
The girl who loved much

Wealthy young woman, attracts the attention of a mafia syndicates boss and his son. What will happen and how will love complete this ....

EmmB · Thành thị
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19 Chs

Chapter 1: Beginning....

Janey always dreamed of a life in which she could help others. Her parents had passed when she was 2years old and her grandfather raised her to be strong, independent, wise and kind. Her grandfather, Mr. James, was a man who many admired. He was sharp as a whip when it came to finances, cruel to the outside world, in the sense that he would never allow others to exploit him by taking advantage of him. Secretly, he would do kind works without anyone ever realizing that he was the one who helped them.

His business was worth billions and was vast and encompassed many different branches. Whether it was in real estate, medicine, construction or cars, he had was diversified and never allowed others, on the outside, to know he owned all these.

With that being said, his only remaining relative was his granddaughter and he loved her very much. He had Janey tutored with the best educators money could buy and it paid off! Janey was very bright. She, at the age of 22, was able to run efficiently all her grandpa's businesses.

Her biggest love was children! She loved children and liked to devote time helping out children at the hospital or orphans. She would take her weekends off to go to the hospital and read, play games, sing and just spend time with them. At the orphanage she would go and cook or play, sing or read to them there also. She was simply known as Big Sis. The kids all adored and loved her and would eagerly wait for her to come and see them!

One Saturday, Janey went to B Hospital in the richest area of City B. She chose this hospital because as she passed by she felt she was needed here today. Sure enough, as she walked in a little boy, around 6 years old, was running and screaming for his mommy. Doctors and nurses all tried to catch him and calm him down, but none could.

As Janey was walking in the little boy ran right into her legs. He wrapped is little arms around her and squeezed tight. Tears were running down his face as he was yelling, "Mommy, Mommy where are you?"

Janey, startled and almost losing her balance, grabbed onto the chair that was next to her in the waiting room. Looking down, her heart bled for the little munchkin as he kept calling for his mother. Gently ruffling his hair and bending down, she gathered the little boy into her arms and held him tight whispering words of comfort and humming a children's lullaby.

The little boy, who had gradually calmed down, rubbed his eyes and looked up to Janey. He was such a darling little boy! His dark wavy hair was curling at his ears. His misty eyes were a beautiful sea blue in color surrounded by long eye lashes. His cubby checks were pink and rosy from crying. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief on seeing him calm down.

He looked up at Janey and raised his hands for her to pick him up and hold him. Janey did so and he just dropped his head on her shoulder slightly hiccuping from his crying. Janey took him and followed a doctor and nurse into hospital room.

The nurse wanted to take him from Janey but the little boy would grab her tightly and start to cry. Janey refuses to let him go and sat down on the bed. She gently pulled away and said " Hi, I'm Janey what's your name?"

The little boy grabbed Janey again and laid his head on her shoulder and sighed. "I'm Toby and you are my mommy! Where have you been Mommy?"

Janey looked up at the doctor and nurse and gave them a questioning glance. "Uh... are you related to the boy? He was brought in with a man who is currently in surgery. They were brought in earlier today from a traffic accident. He is in bad shape. We are not sure if he will make it," the doctor said.

Toby held Janey tightly and wouldn't let go. "Toby, who was with you in the car?"

"Mommy, Brian was with me. He was taking me to the soccer match on Windy Hill, but a man ran a red light and hit Brian. Daddy is not here yet, Mommy. Thank you for coming so quick!"

"Honey, do you have Daddy's number so I can call him and see where he is? Here is my phone and call Daddy, ok?"

"Sure mommy..." Toby took the phone and called his Daddy. When his Daddy picked up, he angrily answered "WHO is this?"

"Daddy, Daddy it's me Toby! Mommy needs to talk to you... here!"

"Hello, this is Janey James. Is this Toby's dad?"

"Yes, what's going on? Why is my son with you and NOT Brian? Where is Brian? Why is my son calling you Mommy?"

"Brian and Toby were involved in a car accident and we are currently at city B Hospital. Brian is in surgery right now and from what I know he is in critical condition. From what Toby said, a man ran a red light and hit them. I just arrived at the hospital and Toby was running around yelling for his Mommy. He ran into me and said that I was his mommy. I can wait for you to arrive here at the hospital with Toby... do you know how long it will be?"

"Ok, wait for me ... I will be there in 15 minutes," and hangs up the phone.

"Toby, Daddy will be here soon. Did the doctor check you out and make sure you are ok?"

"No Mommy, I waited for you!"

"Ok doc, let's make sure Toby is ok. I'll stay here with him while you do this until his dad arrives. Toby come on the bed and let the doctor check you out... ok honey?"

The nurse and doctor breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Janey took control of Toby. Toby sat patiently in Janey's arms while he was checked out. As the doctor was finishing up the exam, a tall man dressed in black suit, who was quite handsome with dark hair and sea blue eyes, walked right in the room. He looked dangerous and held a very cold outward expression. When Toby saw him he jumped up into his arms and smiled hugging him tight. "Daddy, look! Mommy is here and she took care of me... see!"

The doctor stepped forward, "uh sir, are you the child's father? What is your name?"

"I am his father and my name is Mason Bradley. How is Toby doing? Is he ok?"

"Yes, yes! Thanks to Ms. James, I was able to check Toby out and he has a few bruises to his ribs from the seatbelt and a few scratches on his arms but other than that he is ok. He can go home right after I complete all the paperwork, just make sure to have him rest and if he has any other symptoms dizzy, vomiting or the such, please bring him immediately back here."

Mason looked at the pretty lady sitting on the hospital bed. She has a calming presence and her blue green eyes make you forget all your problems. He owes her now and doesn't know how to return her kindness. He is not one to owe anyone anything. As the leader of the biggest crime syndicate, it's rare to have someone just "help" from the goodness of their hearts.

Leary of another woman taking advantage of him, he gives her a stern look. Who knows if she really is kind or just faking it. It wouldn't be the first time, but he feels like she is different. "Ms. James, thank you for your help. How can I return your kindness?"

"Mr. Bradley, you don't owe me anything. I was glad to help. Toby is a wonderful child!"

"Let me give you some money or something... I don't like to owe people. So tell me what do you want?"

"Absolutely, nothing! I won't except anything. I truly enjoyed my time with Toby and was glad to help. Toby, I have to leave now but Daddy will take care of you. If you ever need me, your dad has my number, in his phone, so call me." With that she took Toby in her arms and hugged and kissed his cheek.

Toby didn't want to let go. He had his mommy and he didn't want her to leave so he began crying. "Please, mommy don't leave me!"

Mason, watching all this, could not believe how gentle and kind she was with Toby and how much his son cared for this woman.

"Ms. James, can we take you somewhere or have lunch with us? My son does not want to leave you yet."

" I really can't... I have to go upstairs to the kids ward for story time... but if it's ok with you, can Toby come with me upstairs?"

"Sure, we will follow you up. What floor? I need to check up on Brian."

" 5th floor, main area."

"Daddy, I'm going with mommy! See you there!"

With a big goofy grin and skip in his step Toby went with Janey upstairs to the children's ward.

Mason, having checked on Brian and seeing that he got out of surgery and would be alright.. paid for his stay and went upstairs.

Never would he have thought to see such a sight!! Toby was sitting in a circle along with 20 others kids, listening to Janey read animatedly "the squeaky door".

She was so into the story that she did not even realize that Mason arrived. As she finished the story, the kids started yelling "Big Sis, read another one! "

Toby, getting jealous of the kids surrounding his mommy, yelled" No MY Mommy will not read another story!"

Seeing how jealous Toby got, Janey called Toby to her. He came and she placed him in her lap and said, " Toby, sweetie, it's not nice to say that. All these children are our friends. They waited for me to come today to read and play with them. Can you join us and share in the fun?"

With his head down he said, "ok.... but only if I can sit on your lap"

Janey happy at what Toby said, hugged him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Toby blushed to the top of his ears. "Mooooom.... not in public."

Oh how adorable he is. Everyone watching smiled at the cute display of love from a Mother to her son... but the problem was... he is not her son! Mason couldn't believe what was happening! How did this woman have so much influence on his son? How could a woman, also show so much love and affection for a child that is not hers?

What was going on?