out his account details.

Ye Haoxuan borrowed a laptop and transferred the money.

Dongfang Hong sneered again, "A country bumpkin is still a country bumpkin. Treating a fake like a treasure. 300,000 yuan, enough to make a living for half a lifetime."

Ye Haoxuan frowned but didn't reply.

Zhou Ming knew that Ye Haoxuan's family conditions were not good. If it weren't for the previous sale of an antique painting for one million yuan, he wouldn't have been able to come up with so much money. He asked softly, "Xiao Hao, is there something special about this vase?"

Ye Haoxuan nodded slowly and said, "I just feel that something's not right, but I can't pinpoint it. It should be a good item."

This statement displeased Old Wang, who had certified this antique, along with Master Shen Yunzhou, as a high-quality fake. Yet Ye Haoxuan dared to call it a good item, wasn't this a slap in the face?

He spoke somewhat displeasedly, "Does this young friend have any insights? Why not share them with us?"

Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "I just feel that something's off, but I can't figure out what it is. I apologize if I've offended Old Wang."

Old Wang snorted and said, "Young people nowadays lack ambition. They aim too high without a solid foundation. They need to be more down-to-earth."

Ye Haoxuan frowned, somewhat displeased with the old man's attitude. Did expressing his opinion offend him?

Ye Haoxuan flipped the vase over and unexpectedly found a tiny thread-like substance at the bottom. His heart stirred, and he immediately understood.

"What, have you found something?" Lin Jianye asked immediately, seeing Ye Haoxuan's change in expression.

Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "I've figured out what's wrong. Do you have a blade?"

Lin Jianye quickly fetched a thin blade, and Ye Haoxuan, holding the blade, gently drew a thin line on the vase from top to bottom.

His movements were slow and delicate. After finishing, he carefully lifted the edge of the blade at the starting point of the line. Then, he set the blade aside and gently peeled off a thin, membranous substance from the vase.

The vase revealed its colors of blue and white, showcasing the intricacies of the Qinghua porcelain. Ye Haoxuan continued to peel upwards, and after a moment, he removed a thin layer of painted stencil from the surface of the vase.

Everyone present was astonished. Clearly, the vase had been cleverly coated with a thin film, concealing its original appearance. This technique was so skillful that it had even deceived two masters.

Ye Haoxuan gently turned the vase over, revealing a signature on the body. The characters were curvy and written in a script that read "Works of Wang Bu."

"May I have a look?" Old Wang's expression changed dramatically, and his voice sounded somewhat unnatural.

Ye Haoxuan nodded and handed the vase over.

Old Wang examined it repeatedly, then exclaimed, "This... this is the work of Wang Bu."

"Wang Bu?" Everyone present, except for Zhou Ming and Ye Haoxuan, who were unfamiliar with antiques, was shocked.

Wang Bu was a modern master of ceramics known for his innovative compositions, clear layers, rich colors, vigorous brushwork, and lively artistic conception. His compositions often eliminated all unnecessary backgrounds, resulting in highly concise yet decorative images. His pioneering technique in Qinghua painting boldly applied ink splashing methods from traditional Chinese painting to blue-and-white porcelain painting.