
Magical Girl Nico

Jess felt like she was suffocating. When they reached the kitchen doorway a heavy pressure engulfed the air. Just being there made their knees want to give in. Jess felt like there were clumps of air in her chest. Her body started to heat up, it was like if she was running a fever.

"Why are you on the floor like dead squids?"

Jess and Sawyer turned behind them to see Nico posing like some OP anime character. He gave a heroic giggle and started to help them up. When his hand touched them, a cool sensation spread throughout their body. It made them feel like they were walking on air.

" Omg Nico you've become a real life magical girl."

Jess started to tease Nico's new abilities. Nico looked confusedly at Jess. He appeared seemingly unaware as to what Jess was talking about. Jess and Sawyer were startled at questioning look.

"What are y-"

A loud sound of crashing objecting interrupted Nico's sentence. The gang peaked their heads through the door frame. Nico's eyes multiplied in three sizes when he saw his once beautiful modern kitchen in smithereens. He let out a sad whine looking at the ruined smooth granite counter tops.

" Life isn't fair. We should have went to Rose's house. His kitchen needed remodeling anyways"

Nico was so heartbroken over his kitchen. Only Jess understood how proud he was of that kitchen. Every time he invited her over he'd brag about his kitchen. In pity, Jess patted his smooth golden hair.

During Nico's whining Sawyer had unknowing left their side. He picked up a knife from the floor and slowly made his way to the other side of the island. He could see glowing black butterflies with a pink hue surrounding it.

Sawyer started at a long tail that most likely belonged to the creature who messed up Nico's kitchen. Without hesitation he chopped down on it. It messed up Nico's kitchen. It deserved no mercy.


The turtle in question stood up coldly and held his knife out prepared to whoop some demon behind. Nico and Jess jumped in fright at the sudden screeching. Nico hopped into Jess's arms shaking from the demons appearance.

Jess wasn't surprised as Nico has always been afraid of clowns. But this was some unique looking clown. He actually had a tail, well half of one anyways, and some cat ears. He was quite cute in Jess's books. He had a nice pastel theme going on. Totally her aesthetic.


Jess annoyed at his whining, hollered back at him that he was home. She put her attention back at the clown demon and Sawyer. She watched as the clown demon rained all kinds of curses at Sawyer and Sawyer not even blinking at all the spit going his way.

With a flick of his knife Sawyer gave a cold stare and charged at the clown demon. He hacked at it almost cutting it's ears off. The clown demon dodged, relieved that his head didn't fall off just then.


Sawyer slashed at it again and spat out a bland yes. The clown demon's face cringed at his response. He began to chatter nonstop that he'd answer any questions and started to wave his hands frantically. He looked ridiculous from afar.

Jess was getting tired of holding the cowering Nico, so she dropped him on the floor. Nico screamed but never exactly touched the floor. Instead he was hovering and a green light had envelop him. Startled he looked at Jess and Jess looked at him. They did nothing but stared at each other completely ignoring the chaos surrounding them.


The clown demon screamed while pointing at Nico. Sawyer stopped swinging at the clown and looked at Nico. Nico was uncomfortable about all the attention and waved hi. When he put his concentration elsewhere the green light disappeared.

Nico fell with a loud thud. He winced still staring at the clown demons expression that had "I can't believe this" written all over it.

" Why did you wave at him?"

Sawyer questioned Nico. He looked like a lame hero while resting his knife on his shoulder. Jess rolled her eye at this annoying guys posture. "He must think he's the male lead of some transmigration novel" Jess thought.

" I just get nervous when people I don't know talk to me."

Nico whined while getting up from the floor. He patted the dust off his pants and awkwardly accepted the attention he was receiving.

" What is a magician doing in the boundary zone?"

The clown interrogated while fixing his appearance. The teens looked confused at the mention of a boundary zone. The clown cleared his throat and fixed his asymmetrical bow tie. He began to give a speech.

" The boundary zone is where demons or magical beings alike cross into a space that partially in the human world. The spectators designed for this space to be opened on Halloween every year. It's purpose is for minor demons to get yearly sacrifices whilst not disturbing the lesser beings in Lorden."

" It's a well known thing in Lorden. I'm surprised a magician like you doesn't know such things."

Nico scratched his head at the clown demons assumption of him being a magician. Sawyer was in deep thought about the clown demons explanation. Suddenly Sawyer jumped up and tapped on Jess's shoulder. Jess lowered her head to hear what he had to say.

" Inferring from what the clown said Rose might have been taken in as a sacrifice by those goblins earlier."

Jess immediately understood. She tapped Nico and whispered to ask him about goblins and how to get to Lorden. Nico nodded and gave a thumbs up.

" Well I'm a magician who was self trained. I don't belong to any faction. I lack a lot of common knowledge as you can see."

The clown nodded, completely buying Nico's lies. He offered to help answer any of his questions if he could call of his knight from further attacking him. Jess snorted at the clown's assumption of Sawyer being a knight.

" How do we go back to Lorden. Also do you happen to know where the goblins stay. One of them ran off with my wand and I'd really like to get it back."

" Well in a hour or so a trail of candies will appear. If you follow that trail you'd see the portal. And those goblins are always causing problems. They stay in Sawinila near a swamp. I hope you find your wand before they sell it"

Nico high-fived Jess and thanked the clown for all his help. Sawyer nudged the others to hurry up. They made their way out the door.

" Well let's go find trouble maker Rose so Jess won't throw anymore tantrums calling me selfish bastard."

Jess and Nico laughed at Sawyer's sarcasm. They were both happy at the thought of seeing their food loving friend again.

Hey Kiddos! Author back here with a new chapter. I bet you were expecting more tension between Jess and Sawyer well HA YOU THOUGHT! Also I'm not sure if I could update daily considering this chapter took nearly five hours to type up, but I'll try :) TYSM FOR THE SUPPORT!!

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