
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Journey to the Magia Academy Part 1

I wish I could stay and look at this wonderful field all day but sadly, I had important matters that I had to attend to. After the kind Guard of the King helped me off the cliff I could shorten my travel time. Or at least that's what I thought. My horse was paralysed in fear from all the jumping and near-death situations; I don't blame him. I sat down in the middle of the grassy field and waited for my horse to realise that it was safe on the ground. I tried to see if the smell of food would awaken it from its coma and even splash water over it, but nothing worked.

There wasn't really anything else I could do. Well, there is. But it involves magic and dangerous magic at that. It would be risky. but I guess it's worth a try. I shouldn't be doing this, if I was in the Demon Realm I could do this the easy way.

I pulled out my book and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath in and breathed out followed by one final breath in again. I opened my eyes wide ready to cast the spell.

My book glowed a timid yellow colour that surrounded the horse. Slowly the horse began to stand and regain its footing. The horse stood back as if nothing had ever happened as the yellow tint faded away. However, something had happened, and it had happened to me.

I fell to the floor quickly gasping for air. Squeezing my chest tightly as my body felt as if it was being torn apart from the inside. Grinding my teeth to try and take my mind off the pain. No matter how much I used it I will never get used to its side effects. Meanwhile, my horse was happily looking at me without worry. I was on the ground but it just poked me with its nose.

"Phew… I kinda forgot why I don't use this magic anymore… I should really keep that in mind."

Not all magic is meant to be used by everyone. Only some should use certain magic, and only some can.

"Well. At least you are fixed, come on let's get moving."

This magic had such an effect on me that I realised I was talking to my horse.

I jumped back on my horse and began to move. There were still a few hours of sun so I wanted to try and find a place to sleep for the night and only move during the day.

I travelled happily along the path and was occasionally greeted with pain that was lingering from before in my lungs and heart. It didn't seem like it was going away but I could put up with it until I found a place to stay.

There were many different paths and wooden signs scattered about, each leading to all the various cities or villages. You could easily see that some paths were more worn out than others. A lot of people only care about large cities, but I needed to travel through several smaller countryside villages to get to where I needed to go.

At a crossroads, I met a young traveller who was coming from the opposite way me. I asked him for directions and if he knew somewhere I could stay for the night. He pointed me in the direction of his village which I would be cutting through anyway.

I travelled following the directions given to me and arrived as the sun was setting. The village felt very nostalgic to me, everything someone could need was in one central location with houses and taverns around the edge, creating a warm and very close community. Everything was small and everyone seemed as if they knew each other.

The smell of the market stalls made my mouth water and my stomach growl. The rowdy noise of happy laughter coming from the taverns as people drink till they pass out and take the piss out of each other, really made me think about everything I've missed.

Although I was happy to have returned I couldn't help but feel sad at how different life had become for me. But then again, I never experienced what they are.

I could only brood in my own regrets for so long and went to find a stable where I could let my horse sleep for the night and went into a connecting tavern.

Upon entry I realised how loud it truly was inside, everyone was cheering and dancing around already drunk. The waitresses happily served large plates of food to the customers with a smile on their faces despite the harsh and stressful work.

"Is there any place I can stay for the night?"

I approached the bar and asked the pale-faced young lady behind it if I could stay. She looked about 17, as she worked away with a smile on her face. She cleaned glasses from the countertop with a pure heart and hummed to herself as she did it. She didn't notice me at first, she was too caught up in her own mind.

"E-excuse me?" I called out.

"Ah! Hello! Sorry about that I was daydreaming, hehe. What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if I could stay here for the night?"

"Oh, a traveller! Are you an adventurer? We get many of you lot around these parts! It seems like a lot of fun but I have to stay here and look after this place. Ah! Sorry I keep talking... We have some rooms available if you'd like?"

She seemed kinda clumsy but also cute. Her eyes reminded me of an ocean I once visited with my parents. So clear and beautiful. Although, she did seem to talk a lot.

"Yes, I only need one night. I shall be off again in the morning."

"Ohhhh" The girl seemed interested in stories. She looked like she would listen to everything I would say. I've only spoken to her for a few minutes but I already feel like I've known her my whole life.

"For 1 night that will be 3 silver. We also throw in some dinner with that so whenever you are ready to order just come up here and tell me what you want! I'll be happy to serve you!"

"Hey missy, get me another drink" A drunken man called out.

"Coming right up sir."

The girl handed me the key to the room with a smile and rushed off to serve the customer, she was the only one working behind the bar and seemed to enjoy it a lot. She happily served the man and talked to him with ease. It seemed like she had years of experience and skin of steel to be able to deal with this rowdy crowd.

# # #

"So are you ready to order?"

I decided to go up to my room for an hour to let the place die down before I ordered. The same girl was behind the bar with perfect blonde hair that didn't look as if it had been working a busy shift. All the heavy drinkers had left and the ones that remained were all eating happily in peace.

"Yes… I'm not very good with deciding so I shall take whatever you recommend."

"Well! I would recommend everything, but the Dragon pie is a real treat."

"Excellent I shall take that then. I would also like whatever ale you've got."

"Perfect, I shall go bring you your food when it is ready, you can sit wherever you like."

The girl hopped off towards the kitchen in the back, continuing to hum the same song she hummed throughout her shift. I decided to stay by the bar on a stool and as the bar was empty and I thought I would get to talk to her more when she came back. I was eager to hear the stories that many had passed on to her during their travels, but as the front door creaked open, a small group of people walked in. They stumbled around the place with bright red faces from the alcohol they had been drinking since noon. They approached the bar and slumped down on the empty stools next to me. I didn't want to make eye contact but they looked at me so I tried to play it off by drinking my drink.

"What are you looking at?" One of them asked, he was either the drunkest or the soberest. It was hard to tell.

"Nothing..." I replied back.