
Heavenly Samsara: Chapter 56

Chapter 1306

The woman is severely injured and it seems that most of her bones are broken and her internal organs damaged. He quickly injected her, with a healing serum, for her internal organs. Then he began to align her bones and put a cast on her arm and legs before injecting her, with another healing serum.

After saving the woman, Xin Ja gathered the things which are useful, especially the food and the equipment, and then gathered the corpses in body bags.

He put them inside his ring in the meantime.

He then created a cave at the side of the mountain and created protective and camouflage arrays on its mouth.

After that, she carefully puts the woman inside the cave and observes her condition.

Xin Ja is a bit relieved that the woman is awake now.

But what made Xin Ja curious and at the same time afraid is the true power of this woman.