
chapter 04:Swallow, get poisonous blood

Yachi Orochi is dead!

   Elodie surprises.

   But soon there was fear on her face!

   Yachi Orochi is dead, so who will check and balance this monster, Yachi Orochi is huge, and they can hide in the building for a temporary refuge, but this "demon" cannot.

  Who will check and balance him? !

   Many people thought of Elodie, and their faces turned pale.

   "Don't come to me, don't come to me!" Many people began to pray in their hearts.

At this moment, this otherwise lively street was empty, except for the harsh sound of the alarm when the car was hit.

   The originally prosperous area is already devastated.

Da da da...

   Footsteps sounded in this street.

  Michaela walked to the corpse of the Yachi Orochi Snake Demon and scanned his eyes.

The next moment, he bent down.


  Michaela tore off a piece of Yachi Orochi snake flesh.

   Then he opened his mouth...

   The sound of chewing sounded in this street.

The chewing sound is very small.

   But I don't know why all the people who watched this scene had their own brains in their minds, and the chewing sound permeated people.

   Everyone's faces became paler.

   "He is eating the Yachi Orochi?!" Elodie was about to cry.

   This "monster" is even more terrifying and cruel than that big snake.

  He is eating the flesh and blood of demons!

   Everyone looked at this scene, and for some reason they had a thought in their hearts—he seemed to be here specifically for demons.

Michaela chewed on the flesh and blood of the Eight Qi snake.

   He wants to vomit.

   This meat is ugly, and it is raw meat, and normal people would not eat it.

   But there is no way.

   This is the case with the devouring system.

   Kill the demon and eat a piece of flesh, so as to complete the devouring.

Evil taste system-Michaela evaluation.

   "This meat is smelly, and it feels like a rotten person." He happily said in pain.

   But it"s okay.

  Perhaps the forensic doctor has done too much and dealt with a lot of disgusting things.

   This makes him instinctively resistant to these disgusting things.

Michaela swallowed the hard meat.

   There was a warmth in his stomach, and the swallowing system started working.

   There is warmth in the stomach.

   The next moment,Michaela felt a tingling sensation in his flesh.

   His blood is changing quietly, with a hint of purple in the red.

  Michaela knows what this is!

   This is the ability of the Yachi Orochi-poisonous blood.

   The physical body of the Yachi Orochi is far from that of the slick ghost. Its only advantage is its highly toxic blood.

   This is the only advantage that Yachi Orochi has compared to the slippery ghost.

   And swallowing choice is the ability required by the slippery ghost, not to say that swallowing it becomes another big snake.

   Devouring is the ability of devouring demons to act on oneself.

   thus keep getting stronger!

"It's the best way. Fortunately, eight heads are not swallowed."

  Michaela understood the probabilities of swallowing.

   His blood has now become the same blood as the Yachi Orochi, with corrosive and poisonous blood.

"What is he doing?"

   Elodie secretly observes Michaela.

   Not only her, many people are staring at Michaela.

   It is not that they are not afraid of death, but the place where they hide. Once running now, it will easily attract the attention of the "monster".

Suddenly, Elodie's eyes widened.

   She saw the bone spurs on the "monster" changed color.

   There is a hint of noble purple in the white.

  The purple color is very similar...The blood of Yachi Orochi is very poisonous.

At this moment, the person upstairs who is not afraid of death broad casted this scene.

  In an instant, the barrage quickly passed by, and the number of barrage burst.

  "Fuck, is this evolution? "

  "He just ate the meat of a demon, and now his body is changing. This must be evolving, right? ! "

   Many people are horrified.

   Especially seeing the purple, many people think of the purple venom and blood of the Yachi Orochi.

   This is so similar.

   The main thing is that the "monster" only ate the flesh and blood of the demon not long ago.

   If we say that the two are connected from the purple point of view, it would be too forceful.

   But this is based on eating the flesh and blood of demons as the pre-stage.

   Everything is different.

"It"s really changed color. "

  "I hate the appearance of demons, and I am afraid of demons, but... I have to say, that long-bone monster is so handsome. "

   "Same Feeling 1"

   At the same time, someone is evaluating the appearance of the "monster".

   looks terrifying, but there is a kind of horrible handsome!

  "He is here! ! "

The audience who watched the live broadcast were shocked.

   They saw the "monster" looking up and staring at them.

   Although they knew this was not watching them, they were all startled involuntarily.

"The anchor is dying. "

  "The anchor, run, this demon has noticed you. "

  "Why haven"t the police arrived yet? ! "

  "To a few, we looked at the thrills, but it"s actually more than three minutes before and after. Can you fly as a detective? "

   I saw the movement of the "monster".

   The live broadcast viewers all remembered that the demons were harming others, and the barrage of worries was brushed up.

Michaela glanced at a reflective spot upstairs.

   "Does anyone dare to broadcast live?"

   He knows what it is, the phone lens.

  Michaela didn't care about this.

   He glanced at Yachi Orochi and looked around.

   Then he turned and left.

   A weird thing happened. After he walked a few steps, his body gradually disappeared, as if he had entered another world.

"What's the matter, am I dazzled!" Someone shouted inwardly, eyes widening.

   Some of those hiding in secret kept rubbing their eyes, suspecting that they were mistaken.

   At the same time, everyone is desperately observing the surrounding environment, trying to find where the monster goes.

   They were afraid to turn their heads, and the demon appeared behind them.

   The kind of shots only available in horror movies!

   "Where did he go? Why is he missing."

   Elodie was very surprised and scanned the surroundings back and forth.

   However, no matter what the people in hiding look at, they cannot find out where the "monster" has gone.

"Is it the same as fifty years ago?!"

   Elodie thought about the things written in history textbooks.

   This is not what she thinks, because the demon disappeared once fifty years ago, and now the demon has appeared again. It's impossible to come out and disappear for fifty years!

   "Elodie, did the demon disappear like fifty years ago?" the female colleague whispered.

   Elodie hushed.

   She shook her head slightly to express her opinion.

   Rather than disappearing as it did fifty years ago, she would rather believe that the monster had some special abilities that made her disappear.

For a while, the street became strangely quiet, and the head and body of the big snake lay there, no one around.

   Everything seemed silent. Under such circumstances, the people who hid did not dare to come out, as if there was some great terror.

   It's not that they don't come out, but they dare not! !

   "Where did he go, the same as fifty years ago? Or..."

   Someone shivered.

  'Demons' suddenly disappeared, and they became more disturbed.

   No one dared to come out rashly, for fear that there would be an accident, it would be too tragic to die like that.

At the moment,Michaela did not disappear from the street people were looking at, he was just invisible.

   This is one of the abilities acquired by the spree.

The spree has gained a lot of abilities.

   "Swallow the fifth form of the "slaughter city" sliding scoop (slippery head ghost) corpse demon form."

   "2 levels of physical transformation ability."

   "Does not destroy the clothing ability."

   "Stealth ability."

   "Advanced water-based."

   "Advanced fire resistance."


Among them is a stealth ability.

   Then, in the invisibility,Michaela's body slowly changed, and in the blink of an eye he returned to his original appearance.

   These are the two physical transformation abilities in the abilities.

   2 paragraphs show two forms.

   One stage is a human body, and the second stage is a slick ghost.

   That is to say.

  Michaela can switch between human and monster.

   And after he turns back into a human, it does not mean that the monster's ability will disappear, but he can choose to control it.

   For example, afterMichaela turned back into a human, he retained the healing speed of scary wounds.

   As for the venom of the Yachi Orochi, he has stopped, he doesn't want to drink a glass of water, the saliva melts the glass.

   At the same time, when Michaela became a monster, his clothes would not be broken.

   This is the third ability, which does not destroy the clothing ability.

   This saves him from having to wear clothes when the time comes. Switching between the two stages will destroy a piece of clothing, which is too troublesome.

"This gift package is considered very comprehensive."Michaela muttered.

   Among them are fire-resistant and water-based.

   These two are substitutes for resistance, which improve in resistance to fire.

  Water is to improve the water resistance and the ability to survive in the water.

   As for the final bonus attributes such as strength, speed, defense, etc., to strengthen his second-stage transformation.

   This is also the reason why he easily tore the Yachi Orochi defense.

  Michaela walked in the middle of the road and walked towards his car.

Walking into the car,Michaela did not intend to leave now.

   First, this is too conspicuous, and the second and most important reason is that he plans to see the department that specializes in dealing with demons mentioned in the video.

   After a while, he took the Bluetooth headset in the car and put it on.

   "The next step is to wait for rescue to come."

   He lay directly on his back in the back seat, resting his head with his hands, squinting his eyes and listening to the song.

  Different from hiding all around and constantly observing the people around him, Michaela is completely comfortable, and even hummed a song...