
The future is female

Story of a young woman born in a community where women are subordinate to their husbands, girls not allowed to go to school and live happily. But all that changes when a girl is born from a family of a cruel man. She dies but is reborn in form of her daughter who carries on her legacy showing the world that a woman can change the world as well

Zedhustler · Thanh xuân
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133 Chs

Unlike powers repel

Nisha goes to Matteo and of feels bad to see him in such a terrible state of his life,she gets near him so she can console him," stop crying and drinking like a little boy and move on,that girl... Becky doesn't deserve your love,you gave her your whole heart but she did this to you, how wicked. Am willing to come to you though, I mean am a shoulder to cry on so just forget that wretch"

Despite all her efforts to make Matteo fall into her trap again, Matteo pushes Nisha away even in a drunken state and warns her not to say another bad word about Becky, " be quiet Nisha, at least she left,but you stabbed me in the back, I love her so much,its my fault she left,Becky showed me how much she loved me back in college... I pushed her away and thought she was a pain in the neck...now its too late,someone else has her. Don't you ever in your life say an evil word against my Becky or else I'll kill you! get out of here Nisha leave me alone!"

Nisha acts stubborn by not getting out but Agni shows up and slams her with regretful words and then throws her out," what did you call Becky? a wretch? you have no shame Nisha, you married my brother for revenge!if it were for money I'd understand but you went a little too far. He gave you love and care,he was even willing to go against his family and the world so he could defend you, can I shock you Nisha? I provided at least three different evidences but he still couldn't believe his Nisha could betray him,so there you have it,Becky showed him love before she left but you gave him hatred and pain even before you came in. Do me a favor and get out of here I don't want to lay my hands on you because that'll be a curse to me and my future generation "

Nisha's eyes drop tears when she hears the last statement, she rushes to her room, slams the door behind her and weeps in pain. Agni takes the alcohol bottle from Matty and helps him seat on his bed together they have a heart to heart talk,

Agni: "what have you done to yourself my stubborn cat?"

Matteo: "you still haven't stopped calling me that?"

Agni: "how can I, ever since we were toddlers I'd call you that,you used to be the most stubborn person I knew, you were never afraid to break the rules given to you, be it by the school,your mom and even uncle Tony, despite him been very tough,you didn't fear that's why I called you that"

Matteo: "and I called you my little lioness because of your fierce character, never afraid of the dark unlike me,always ready to stand out for yourself and what you believed in,scared of no one, and beating bully boys to a pulp when they messed with little Ishan,haha"

Both cousins laugh at the old memories, after which Matteo asks Agni to go straight to the point,

Matteo: "tell me lioness,what are you trying to teach me,this time I'll listen"

Agni: "what am trying to say is that when life knocks you down,there's no harm in getting back up,life is showing you how hard and strict it is,but you also have to show it how stubborn you can be. Do you still remember our motto?"

Matteo: " how can I not "

Agni and Matteo say there childhood motto at the same time, 'when you fall seven times, get up eight "

Matteo lays his head on Agni's laps and asks her to sing there childhood song,

Matteo: "Agni? sing my favorite song for me please"

Agni: "oh my,why can't you sing it yourself?"

Matteo:"am drunk and you know it,I'll sing out of key so do it "

Agni: "okay fine I will"

Agni clears her throat and starts to sing the song,her melodious voice captures Abbey's attention and he stands by the door, listening to her as she sings "come stop your crying it'll be alright, just take my hand hold it tight,I will protect you from all around you, I will be here don't you cry,cause you'll be in my heart,no matter what they say,from this day on,now and forever more"

By the time Agni finishes the song,Matteo falls fast asleep, she kisses him on the forehead and whispers goodnight in his ears. When she walks out the door, she sees Abbey standing there,

Agni: "why are you standing here like a bodyguard?"

Abbey:"its nothing... I was just passing then,then heard you sing...by the way nice voice"

Agni says nothing but walk away.

After crying for about ten minutes, Nisha gets up and looks herself in the mirror and is confused as to why she is crying when everything Agni said to her is an absolute fact," why am I crying? what is wrong with me?have I started falling in love with Matty? why am I hurt by Agni's words when I know for a fact they are true, I don't know why but I can't bare to see him in pain,I can't let my developing soft spot for him get in the way of avenging dad. But Agni really hurt me by saying such words"

Nisha wipes her tears and goes to sleep.

Th following day, Salma calls out the family to give them good news, "everyone, I have fantastic news,Mirabel will be returning from overseas"

Anjali: " that's wonderful, when is she coming? "

Salma: "today,Mirabel is coming today"

Riswan: "I haven't seen my sister for a longtime, it'll be so good to see her again"

Mark:"yes she is troublesome and talkative, the whole house will be on fire"

Agni: "alright,enough, we should make a big welcome dinner"

The family agree with Agni's idea and start making plans. Tony asks Agni if she has seen Matty anywhere, Agni tells him she hasn't and sends Ishan to call him in spite of knowing they don't get along. Ishan knocks at the door and Matty asks him to get in,

Matteo: "good morning kid"

Ishan:"yes,uncle is calling you downstairs "

Matteo: "any hint why"

Ishan: "I don't know!"

Matteo: "you hate me after what I did to Agni don't you"

Ishan " I have something to do,excuse me"

Angela comes into the house with a woman,she claims to be her sister,

Tony:"who is this woman now?"

Angela:" she is my older sister Zerah"

Anjali:"will you bring anyone you feel like bringing to this house, its not an hotel for crying out loud"

Angela: "and yet you and your husband have left your town to live here"

Kel:"have some manners"

Zerah: "don't worry am not here to cause trouble"

Angela takes Zerah to the guest room. Nisha and Abbey follow them. Nisha asks her mother who the woman really is,

Nisha: "mom,who is this lady,I for one knows she is not my aunt"

Abbey:" You said she is Zerah tell us about her in full detail "

Angela: "she possesses dark powers,and with that,we will ruin this family"

Nisha: "that's trash mom,how are we sure she's not an imposter"

Zerah closes her eyes to meditate,suddenly, the jug of water starts floating in the air and this frightens Nisha who hides behind her brother,

Zerah: "do you believe me now"

Nisha:"yes I do...personally "

Abbey: "I will put you to good use when I need you"

A welcoming noise is heard from downstairs, Angela,her children and Zerah goes to check out what's happening and they see Mirabel with an additional guest, Agni,Ishan and Matteo run to hug her and the rest welcome her but see an unlikely person with her,

Ishan: "aunt who is she?"

Mirabel: "while I was visiting, I met her their, she is my daughters aunt in-law, Rahab"

Agni: "nice to meet you aunt"

Rahab takes Agni's hand and tells her the future in riddles, "Agni, fire,the mighty ruler of Promise town,one day you and your household shall have peace, this fight is not as easy as you think,there is a dark force fighting you,but no worries am here to help every step of the way,trust me"

Agni: "this is scary but thank you"

As Zerah is roaming in the hallway,she bumps into Rahab and they butt heads,

Zerah:"you have a strange power"

Rahab: "my power is not strange, its mightier and stronger than yours,my spirit leaded me all the way here and now I know why"

Zerah: " my spirit doesn't get along with yours"

Rahab: "you represent evil but I represent light,your days in this house are numbered so watch out"