
Unreasonable Family Members

He was somewhat angry: "The money you donated is just charity machinery, let's be honest, it's all for reputation, and all this money is used for medical treatment. We doctors rely on medical skills and compassion to make a living, not on you pseudo-entrepreneurs."

Mr. Hua became angrier as he thought about it, he shouted, "For the young master's illness, it's better to seek help elsewhere. I can't treat him."

With that, he turned and left.

"Hua Lao... Hua Lao..." Feng Zhiyuan saw Hua Lao leaving and couldn't help but glare angrily at Su Zhi.

Meanwhile, Director Liu approached, also taking a look at the injuries, and with a flattering smile said, "Young Master Feng is already out of danger, please rest assured."

Feng Zhiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then, we'll trouble Director Liu with the young master."

Director Liu, flattered, said, "Mr. Feng is too polite, it's my duty. Mr. Feng and Madam Feng can rest first, I will transfer the young master to the VIP room."

Feng Zhiyuan nodded and walked out of the ward with Su Zhi.

Director Liu, turning around, saw more than a dozen silver needles on the patient's body and couldn't help but frown, "What is this? Acupuncture? Remove them."

Li Qiang hesitated, saying, "But Ye Haoxuan said the silver needles shouldn't be removed temporarily."

"Is Ye Haoxuan the director or am I?" Director Liu became somewhat displeased.

Li Qiang became angry, but Director Liu had significant influence in the hospital, so he didn't dare to argue back. He gritted his teeth and removed the silver needles, then left.

Director Liu snorted coldly, but inwardly he was delighted. The young master Feng seemed to be fine, and such a good opportunity to please Mr. Feng fell into his lap.

But before he could even smile, he heard a piercing alarm coming from the patient's bed.

Director Liu was shocked and quickly turned to look. He felt his scalp tingling as he saw the sudden changes in the data on the instrument. The heartbeat accelerated, the blood pressure soared, and the patient's breathing became wheezy, with blood coming from his mouth.

"Quick, go get Hua Lao..." Director Liu was terrified.

Hua Lao, who hadn't gone far, was persuaded back by the director's pleading.

Chaos ensued again in the operating room.

Hua Lao looked at the patient and exclaimed, "Where are the silver needles on his body?"

Director Liu, terrified, stuttered, "Removed... removed..."

"Nonsense! The patient's condition is unstable, his life depends on the silver needles. Why did you remove them?" Hua Lao scolded.

"It wasn't me who removed them," Director Liu said nervously.

Li Qiang, seeing Director Liu trying to scapegoat him, hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Mr. Feng, it was Director Liu who ordered me to remove them..."

Feng Zhiyuan was almost murderous. He glared at Director Liu fiercely, wishing he could skin him alive.

"Then... can they be reinserted?" Director Liu asked anxiously.

Hua Lao shook his head, "No, acupuncture is far more complex than it appears. The depth, resilience, and even the airway of the needles should vary according to the urgency of the condition. Reinserting them rashly will only worsen the situation."

"You idiot, if anything happens to my son, I'll kill you..." Su Zhi, upon hearing the bad news, rushed towards Director Liu without caring about her image, tearing and biting at him.

Director Liu screamed in pain, with bloody wounds appearing on his face and hands.

Fortunately, Feng Zhiyuan was composed. Although he was deeply distressed about his son, he still maintained the demeanor of an elder. He instructed his bodyguards to pull Su Zhi away.

He pleaded with Hua Lao, "Hua Lao, please think of a solution, he's my only son."

Hua Lao picked up the silver needles. Seeing how fine and flexible they were, he couldn't understand how Ye Haoxuan managed to insert such soft needles into the human body.

He sighed, "Forgive me for my inability. Go find that intern who was here earlier, maybe he has a solution."

Feng Zhiyuan's expression darkened, but for the sake of his son, he nodded.

"We must hurry, the young master may not hold on much longer," Hua Lao said before leaving.

Feng Zhiyuan gave Director Liu a cold glance and then left.

Director Liu felt hopeless and quickly approached, "Mr. Feng, that intern is called Ye Haoxuan, a student at Qingyuan Medical University. He probably doesn't know anyone here and has likely returned to school by now."

Feng Zhiyuan stopped and gave Director Liu a cold look, saying in a deep voice, "If anything happens to my son because of this, Director Liu, you better retire."

Director Liu's legs gave way, and he sat on the ground.

After returning to the dormitory and packing a simple luggage, Ye Haoxuan left the hospital dormitory.

He caught the last bus back to school and went straight back.

As soon as he got off the bus and walked to the school gate, he heard the roaring sound of engines coming from behind.

A black Buick suddenly stopped in front of Ye Haoxuan, and several fierce-looking men got out of the car.

Ye Haoxuan recognized these people. They were the bodyguards of Mr. Feng who had just been here.

The leader of the bodyguards blocked Ye Haoxuan's way and said coldly, "Young Master Feng's condition has changed. Mr. Feng wants you to come back."

These bodyguards had cold expressions and rude attitudes, immediately igniting anger in Ye Haoxuan's heart.

He pushed away the hand blocking his path and said coldly, "I'm just a small intern doctor. I can't handle Young Master Feng's illness. You'd better find someone else."

The bodyguard shouted, "Mrs. Feng ordered us to bring you back even if we have to tie you up. Please come with us to avoid physical suffering."

Ye Haoxuan was furious. Was this the attitude of asking for help?

He ignored the four bodyguards and walked towards the school gate.

The bodyguard frowned and reached out to twist Ye Haoxuan's hands.

These bodyguards were professional, some were retired soldiers, and their skills were extraordinary. If an ordinary person was twisted by them, they would immediately lose their ability to resist.

But was Ye Haoxuan an ordinary person? With a twist of his right hand, he countered the bodyguard's grasp on his wrist, and with a slight exhalation, he gently pushed back.

The bodyguard felt a tingling sensation in his hand, and his hands suddenly lost strength. Then, he felt a strong rebound force. He staggered back several steps and slammed into the car door with a bang.

The four bodyguards were shocked. It turned out that Ye Haoxuan was a hidden master. With a loud shout, they rushed towards Ye Haoxuan together.