
chapter 05: Codenamed "Devil"

Time passed a little bit.

A few minutes later, a police sirens came from a distant street.

Several special armored vehicles approached quickly, followed by several police and military vehicles.

But for a moment, all the people in the car got off, and they trained well in actions, guards, and opened the blockade.

Watching the rescue come, the people who hid were relieved and walked out of the dark one after another.

The streets that were originally quiet have become lively again.

Some of them went to the police and told the monster that the monster was gone and the direction of disappearance.

Elodie listened to the roar of propellers in the sky.

She looked up at the sky, three Z-19 combat helicopters flying across the sky.

They are chasing monsters.

"Where did the monster go?"

Elodie is very curious.

This is not just her problem.

The rescuers at the scene were also very troubled by the incident. Police sirens sounded in the surrounding streets, police cars patrolled the vicinity, and soldiers prepared to deal with possible battles at any time.

The street became very lively.

All the people who hid appeared, and they even seemed to feel safe. Some people even picked up their mobile phones and took pictures of Yachi Orochi and posted them to Moments.

At this moment, there is a person standing in the crowd.

He was about 24 years old, wearing a white shirt and trousers, with crisp short hair, and a handsome appearance, like a mature man.

This person is no one else, but Michaela listening to music in the car.

He got out of the car and looked into the distance.

"Is that someone who specializes in dealing with demons?"

His eyes were directed towards a dozen people who got off the special armored vehicle.

These people are male and female.

They wore a black tights with some special round irons on the clothes.

This outfit is a bit like the battle suit of the Slaughter City, but there are some minor differences.

Michaela watched the history introduction video to know something.

The demon disappeared.

But countries around the world have been on guard.

The department that specializes in dealing with monsters is called the'Monster Countermeasures Bureau'.

Among them, there are two types of personnel in the countermeasure bureau, which are logistics personnel and combatants Killers.

But he knew that Gui knew, but he hadn't seen it, and now Michaela saw it.

"Their combat uniforms are a bit special."

Michaela thought of what he heard when he was a forensic doctor.

This is actually no secret.

After so many years, countries have never stopped studying monsters, and from time to time I can hear news from some research institutes that there has been significant progress in the study of monsters.

But these things are only in the upper class, not popular products.

"The monster is back, and he will always know what'special' is." Michaela muttered.

After observing for a while, he retracted his eyes and walked to the car.

There was a murmur echoing in the same place, "I always feel that this world is like the capital of killing..."

October 1, 1020.

Global shock! !

This day is destined to be a special day, written down in history.

[The monster is back]

These five words maxed out major news sections.

Whether it's the e-sports circle, the entertainment circle, the sports circle... all circles are swiping these five words.

Today, it is not only the monster incident in Chelro City.

Monsters appeared in ten locations all over the world.

This also completely indicates the fact that the monster is back!

Among them, the demon incident in Chelo City has attracted much attention and has been frequently mentioned by the media of various countries.

The fight between monsters alone has attracted attention.

Not to mention that the monster that appeared in this incident was the Yachi Orochi.

That was the monster that was once called the mobile poisonous natural disaster.

The other nine monster incidents were all C-level monsters, and the damage was not too great. Only the Yachi Orochi in Chelo City was the most terrifying.

However, in terms of casualties, it is the lowest in Cholo City.

The cause of all this is the monster with bone spurs!

He killed the invincible Yachi Orochi.

When I heard the news.

No one believes, how could the Yachi Orochi die in a short time, and the world's great jealousy?

It wasn't until people saw the corpse of the Yachi Orochi in the urban area in the news photos that people were stunned... The Ochi Orochi was really dead.

The whole world is shaken by the existence of the 'corpse demon', killing the vicious demon of the Yachi Orochi! !

The monster incident in Choluo City is frequently mentioned!

Every time it is raised.

People will eventually point to a question, and even countries have sent people to the city of Chelro to answer this question.

Where is the "Magic"!

There are three types of monsters.

A demon in the form of animal characteristics.

A demon in the form of anthropomorphic features.

Ghosts that act strangely in the form of humanoid features.

The type of Michaela's form is defined as-Demon!


Michaela has a code name in this world.

Codenamed "Devil".

Level A!

Two days later.

At the hand washing table in the autopsy room, Michaela took off his gloves and washed his hands.

"Michaela, aren't you tired?"

John, the forensic assistant, looked tired, watching Michaela's face.

"will not."

Michaela shook the water on his hands, "Just get used to it."

"But we did an autopsy for almost ten hours."

John grimaced, "Can this be used to it?"

He put the body in the body bag.

"Yes." Michaela smiled lightly.

A lot of autopsy has been done in the past two days, and there is a reason for John's sorrow.

The arrival of monsters caused a lot of panic, and crime rates in all countries increased.

The riots in the Yangtian Federation where he is located are better than the Star Striped Empire, the Mir Empire... and other countries, but there are dozens of crimes breaking out.

"Really?" John was skeptical.

He murmured.

"But this situation should be relieved. I saw the news this morning saying that control will be strengthened..."

Michaela nodded slightly.

He went into the changing room and changed his clothes, "I'll go back first."

"Good Le."

John nodded and changed his clothes cheerfully to go home.

When Michaela walked out of the office building, he picked up his mobile phone and read the forum post.

The headlines of posts such as 'Scorpion Demon' and 'Baqi Orochi' caught the eye.

"Codenamed Corpse Demon."

Michaela chuckles.

He knew this two days ago.

After killing Yachi Orochi, he gained an unknown title of corpse demon.

'What do you think about the corpse demon? '

A post title attracted him.

Michaela clicked into the post.

Low posts are all replies.

Like to eat hot watermelon: "Leave aside demons, zombies are pretty handsome. Does anyone think like me."

Brother, our family is rich: "Nima, your focus is wrong, the corpse demon is gone now! This is the point!"

Encountered a demon when shit: "What I said upstairs is right, now people in Chelo City are equal to encounter a corpse demon at any time, and they are afraid by the wall. jpg"

Michaela looked at the post.

Everything in the post is strange.

But without exception, they are discussing the issue of corpses. Where did they go? How to solve it, etc.

Seeing this, Michaela groped his chin.

"Because of'I', the house price in Cholo City is going to drop. Should I buy more apartments at this time?

He thought of a question.

He waited for the house price to drop and bought a few houses, and then he ran a few laps abroad.

House prices must have risen back then.

He sold the house again.

Earn blood?

Michaela looked strange when thinking about this question.

Can't help but frivolous.

Then he shook his head, "Too much."

He just wanted to play, he didn't plan to do this kind of thing.


Michaela paused and stood at the door of the building.

The police car sirens turned on, and police cars drove out of the police station.

There are several writers and writers talking nearby, and their voices are heard.

"what happened?"

"I heard people say that demons appeared in the square under construction."

"Is it a corpse demon?"

"No, I heard it's a new monster."


Listening to the words that came, Michaela's eyes flickered.

New monsters? ...