
The girl who loved much

Wealthy young woman, attracts the attention of a mafia syndicates boss and his son. What will happen and how will love complete this ....

EmmB · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Mommy....

Mason couldn't believe what he was seeing! He grew up in a world that didn't have room for love and kindness. It was looked down upon. If you were found with a weakness... you were doomed. His parents were not loving. Quite the opposite! They hated each other!

His parents only got together due to their families desire to expand the underworld territory. They only had 1 child and many illegitimate children. He has 2 half sisters and 4 half brothers. Each one was raised to hate and fear one another. Although he had one sister, Trish, who couldn't care less about family drama and was close to him. Only Mason was considered eligible to inherit. That's why when he was 24, his dad and mom matched his wedding to a girl from another mob family. They got married and saw each other only on the day of the wedding.

Hailey was beautiful but evil! She thought that being his wife came with unimaginable wealth and power. She exploited people and didn't care how she treated or used them. Everyone was expendable. She had Toby nine months after they wed, but made a fatal move. On their 1 year anniversary she planned to kill Mason, take over the syndicate til she reared Toby and then he would be a ruthless "ruler", while she would pull the strings. Unfortunately for her, Mason found out about her plan. When she was not looking. He switched her plate with his and she ate the poisoned food. The next morning, she was found dead in bed. The coroner said she died of a heart attack. No one found any poison in her system.

Due to Haileys "tragic demise" no one dared touch him but today he will have to review the accident and see if it was just an accident. Or was someone targeting his son.

Women were never a problem for him. He had them at his beck and call and they just fulfilled a purpose... manly relief and stress. Today, a beautiful girl who shined like the sun lit his life for the first time. He felt attraction to her innocence. He felt calm where he would normally be wild and out of control. Mostly... he felt at home.

Home... huh.... crazy thought and beyond belief reality. Janey just gave him hope. He watched her easy smile and gentle touch to these kids as she played with them. He could see a few more little kids with her smile and his eyes. He could just imagine a beautiful little girl running to him and calling him daddy that had Janey's miniature look. A goofy smile plastered on his face just dreaming of this.

His family.... yes he would have her be his... Only His. Who was she? Was she already engaged? NO! He would kill that man... such protectiveness flowed through his mind and body for his girl...

HIS GIRL?! What is this? Nah... what is wrong with me?!

As this battle went through his mind, a young doctor approached Janey and hugged her. What?!

Mason took a step in her direction to remove this fool, but his son beat him to it! Toby rushed from where he was playing and pushed the doctor away from HIS Mommy.

Toby went to play legos after story time with a few kids but always kept one eye on his mommy. No one will take her away! He always dreamed of what his mommy would look like or act like. When he ran into her, he knew this was His mommy. She ruffled his hair and held him with so much love and care that no other person could do this except His Mommy.

Janey almost fell when Toby pushed Henry from her. If it wasn't for Toby grabbing her legs again she would have fallen . Poor Henry, he was on the floor looking up with an incredulous look on his face!

Janey reached down and gently moved Toby away so that she could help Henry up but Toby wouldn't budge!! "Toby darling, what have you done? Henry is Mommy's childhood friend. He just came to say hi. Please apologize and help him up. He is a doctor on this floor."

"Henry, I'm so sorry for this." Henry, watching Toby started to chuckle.

" I haven't had this happen before! Toby, I'm Dr Henry... can you help me up buddy?"

Toby nodded and helped him up but was still weary of him. Mason came by and placed his arm around Janey.

Janey, embarrassed, tried to remove Masons arm but he just pulled her tightly to him. " Hey Doc, I'm Mason Bradley. Are you a friend of Janey , my wife?"