
The Game of Ice and Fire

When a ROB decides to give little Jon Snow a small blessing , this small change completely changed the song of ice and fire if you want to support my work visit my patreon https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon I am 10 chapters ahead there

Lucifer101 · Ti vi
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Chapter 65 Sulking

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Queen's pyramid

Daenerys Targaryen pov

Aegon is gone for a few days now and no one knows where he went, he just took off one morning with the two dragons

She just heard about what the dragons in Braavos today, while Lynix returned to Rhaenys just a day after they left the rest are no where to be found

King Aegon and his sworn sheild just left Rhaenys without even telling her niece, the bastard really does whatever he wants and doesn't fear her at all, just leaving the Princess of the seven kingdoms here

While Daenerys has more or less accepted the fact that they really are her family but she haven't said anything to them, so how can her nephew just leave her niece here in the foreign territory without any protection

It was not the dragons that made her believe in them or other things but her blood, ever since her nephew and niece came to her something inside of her was guiding her towards them even with all her suspicions and doubts about them, and with time that feeling only grew stronger

Now that she is finally ready to accept them her nephew just flew off to god knows where, while she is here rooting out slavery her nephew just terrorise Braavos and the Ironbank for some goddamn reason

When she heard about that she wanted to break both his legs so he can just sit still and not cause any troubles, but while her nephew somehow always gets on her nerves he is her king, and even if she doesn't know him for long she knows Aegon won't do something like this without a reason

But it has been few days but Aegon is not back yet and her patience is wearing thin, as she was thinking about how to teach her wayward nephew a lesson a servant came in

"What is it" Daenerys asked

"Your grace, the black dragon is back and it is sleeping in King Aegon's chambers, some servants went to clean the chamber but found the black dragon instead, everyone is afraid to go inside your grace"

"What about Aegon is his grace back"

"No your grace just the black dragon is back"

"Ok Don't worry I will deal with the dragon, just tell everyone to stay away from there "

"Yes your grace"

As the servants left she made her way to her nephew's chambers, according to the books in the library she is an awakened and so is her nephew, so she can directly talk to dragons with her mind but she is not sure if it will work on a emperor dragon

Daenerys has tried to communicate with her three dragons but they are still too young to properly talk to her, and the books doesn't say much about emperor dragons other than they are insanely strong but she went to Nightfury anyway

As she entered the chambers she saw the black dragon sleeping on now the crushed remains of the huge bed, the huge bedding in which at least 8 people can sleep easily was completely covered under the black dragon's stomach

It seems that she is not the only one who is angry at her nephew today, while Nightfury always looks smaller compared to other dragons but as she stands before him she can understand that even if Nightfury is not gigantic like Lynix he is still huge, even just the length of his head is taller than her

As she was admiring this magestic creature Nightfury noticed she was there and is looking at her with those huge blood red eyes, even just standing in front him Daenerys can feel the raw power and fire emanating from the dragon

Others would have been terrified at such sight but she stood firm " where is he, where is that fool" she asked but Nightfury just shrugged and looked away

"So even you don't know where he is, some rider you have he doesn't tell you anything does he"

Grrrrrgrrrrrrr(I know where he is but I won't tell you ) Nightfury just growled at her but she somehow understood what he saying and then he wagged his tongue at her like a child

She was shocked at what just happened but nightfury was unaffected by her understanding him and just continued to lay there

"Then why are you not with Aegon instead of sulking in his chamber here"

Graaaa grreee ( I am not sulking, Aegon says he has to do grown up matters, I am grown up I am so much bigger than him, I was so small before I used to sit on his shoulders all day now I am big but he says I am not grown, you humans are small and weird )

"That's not what it means, no let it go, anyway then when will he be back "

Graaaaa ( I will go pick him when he calls me we should be back in this pointy building tomorrow)

Of all the things she expected the mighty emperor dragon to be this was not even close to that, the dragon that made even the old Valyria who brought the entire world to it knees afraid was now sulking in front of her like a child just because he was not allowed to go with his rider

Great now she is here with an immature dragon while her nephew is still missing, how is she supposed to deal with this when she doesn't even know why dragons attacked Braavos in the first place

Now she can just move forward no matter why Aegon did what he did now they can't back down maybe this is a good thing the Ironbank is also involved in the slave trade and now that they are already on bad terms with the dragons there is no use going back now