

"Hey Nico why do you suddenly have magical powers?"

Jess was really curious about this new ability of his. He's never shown signs of being a magical girl earlier, so this really came to a huge surprise. She was starting to assume that it had to due with the boundary zone.

Inferring off of what that dumb clown said earlier, this boundary was made by magic. It is possible that this zone carried magic particles in the air and Nico just happened to have an affinity with it. But the main question was, how were they able to enter the boundary zone?

Do humans have to meet certain requirements to enter? Suddenly it seemed as if all those answers the stupid clown gave wasn't enough. It just led to more and more questions.

" Honestly Jess, I don't really know myself and stop calling me a magical girl. I am not a female."

" Are you saying that guys can't be magical girls that's sexist"

Jess decided that it was now or never. She would never have another opportunity to tease Nico into saying he is a magical girl again.

" No of course not! I can be a magical girl. In fact, I'm gonna be the best magical girl!"

Jess made a small fist of victory at his declaration. He fell perfectly in her trap. Sawyer rolled his eyes at Nico's stupidity. He really dug himself a hole there.

During Nico's prattle of how he's not sexist and that he is a respectful human being, a glowing golden thin line became apparent on the streets of Crescent Village. The line slowly took shape into a trail of some candy corns. The candy corns shimmered brightly in the dark night.

" This must be the candy trail the clown demon was talking about."

Jess nodded at Sawyers clear words. She bent down and tried to touch one of the candy corns. She didn't expect to actually be able to pick it up. It felt cool to the touch and had a texture similar to a glass marble.

Sawyer saw Jess's successful attempt of picking up the candy corn. He studied it curiously and proceed to pick up one himself. But it didn't play out the same way as Jess. Instead the candy corn went straight through his hand. Like a mirage it seemed as if it wasn't a part of reality.

" What the hell...."

Nico voiced everyone's inner thoughts at the moment. How was it that only Jess could pick them up? This new discovery sparked an interest in Sawyer. He asked Nico to try and pick on up as well. This minor experiment resulted in the same manner as Sawyer.

" I think these candy corns are just perverts who prefer the touch of a female."

Jess rolled her eyes at Nico's unnecessary comment. He really looks at things in a unique point of view. She couldn't help but think her magical girl was really special. Surely, there was no one as unique as him.

The candy corn trail started to dim slightly as if it was losing energy as time went by. Sawyer recognized this and ushered them to hurry on their way.

When they made it to the gate area they perceived the appearance of other mystical beings. Some looked like humans others were complete beast to the core. They were lined up in groups entering a large gate intertwined with purple vines and black leaves. With the entry of every Lorden resident the gate glimmered a deep gray light.

" This is crazy "

Jess took in a deep breath trying to accept what she was seeing right now. This was really something she'd see in a fantasy box office movie. But to see it in real and it being completely real with no CGI was a completely different thing.

Her nerves started to kick in with this unfamiliar environment. She reached out to hold Nico's hand but Nico moved it before she got the chance. He started to way at everyone passes by. His eyes sparkled in adoration at all the unique people walking past.

Sawyer saw Jess's hand and decided to help a bro out and hold it. He winked at Nico assuming that he'd be acknowledge for his actions. Nico had no idea why Sawyer winked at him. But he winked back because he's a nice person like that.

Sawyer donned on a proud face admiring his own dedication for his friends. Jess had no clue why Sawyer held her hand but she was comforted by it. It gave her the confidence and bravery to get through this and bring Rose back home safe and sound.

With the line progressing they were closer to the front of the gate. They had no idea what they were doing but tried to fit in by acting like this wasn't their first time. They observed how the previous group entered. It wasn't anything special like they had originally thought. They just had to walk through the gate. It was completely simple.

" Here we go guys. We are one step closer to getting Rose. "

Nico and Sawyer let out a smile at Jess's comment. It was finally time. They had now arrived at the front. In large strides they went into the gate of Lorden. The gang was just a bit more closer to being complete again.

" That was anti-climatic I was expecting some cool lights or some dimensional tunnel when we went through the gate. How disappointing."

" I think this completely fine Nico. I don't want to feel nauseous going through some swirly space tunnel."

Jess sassed at Nico. She thought he was completely crazy. This whole Halloween situation must have emptied his brain. He seemed to be enjoying this entire process more than anybody. Even Sawyer thought he was insane.

" We should look around nearby and find someone to give us directions or information."

Sawyer didn't want to waste time on this pea brain, Nico. He took lead and voiced out his ideas on how they should go about the current situation. Jess nodded along and shared her opinions. They completely ignored Nico as he looked around in amazement.

Nico's head was completely filled to the brim with the plot lines of all those Isekai animes he had watched recently. He started to imagine himself as a Isekai character. He started doing nonsensical hand signs.


Jess was about to yell at her magical girl to shut up when a green spell circle released a huge burning flame. She stood in disbelief looking at a now charred tree. Sawyer just looked on with wide eyes.


Nico was completely proud of what he did. He proudly declared that he'd handle all the fights and be their weapon.



Author here with a new update! It seems I have to make it clear with you guys on my updates. I do NOT plan on dropping this. I enjoy writing this story but I have no experience whatsoever so chapter releases are not gonna be consistent. I'm a new author so please be patient. It takes me hours to type out a chapter you guys can read in five to ten minutes. I want to be able to update daily but let me get the hang of this more. I can guarantee that you will be able to get four to five chapters a week though :) Enjoy reading!

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