
"I don't treat"

Behind them, a honking of cars echoed, and Feng Zhiyuan and Su Zhi hurriedly approached.

"Little brother, please stop." Seeing the situation of his four subordinates, Feng Zhiyuan knew something was wrong. He quickly walked over to Ye Haoxuan.

"Feng, is there something else?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

Feng Zhiyuan's four bodyguards were skilled, but they lost their combat ability at a glance. Feng Zhiyuan knew he had encountered an expert and lowered his posture, saying, "My four subordinates were impulsive. Please forgive them, little brother."

Ye Haoxuan said, "No problem. I'm just a poor student. What can I do for you, Feng?"

Feng Zhiyuan sighed, "I underestimated the situation earlier. Little brother, my son's condition has changed. Please help us."

Recalling the events and annoyed by Su Zhi's words, Ye Haoxuan said, "I'm just a poor intern. I can't cure any illnesses, especially for a wealthy young master like yours. If something goes wrong, I can't afford the consequences."

This statement was what Su Zhi had said earlier, and Ye Haoxuan repeated it verbatim.

Su Zhi's expression changed, and she shouted, "What do you mean? We came to you for help, and in Qingyuan, as long as we appear, many doctors are willing to serve us."

Ye Haoxuan sneered, "Is that so? Then find someone else to serve you. I'm not interested."

"You just want money, right? I have plenty of money. As long as you cure my son, money is not a problem," Su Zhi pleaded.

Angered by Su Zhi's words, contradicting the benevolent nature of medicine, Ye Haoxuan coldly said, "If you believe money can buy back your son's life, then burn it as an offering to the King of Hell."

"What's your attitude? Where is your school leader? I'll make you leave immediately."

"Shut up." Even Feng Zhiyuan couldn't tolerate Su Zhi's words.

Suddenly, Su Zhi's phone rang. After a few words, her expression changed dramatically. She hung up and burst into tears.

"What happened?" Feng Zhiyuan tightened his expression.

"The hospital called. Wenxuan's condition is critical... we need to prepare. What should we do? He's our only son, sob..." Su Zhi, no longer arrogant, cried while holding onto Feng Zhiyuan.

Feng Zhiyuan was shocked. If the hospital dared to say that, his son must be in critical condition. Trembling, he grabbed Ye Haoxuan's shoulders and said, "Little brother, I beg you, please save my son."

Remembering the recent events and Su Zhi's arrogant attitude, Ye Haoxuan felt a surge of anger. He coldly pushed away Feng Zhiyuan and walked towards the school.

Feng Zhiyuan and his wife were dumbfounded. With their son in critical condition and Su Zhi offending Ye Haoxuan, their usual method of using money seemed ineffective.

"How much money do you need to save my son?" Su Zhi's face turned pale.

"You keep your money. I won't accept it," Ye Haoxuan replied coldly and walked away without looking back.

Seeing Ye Haoxuan leave without a word, the couple's hearts sank.

Su Zhi rushed forward, fell to the ground, and clung to Ye Haoxuan's legs, crying, "Little brother, I know I was wrong. Please, save my son. I'm sorry... forgive me, save my son."

Su Zhi, usually arrogant, now seemed to have a different understanding of the situation. Ye Haoxuan frowned but softened a bit.

Fine, in the spirit of compassion, Ye Haoxuan turned around and said, "Come, let's go back to the hospital."

After administering a needle to Feng Yuanbo, his condition stabilized. Ye Haoxuan sighed in relief, "Don't remove the silver needle for now. Wait until the situation stabilizes in three days. If there's an error, no one can save him."

The attending doctor nodded.

Knowing their son was safe, Feng Zhiyuan and his wife finally relaxed. Su Zhi, in contrast to her usual arrogance, thanked Ye Haoxuan continuously.

Feng Zhiyuan took out a check and said, "Thank you, Dr. Ye. This is the consultation fee. Please accept it."

Ye Haoxuan didn't even glance at the check and said, "This is a doctor's duty and not a big deal. Besides, I'm not officially a doctor. Let's forget the fee."

Saying this, Ye Haoxuan turned to leave.

Feng Zhiyuan was stunned but quickly took out a gold-plated name card and a card.

"Little brother, this is my company's Supreme Card. With this card, you can enjoy free services at any of my company's locations. Please accept it."

Ye Haoxuan hesitated for a moment before accepting the name card and the card. Let's consider it the first consultation fee.

What Ye Haoxuan didn't know was that Feng Zhiyuan's business covered almost the entire Qingyuan. His industries ranged from catering, clothing, to entertainment and shopping. With this card, living in Qingyuan practically cost nothing, much more valuable than the check.

This Supreme Card from Changtian Company was rare in Qingyuan, and Feng Zhiyuan only distributed a few. He thought that having a skilled doctor around, especially with his son's condition, wouldn't hurt.

At this moment, the hospital's director, Huang, approached with a smile. "Little Ye, I didn't expect our hospital to hide such a great doctor. Starting today, after your internship ends, I'll talk to the school on your behalf. You can become a chief physician in our hospital..."

Seeing Huang, who changed his tune quickly, Ye Haoxuan felt a sense of repulsion. He calmly said, "Thank you, Director Huang, but I'm not the kind of person who follows rules. I can't handle such a big responsibility. Please find someone more suitable."

After saying this, Ye Haoxuan walked away.

"He... What's his attitude?" Director Liu asked Huang provocatively.

Huang glanced at Director Liu coldly, full of anger. It was this person who almost caused a tragedy.

He said indifferently, "Director Liu, you're not young anymore. The pressure in the hospital is too great. Consider letting someone share your workload."

Director Liu realized the situation was not good.

Indeed, Huang continued, "The logistics department has a light workload. You can go there."

"Director, you can't do this... I know I was wrong. Please..."

Before Director Liu could finish, Huang had already turned and left.

Director Liu felt helpless.

After a night of turmoil, Ye Haoxuan felt exhausted. He returned to the school dormitory and fell asleep immediately.

He woke up at 5 AM, freshened up, and came to the school's playground.

Ye Haoxuan had a habit of morning exercises, but with the summer vacation, most students were not on campus.