
The Four Guardians

THIS SERIES IS ON INDEFINITE HIATUS ---------------------------------------- Over 50 thousand years ago the Demon King ruled all nations with an iron fist, it took the strongest of all around the world to stop him to end a war that had been raging on. After the war, the nations gathered to discuss a punishment for the Demon King, it was decided that the protectors of the Demon Realm, The Four Guardians, would serve all nations if needed whilst also serving and controlling the Demon Realm. The Demon King accepted and his Four Guardians, the most powerful the Demon Realm has to offer, now have to juggle ruling the Demon Realm and sorting out all the problems other nations propose, but of course, not everyone is happy with the peace that currently stands and the rise of new threats worry even the guardians. ___________________________________________ I just write this for fun so don't expect something amazing.

Fabledbyte · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Journey to the Human World

At the first sight of dawn, I prepared my horse and started my journey. It would take about 5 days of constant travel to arrive at Magia City. Thorit informed me that Eva and Tia had taken a Horse Dragon back a few nights ago. A Horse Dragon was a type of horse breed, called that way because of how quick they are and how easy they can climb up rough terrain as well as their endless supply of stamina. Taking one of them will only take about 1 full day, but I wasn't really in a rush so I thought I'd enjoy and see how my homeworld has changed.

The doors to the Demon Realm were remains of old demonic castles that wrap around the city protecting it. To isolate ourselves from the rest of the world we hide behind a large mountain with a direct path to the Orc capital, one of the only nations that were willing to be our ally during a time when the world hated us, for good reason.

The mountain was steep and taking a horse was no easy journey, I'd have to make various stops along the way and was worried about falling off the side whilst I guided it up the dangerous paths. I could use magic to carry us down but I'm not in the Demon Realm anymore so If I get caught I'll be in trouble, but that hasn't stopped me before.

Magic is a powerful tool and is banned from regular use unless given a royal exception. I could get away with it in the Demon Realm but out here I would be Orc's problem, and I definitely don't want to use magic in the Human world if I look like a demon. I'd prefer if I didn't start any wars.

I had left at the start of dawn but I wasn't even halfway down the mountain and It was already midday. The steep rocks crumble at the slightest touch making it dangerous for most creatures to try and navigate this. Plus the scorching heat from a nearby volcano wasn't helping much for me or my horse.

I was starting to run low on water and my horse looked as if he needed to drink a few gallons or he would pass out. I was considering using magic to create some but I'm not sure…

Ah, what the hell… What's the worst that can happen?

I pulled out my book from my bag and started to create a small orb of water in my hand, created from frozen ice. I was having fun morphing the water into whatever shape I wanted, I even managed to turn it into the other guardians. It was kinda amusing to watch the horse drink Sagitta's head. I thought this journey was going to be hell but this isn't so bad.

"Halt! Who goes there?" A mysterious voice echoed around the mountains, it sounded like it was female but I didn't know where it was coming from. It was impressive that they managed to escape my sight, I can't sense any mana from them.

"You seem quite familiar to me?" The voice said. "Did you come from the Demon Realm?"

"Show yourself then maybe I'll consider answering," I replied, assuming they were talking to me.

"Very well."

In front of me appeared black smoke that rose from cracks in the rocky ground. Inside the smoke stood a figure of a slender human. The figure wore light black armour and covered their face and hair with only its fierce grey eyes to be seen.

"Oh? One of the Guards of the Kings? To what do I owe the pleasure?"

The Guards of the Kings were trouble, these people serve no one but their ruler who helped forge the current Guardian agreement, rumours say that the person they serve was strong enough to make all the Nation's leaders sit and discuss in one room without fighting. With power like that, you could rule over anyone but no one knows who or what he is.

They patrol the whole world in secret and deal with the worst criminals, but only if it will benefit them. They don't want to get involved if they don't have to.

"Looking at you up close, you seem to resemble one of the Demon World's Guardians, Tempus was that his name? Perhaps I'm mistaken, the Demon realm wouldn't have a human as a Guardian." She visibly spat as she said those words.

Lucky for me they only know who I am when I disguised myself as a demon, but I'm surprised they even know what the Guardians look like. I know the Head Guard represents the King during the Meetings of the Nations but I didn't expect a basic guard to know me. However, now I suspect that there were more guards at those meetings than I first thought. They are too crafty for my liking.

"You must be mistaken. I am just a traveller, on my way back to one of the Human cities."

"Just a traveller? That's strange… I thought I detected the use of some magic, from the looks of it you don't seem to be capable of magic."

Thankfully I've mastered how to hide my mana. If she could even smell the slight hint of mana on me I'd be doomed. But why was she here? A Guard of the King wouldn't bother caring about the magic use of some random person. I can only guess she already knows who I am and is giving me a warning. These people always act so smugly, as if they have everything figured out, how annoying.

"I shall help you off this mountain… It is dangerous for travellers on horseback to come to these parts alone. I shall carry your horse and you down."

Huh? What did she say? How was she going to carry me down?

This slim person who I'm assuming is female easily picks up both me and the horse. I was forced to wrap around her back whilst she carried the horse like a damsel-in-distress, shouldn't it be the other way around? Why don't I get carried by her? But I suppose getting to wrap my arms around her body is just as nice.

I'm amazed at her strength but I can tell she is a master in strength enhancement magic combined with wind to ease the fall of her jumps. I guess it's ok for them to use magic.

The rules on where to use magic are riddled with issues, there are places where you can use whatever magic you want and places where using it will get you beheaded. The issue wasn't that I used magic, it was that I used it on the border between the Human and Demon worlds, regardless of who I am. If I had done it anywhere else I would be fine, but whatever the Guards of the King say has to be followed. Going against them was a risky move even for us Guardians, though I'm sure the others wouldn't mind if I pissed them off.

"You're pretty strong aren't you? I'd expect that from a Guard of the King."

"Us guards aren't just chosen for no reason. Each of us excels in something that we have spent our whole lives training."

Her whole life? Just how old is she?

The guard easily carried us down the mountain, jumping off the mountainsides as 'shortcuts' causing me and the horse to panic and frantically kick our legs each time she prepared to jump. She managed to stick the landing each time and made it look super easy. She was focused and silent for the whole trip but she managed to turn what would have taken 10 more hours into 1. I can be thankful, but even she seemed annoyed at what she was doing as if questioning why I didn't just use magic to do what she did rather than make water.

"Thank you so much… How can I ever thank you?"

"You don't have to worry about anything… Guardian of the North."

"I figured as much..." I said, stretching my stiff body.

"Just next time use magic, it'll be easier than us having to warn you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

The guard disappeared into a pool of black smoke leaving nothing behind. A gust of wind took away the smoke as she vanished before my very eyes, leaving me alone with my horse and the few bags of clothes that I carried.

In front of me stood a large open field full of hills. The sun was bright and the breeze whistled throughout the grass. It felt so much different from the Demon Realm. I wanted to stay here forever. Being back home was something else. It looked as if It hadn't changed in years, this part of the land was untouched by civilisation and nature was left to create this pure field of green. Something that I had forgotten about.

But, sadly, I can't stay and admire the scenery as my journey was only beginning.