
The fruit that changed everything

James is an ordinary kid in an ordinary village. But all of that changes when he is seven. James has never known that his dad was a pirate. And by the marine law. 'If a man is found on a pirate vessel not shackled by the wrists or ankles he shall be found guilty as a pirate.' James has no idea but he's a pirate and he's about to find that out.

ThunderBolt · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Marines again

"What was that?" Chris says confused turning around to see 2 marine ships pulling into the island we were at.

"Sir we have to have you answer our questions considering the events a couple days ago."

"Oh alright."

"Why are you here?" A marine says stepping out of his ship he's a huge man with 2 swords on both hips.

"Well 2 nights ago two bombs I'm guessing exploded above our ship lighting it up in flames and killing 3 of my crew members sinking my ship." Chris says standing up.

"I'm terribly sorry to hear about that, we will give you a lift from here to the main island if you'd like."

"That would be greatly appreciated!" Chris says.

"Alright is this your entire crew?" The marine asks.

"Yes sir it is."

"Alright then." A ramp on the side of one of the ships drops and we walk on it to get in the ship. "What were you guys doing here?" The marine asks.

"We were taking a little break to get food and some extra wood." Chris says.

"He's really good at lying." Don quietly says to me.

"Clearly." I say getting on the deck.

"How old are you kid?" A marine asks.

"10" I say walking past him.

"What're you doing here?"

"I'm with the crew." I say. We walk where the marines tell us to go and make it to the main island.

"Well there goes that entire plan." Chris says.

"Well then what're we gonna do now?" Rick asks.

"We can't discuss this here but we can when we get off the ship I'm thinkin we still go with the plan." Chris says.

"We're docked up and ready to depart if you guys are ready." The marine says.

"Yeah we're ready whenever you are."

"Alright we're gettin off then." We stand up and get ready to head off the ship when the marine pulls his swords out. "Who are you guys?" He says standing in front of the ramp.

"I told you we're merchants."

"I don't believe that."

"Sir you don't want to fight us we've been attacked by pirates and fended them off easily."

"So now you're threatening me." The marine says putting his swords in a fighting position.

"James do it." I look at Chris. "Do. It."

"Yessir." I say taking control of the man's shadow. "We don't have much time before the sun completely sets we gotta go now." I say moving the marine to the side causing him to fall.

"James you're gonna need to learn how to smoothly move someone." Lincoln says running past. I start walking and push the marine running off the ramp, when I make it to the ground everyone is just running and hiding.

"AY JAMES OVER HERE!" Rick yells waving. I run over to him and he points to a little crack in a house. "Get in that thing and don't move."

I go to the crack and try and squeeze my way into it. '𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯'𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘵' I think grabbing a little piece of splintered wood and ripping it off. '𝘏𝘰𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘱 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦'𝘴 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦.' I think seeing a giant hole in the ground it has everything needed to live it looks like it's pretty old though.

"GET THEM GO GO GO GO!" I hear the marine say and hear footsteps running around frantically. "CLEAR! NEXT HOUSE!" They're right above me running around throwing things to the ground and breaking glass. "NOT HERE KEEP MOVING!" The footsteps disappear and the next door is kicked in. A while later Rick comes by and tells me it's safe to come out.

"Holy crap you found our new hideout." Rick says when I step out and show him the basement. "Everyone's good I think, the marines are still looking around for the crew so I'm going to sneak as many people as I can here." He hands me a knife and says to carve out a little frame for a secret door so we can get in and out of the hideout.

"THERE'S ONE!" A gunshot cracks across the seemingly silent town the bullet hits the house right next to Rick.

"SHIT!" He yells ducking and running. He turns the corner and I go close to the door in the corner gripping the knife so hard my knuckles are white. I hear more footsteps running across and see the black boots of a marine speeding past the hole.

"I'm checkin the hole here be ready for anything." A deep voice booms it immediately sets fear in me I hold the knife tighter hopefully ready to stab anyone who comes in.