
The Football Dynasty

A broke man. A football fan. What will he do when transmigrated to past? Armed with the knowledge of the future, follow John on his journey to create the greatest football dynasty.

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"Boss, where did you find these players?" Michael asked John as he reviewed the information he had on the next player they were going to sign.

"The same way I found you." John said seriously.

John had no idea how to answer them. He had already tried 'I am from the future' thing, but it just doesn't work. After some time, he figured that he didn't really have to give an answer. He could just shrug it off and people will assume whatever they want. It would have been a problem if he was an employee to convince his boss of these decisions, but he was the boss, so it didn't really matter. Maybe he came off as somewhat rude, but there was no way around that. He had already tried telling the truth.

"Well, how did you find me, boss? I never really got around to ask that." Michael asked John.

Even though Michael had confidence in himself, he didn't really think that he was qualified for the job based on his current abilities. The only things he was good at was finding the players and helping the team improve on the pitch with the data analysis. The only thing he had done for the club until now was finding veterans for team, which is the job for a scout and had worked as a translator.

"It was revealed to me in a dream that you will be good at your job. Seems to me these dreams can't be relied upon." John said jokingly.

Working for a month together, they had come to know each other very well. John knew that Michael didn't mind the jokes or he was the best actor in the world.

"Seems we will have to find someone else to lead us." Michael quipped in his usual deadpan voice.

Sometimes John didn't know if he was joking or was infact serious. But he didn't mind.

John knew that he didn't exactly exude authority because he wasn't used to it. So, he had become friends with people he was closely working with. That came naturally to John. Even though he wasn't great at socialising, he was quite a laid back person that was easy to talk to. So he was quite close to the people he worked with. He didn't know if it will work in his favor or against him in the future, but John wasn't thinking that far in the future right now.

"So, is there a problem in the players I found?" John asked Michael.

Michael was quite capable and John was no football expert, just an ordinary fan with the knowledge of the future. So, he didn't mind taking Michael's or anyone else's advice if it will help him. Because John loved football and now that he had a chance to lead Leicester to greatness, he wasn't going to just let it go. John knew that no matter how much money he earned, he would always be working for Leicester. So he was keen on learning about both on the pitch and off the pitch workings of the football clubs.

"No, there is no problem. Though I don't think all of them will become stars as you said, but they have talent and most importantly fit in the system we are trying to create at Leicester." Michael said to John.

Michael then continued,"But I just don't know how you could find them from all over the Europe. Like Lewandowski, he was playing in the Polish third division, we don't even have scouts in Poland. Or the player we are going to see, he was playing in the fourth tier in Italy last year, and he doesn't really look like a player that would fit in our system at the first glance, but you were so sure."

"Well, you have to figure that out on your own and I assure you that even though Giaccherini was playing in the fourth tier, he will contribute more than you think for our team." John replied Michael.

John knew that Giaccherini was currently playing in the fourth division but would go on to carve out a pretty good career for himself, playing for clubs like Juventus and Napoli. Standing at 5'6" and lacking strength, he didn't immediately pop out as a player that Leicester needed, but he was the example of a hard working, consistent and energetic player. John remembered he was the star player of the Cesena side who gained two successive promotions in two years. He was capable of aiding the team both offensively and defensively and was a versatile player capable of playing across both flanks, as a central midfielder or a secondary striker. And at 22 years old, he wasn't too young and also fit in the Leicester's timeline.

"Alright lets go. Its time." John said to Michael.

John and Michael both went to meet the player but it was more of a formality than anything. The player had already agreed to join Leicester and John had already negotiated a five year contract with an annual salary of 100,000 pounds with his agent before even setting foot in Italy.

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