

Juliette looked at the mirror for the hundredth time . Twirling around and examining the dress she was wearing. It was a navy blue dress that barely covered her ass and cleavage.

The dress no doubt was scandalous, Juliette knew that however she also knew the she was the baddest girl who does not care about what anyone would think of her , with that in her mind she applied a clear lip gloss and baby blue eyeshadow on her eyelids before feeling satisfied

After giving herself one last glance at the mirror She decided to go down the front door where Joseph was picking her up from ,as she cascaded down the stairs she found her mother siting on the sofa and her father cooking in the kitchen.

Her mother saw Juliette craning her neck backwards, and stood up in anger . "What do you think you are wearing young lady?" She asked her daughter sternly. Juliette scoffed "what I am wearing is none of your business mother". Her mother's eyes narrowed and she came forward and touched Juliette softly,

"Why are you doing this Juliette, why are you doing this to us, why? just tell me do you think for one moment that we didn't saw you in the ball wearing that God awful dress , that we don't see you getting all overly friendly with older boys" Juliette was stunned to hear that and she looked at her mother in shock, her mother knew about the ball and that she actually saw her in that dress and didn't say anything for many weeks was shocking for Juliette

"I am sorry that we failed you Juliette. I am sorry if we ever made you feel that you have to take the wrong way to get anything , to get a better life . But look around don't you see all that really matters " her mother twirled her around and made her face the kitchen, while continuing

"You have a hard working father . He works hard to made sure we live a comfortable life and he don't even ask for anything. I work hard all day so you don't have to . We love you Juliette "

"Love you too , now we'll talk later . I have to go ,bye " she said waving her mother and dashing towards the door . Juliette knew that what she was doing was wrong but she had places to be and a rich man to impress

As she went outside she saw joesph's car right next to her neighbors house . She jogged towards the car and sat on the passenger side. She looked up expecting to see him but was surprised to find a middle aged man sitting there instead

"W-what are you doing here ..... Who are y-you , and where is Joseph." Juliette was scared she pressed herself in the corner and was about to open the car door to leave , however the man looked at her with understanding eyes and answered "I am sorry for the confusion miss but lord Joseph had some business he needed to attend. I am his chauffeur and was given the task to drop you off"

Juliette calmed down hearing this and decided to trust him as she knew that the car does indeed belonged to Joseph





The chauffeur whose name Juliette found out was Harrington dropped her off outside a huge mansion. Not the one Joseph held the party but it was just as grand as that one

Juliette knew why he did not invited her to his main house infact she would have been surprised if he did .As she went inside she was ushered in a large room with oak doors by one of the maids where she found Joseph sitting on a golden chair gulping down some whiskey

"Ahh.. my dove there you are, I have been waiting for you love come here" he said rubbing his thighs and indicating her to sit on his lap and she obliged

She sat on his lap and asked him why he didn't came to pick her up and he gave her a lousy response that he was busy and began rubbing her thighs , his fingers started making their way upwards which left Juliette feeling really uncomfortable





Juliette layed on top of Joseph both of them stark naked and panting. Juliette expected Joseph to say something sweet to her as he got up and started getting dressed but he just went outside instructing her to rest and leave after that

Juliette was hurt but not enough to push the excitement out of being alone in the beautiful mansion. She wore a small night dress she found in the closet and descended down stairs to the kitchen

She saw all the maids giving her a dirty look but decided to ignore them . She felt like a princess and decided to act like one as well . She went down in a cozy kitchen and decided to make a fancy dinner for herself

She saw lamp chomps and some potatoes and ordered a maid to make some for her and she obliged. As Juliette tasted the dinner she was disappointed . They tasted nothing like the one her mother made for her

They tasted bland and Juliette just decided to leave them and go back to her home as she was instructed

The same driver dropped her off to her house. Passing mansions then houses and shops and finally the are where Juliette lived . A area with small huts littering the side of the road

She went inside and her parents sitting there probably waiting for her . Her mother was knitting something while her father sat Infront of television

Her mother stood up from her seat as she saw Juliette and engulfed her in a hug and kisses her head "I am sorry Juliette for the way I yelled at you" hearing her mother apologize she was engulfed in shame and apologized too

Her mother looked at her with eyes filled with so much love that she just melted right into her mother's arm . "We just want the best for you baby . We just want to protect you that's it " her mother explained and Juliette nodded in understanding "I know mother and I am sorry for the way I was acting"

After that her mother made her take a bath and served her some hot and creamy mushroom soup in there small yet homely kitchen. The meal although just some soup and bread was more delecious then the fancy dinner at Josephs

Juliette enjoyed every last bit of the soup and went to her bed after kissing her parents and her Younger brother goodbye, Contend Juliette went to sleep with a smile on her face that night






But after that night Juliette was summoned almost every other day by Joseph and like the first day he would leave her for the rest of the day alone in his mansion and Juliette would explore the mansion. Enjoying the luxury for the time being

Juliette sat at the edge of Joseph's bed looking at the pregnancy kit in her hand , her hands shaking and her eyes filled with tears she knew she had to share it with Joseph as he was the father of the child and for that night she decided to stay the night. Waiting for him

She didn't realized she had fallen asleep as she was woken up by the sudden noises in the room . She turned to find Joseph with his wife in his arms looking at her angrily

"What the fuck are you doing here you whore " he yelled at her and Juliette was horrified to hear what he just said . His wife looked at him and with tears in her eyes whispered "after all this time you were doing this .... Going behind my back"

Suddenly a sharp voice echoed in the room and it dawned on Juliette Joseph had just slapped his wife ."shut up I am your husband and don't you dare talk to me like that bitch". Juliette went rushing towards Mariam to see if she was okay but Joseph stopped her

He grabbed her face hard "I will not ask you again what are you doing here at this time " and Juliette told him the truth "I am pregnant Joseph with your child" she whispered looking scared and the truth was that she was indeed scared both for her and her unborn child and the sobbing woman on the floor

Joseph grabbed her by her hair and pushed her out if the house yelling profanities at her as he kicked her out he yelled "you are nothing but a cheap prostitute, a fucking whore!"

A liar is what you are god knows how many men you have been fucking and when one of them knocked you up and leave you as he should you came to me , to slander but bitch think twice before doing that . And I don't want see your face again , you heard me"

He closed the door after yelling at her and left her there crying and sobbing. As rain began to pour she shakily made her way to her house . Her home all the way across the town