
"What are you doing?"

The last bit of light from the evening sun was no longer visible. The night was already obscure. It added a further gloomy atmosphere to the already spooky decorated households. The dimmed lighting of street lights and Jack-O-Lanterns provided enough vision for the teens.

The teens were oblivious to the empty streets. It was Halloween, yet the street they were walking on was suddenly deserted. Other then Jess and her friends excitedly chatting away you could see no other Trick-or-treaters.

They prattled on unconcerned about the unlit houses, the only one is a dismay was Nico. After leaving the Chester's house he appeared agitated. He would constantly look over his shoulder searching for something.

Once more Nico turned his neck, whatever he saw made him pale instantly. Sawyer had noticed Nico's odd movements. He didn't think much of it because Nico usually gets scared of the simplest of things.

Rose and Jess were flushed in excitement talking about all the cool costumes they saw and how Nico's Vampire costume lowered their group average. They were completely ignorant about the unsettling atmosphere.

Nico animatedly pulled on the sleeve of Sawyer's Power Ranger costume. Sawyer seemingly confused by Nico's bizarre action raised an eyebrow. Nico lifted his lips and started to speak in a low voice. Hearing Nico speak, Jess and Rose stopped their conversation.

"I know this is gonna sound stupid but I'm not joking."

"Every time I would turn around I would see these little kids wearing pumpkin masks staring right as us. I thought I was just seeing things because they'd disappear, but at the next street I would get that eerie feeling again. So i'd look and there they were staring once again."

As he continued to speak he broke down and his last words sounded like a whimper. Because of how freaked out Nico was, Jess and Sawyer tried to look around to see if they could find what Nico was talking about.

For the next few minutes Rose was coaxing Nico down while Jess and Sawyer were looking around. They couldn't find anything remotely of what Nico was talking about. Thinking he was just freaking out because it was late, they suggest to go to Nico's place since it was the closest nearby

"Maybe they are just some little kids curious as to how we got so much candy and are just following us around."

"I'll not have my eye sight questioned by you Rose."

Nico sneered at Rose's suggestion. He seemed really infuriated that no would believe him. His eyes started to water, giving out a glossy shine. Nico looked so pitiful, making Jess feel guilt come over her. He looked really scared and instead of comforting him she questioned him. she slowly moved her hand to pat his hair. She hoped it would calm him down.

Crouched on the pavement, Nico began to weep. He looked miserable hugging himself. Sawyer, however, was annoyed at Nico's pathetic appearance. He didn't show any empathy to heart-rending cries.

"He may not be questioning your eyesight but I sure am. We don't have time for this. It's already late, nobody else is out."

Jess finally noticed that there really is no one outside. She hadn't been aware until Sawyer announced just now. But that didn't make sense, people would be out past two. It just wasn't reasonable. Jess began to look around in alarm.

While Jess was looking around. Sawyer and Nico began to argue. Rose would try to intervene but he couldn't stop the situation from escalating. When Nico began to shout Jess felt this burning intense stare. As they were arguing Jess felt this burning stare.

From the corner of her eye she witnessed what Nico was talking about. It really did looked like a little kid wearing a pumpkin mask. In disbelief, she began to tap on Sawyer's shoulder. Jess repeatedly called their names, but they were too absorbed in their argument. Even Rose wouldn't pay attention to her.

The little pumpkin masked kid lifted up his hand. It was a green hue and very sharp black nails. Slowly, it moved it's hand towards it's pumpkin mask. Jess watched in complete horror as the little kid lifted the mask.

It had the ugliest face Jess has ever seen. It was completely covered in wrinkles and oozing sores. Weird worm-like things would drop out from its skin when it tried to lift it's face muscles to smile.

It's yellow-green eyes shined like gems in the darkness and black pus slowly fell out of its grinning mouth.

Completely frightened, Jess pulled on the fur hoodie of Rose's Lion costume, nearly choking him. She was frantically panting desperately pulling on him. Rose finally recognized Jess's attempts. He look on with wide eyes at the ugly horrifying thing in front of her. In a shrill voice he screamed monster.

Hearing Rose's scream Sawyer and Nico turned around sharply. They were petrified as more terrifying kids with pumpkin masks began revealing themselves. Sawyer shouted for them to run to Nico's house.

Without hesitation Jess dashed to Nico's house. She could hear small footsteps following after her, but she was too scared to look back. She just wanted to be at Nico's home where her safety was guaranteed.

"Jess you are running to fast." Rose said in between deep breaths.

Under extreme stress, Jess's friendly perfect nature snapped. She began to think negatively about the others and how she shouldn't have hung out with them this year. In her chaotic mind this was their fault. If she had agreed to go with popular Janette, she wouldn't have to be running from the terrifying things behind her.

"Nico how far are we?" Sawyer asked for confirmation.

Nico replied one more stop sign and they would arrive. In relief Jess began to pick up her pace. Suddenly you could hear a clear ouch amidst the heavy panting. Rose had tripped and fallen on the pavement.

Jess in frustration began pulling on him hard so he'd get up. Seeing that the monsters were becoming closer. Jess began to practically drag him ignoring his complaints on how it hurts.

He kept screaming for Jess to let go. Getting tired of dragging him and hearing his crying she let go of his hand. Jess could heard Rose say something, but it didn't go through. She was distracted seeing the familiar green two story house.

Nico screamed in excitement that they were near his home. All of their eagerness made them completely forget no one was home.

In rushed steps, Jess slammed the door wide open and darted inside still holding the front door. Relying on the Jack-O-Lanterns for light, Jess counted the three unclear figures of her friends, before she slammed the door shut and firmly locking it.

Panting heavily Jess asked if everyone was alright. She had only gotten unsettled breathing as a reply but that was enough to satisfy her. Jess moved to a wall and leaned against it. She tried to catch her breath. Jess glanced up and watched as whom she assumed was Sawyer go near the front door.

Suddenly there was a loud banging on the front door. Intimated, Jess's heart began to beat loudly. She cupped her hand over her chest to calm her racing heart. She began to take slow quiet steps, further distancing herself from the front door. Jess stopped when she heard a familiar voice.

"Let me in! Sawyer. Nico. Jess? Please I'm scared."

Startled, Jess tried to process why she could hear Rose's voice outside when she clearly counted him entering. Thinking it was those monsters trying to trick them into opening the door, they didn't open it right away. Nico broke the silence when he cried that he doesn't see Rose. Just then a loud shrill scream sounding just like Rose was heard.

In a panic Jess ran towards the door to try and open it. Just as it was creaked open, a hand slammed it back shut. Jess squinted her eyes only to see the slightly tanned cold face of Sawyer. Behind his long black hair, Jess could see his intense chilling stare. Jess flinched at his glare.

"What are you doing?" Jess said with an attitude trying to ignore his frightening gaze.

Jess had asked but wasn't gonna take any explanation as an answer. Even if Sawyer is her best friend his actions are questionable right now and is making her doubt how much he values friendship.

"Don't open that door. There's too many out there. You would get us all in trouble." He pointed towards the window. Jess looked out and saw a massive army of those small monsters. Several had gathered in one spot carrying Rose away.

"NO!" Jess shouted, hoping that they would stop if she did. But they didn't. They continued leaving with her childhood friend.

In anger, Jess questioned Sawyer's cruelty. How could he not let her open the door for Rose? they could have saved him!

"Sawyer why did you stop me! That's our friend out there. You're as cold-blooded as those monsters outside."

He didn't say anything. He just glared at Jess. His stare just made her explode.

"Sawyer, you selfish bastard! Rose is gonna die and it's all your fault."

His unresponsive attitude pissed Jess off even more. She wanted to consume him alive and bury him among the inner flames, burning in her heart. As she was yelling, Nico had to say some input.

"This wouldn't have happened if we had went home!" He declared in between sobs. Because of his little interruption, Jess snapped. She lost all rationality to anger and frustration.

"Nico this wouldn't have happened if you said that monsters were stalking us earlier."

All Jess could think of was since Nico wanted attention, she was gonna give it to him. " You can't sit there crying and defending Sawyer when you're no better yourself!"

Nico just stared at her silently with tears streaming down his face. Jess couldn't look at him without guilt for what she had just said. She felt a burning stare towards her back. Without question, She knew it was Sawyer. His intense stare reminded her that she didn't handle the situation any better.

Jess felt listless and broken. She couldn't help but weep about helpless they are. Jess pressed her back against the wall and curl herself into a ball as her sobs filled the silence in the room.

She wanted to escape reality and hope this was all a dream, but the throbbing pain from running was reminding her this is all real. She wished she knew where Rose was. And she wished that this day never happened.

As Jess and her friends sunk into their our own individual thoughts, a crash was heard from the kitchen. Jess snapped out of her daze and looked up. Sawyer had walked towards Nico and told him to get up. She watched as they stood together making their way to the kitchen. In slow movements, she got up. Jess followed them to go see whatever or whomever made that noise in the kitchen.

Okay so like I wrote this in a lazy mood......don't hate me also I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when I saw the views. I really didn't think people would read this LOL

SkyUpcreators' thoughts