
The future is female

Story of a young woman born in a community where women are subordinate to their husbands, girls not allowed to go to school and live happily. But all that changes when a girl is born from a family of a cruel man. She dies but is reborn in form of her daughter who carries on her legacy showing the world that a woman can change the world as well

Zedhustler · Teen
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133 Chs

Not meant for love

Mr Sinha comes to the mansion to ask about the towns crop harvesting festival," madam,as the man in charge of the festival, and on behalf of my fellow farmers,we wanted to ask you if the festival of harvests will take place this year"

Agni is sure amazed by this question, " this is amazing and surprising at the same time, Mr Sinha? tell me why are you asking me this?"

Mr Sinha: "don't get me mistaken your royal Highness, with every little thing that has been going on in the family, I didn't think all of you would cope"

Agni: "thank you for showing concern Mr Sinha, I'll tell you one thing, assemble your fellow farmers and prepare your celebration, the entire town will have a fellowship together"

Mr Sinha: "thank you madam,we'll do just that"

When Mr Sinha walks out of the house, Nisha and her mother walk in with some more drama,

Nisha:" Matteo! hey Matteo! come here quickly now!"

Matteo comes downstairs after Nisha calls out his name, "why are you shouting my name you mad woman!"

Nisha: "add some respect to your tone when calling my name for am going to be the mother of your child soon"

Matteo: "Nisha stop your madness,I already told you am not responsible for that thing"

Nisha: "don't insult our baby like that"

Agni:"Nisha stop biting around the bush and go straight to the point I personally don't have all day"

Angela: "what Nisha is implying is that the baby she is carrying belongs to Matty and we are sure about it. We went to the hospital to have to baby's blood tested and here are the results, showing he is the father"

Matteo take the papers from Angela's hands and finds out she is in fact telling the truth. Agni storms forward Nisha in anger and slaps her," how dare you woman,you've been stayed in this town way too long enough for you to know that finding out the babies gender before seven months is a crime"

Nisha: "well what were you expecting me to do when your cousin doesn't want to accept responsibility"

Unfortunately for Agni three women of the town hear the conversation, putting Agni in a very tough situation. One of the women takes Agni to the women gathering and reveals the secret,"my fellow women it came to my knowledge that our head over here allowed a lady from her family to find out the baby's gender at just two months and she has done nothing "

Woman 2:"if it were other women's daughters you would have thrown your punishment is that fair tell us leader?"

Nisha gets worried that Agni might punish her for the sake of been fair,Angela, however, assures Nisha Agni wouldn't do it not when she is pregnant. On the other hand,Mira is happy that Agni is in a difficult situation and hopes the women insult her even more. Agni breaks her silence and gives the judgment, "you women like to blubber a lot don't you, here is my decision, for dragging me all the way here without respect, Mrs Singania,you will work in the town field with the rest of the workers for the disrespect. As for my former sister in-law, she will work at the towns factory for a work and after that I'll decide what's next"

Agni walks out with attitude leaving Angela dumbfounded as she wasn't expecting such a dream decision. The town farmers start making preparations for the harvest festival. In the morning, the house and the town are excited as the day of the celebration is here. Agni and her family join in on the celebration, with so much dancing, drinking,singing and many other activities. Agni however isn't into the celebration because she is looking out for her family from Angela and her children. Becky and Matteo spend some quality time together, Becky decides its time she told him part of the truth, "Matteo I've been thinking about this and I've come up with this did decision"

Matteo: "what is it you want to say?"

Becky:" what the doctor said about stress is a lie,he however didn't tell the it willingly, I asked him to because I was afraid "

Matteo: "what then is the truth?"

Becky: "am not sure you will take this lightly but,am pregnant"

Matteo: "who is responsible for the pregnancy?"

Becky: "the baby is not yours it's for my ex boyfriend and he is willing to take responsibility for it"

Matteo: "when was it you got close to him"

Becky: "before I came here am sorry for disappointing you like this Matty, I know I don't deserve forgiveness moreover I have to leave I mean going back to my town so my ex and I can figure out how take care of our child"

Upon getting back home from celebration at dawn,Matteo asks Agni to get him married to Becky, "Agni you have to get Becky and I immediately, please sister"

Agni finds it difficult to understand what is going on with Matteo and why the rush,"what are you saying be more clear so I know how to help"

Matteo holds Agni's hands with tears in his eyes and pleads even more, "Agni I know that Becky will listen to you for your word is final, I can't afford to lose another person I love dearly,one already betrayed me,help!"

Agni commands Becky to stay but she refuses to, she reveals to the whole family she is carrying another mans child. She takes her bags and bids goodbye, Matteo goes on his knees and begs Becky not to go,Becky cries but eventually leaves. Tony takes Matteo to his bedroom. And the drama is over for one day.