
The First Vampire: A Journey Into The Supernatural

The story began when Lucifer grew bored. This led him to decide to create a superior race to his father's, for his own entertainment. This race would surpass humans in every aspect, but there were still limitations to what he could achieve. For instance, he couldn't deceive the sun, a natural force belonging to his father, God. He desired a race that could outwit and behave like humans in order to deceive his father's masterpiece, but he couldn't create it in the same way as his father. Therefore, he opted for a shortcut - creating a disease known as vampirism. The main character becomes the first vampire, obtaining the blessing from Lucifer himself. In the year 646 A.D. in a small village in The Frankish Kingdom, a young albino girl named Carmilla lived in fear for her life. In those dark ages, her unique appearance meant almost certain death. Confined to the basement of her house, she had never seen the world beyond its walls. Her parents kept her in chains, showing her no love or kindness, except for her sister Anna, who was her only source of comfort and care. However, tragedy struck when fate cruelly took Anna away. Alone and desperate, Carmilla prayed for salvation, and in her darkest moment, an unexpected blessing came from the Seraphim Lucifer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In my novel, Carmilla will embark on a journey through different time periods, facing great dangers along the way. She may encounter historical figures such as Vlad The Impaler, visit the Lancaster duchess, and possibly even travel to Brazil. The story will be filled with numerous historical events, some of which will be altered while others may not occur at all. The supernatural world will be rich with a variety of folklore from real life, some of which I may create myself. Elements such as werewolves, sorcery, faith bearers, pagan gods, and more will be included. I draw inspiration from real world legends and events, and will also introduce some original creations of my own. Many of the vampire characters in the story will be influenced by existing vampire literature, such as Castlevania, Vampire: The Masquerade, Count Dracula, and others.

San_Martins · Lịch sử
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7 Chs

The Gorgeous Lady

The snow is stopping hmm... been quite some time. Judging by the map I shall arrive in Orleans shortly, from there, arriving at Vallis Aurea is a simple matter.

Running in a forest with the night sky shining in all its beauty, gentle snowflakes fall slowly painting the green forest in soft tones of white. Owls hoots can be heard from every direction and bats fly around with no apparent destination.

While running, something catches my attention, a voice.

"Help! Please! Help!" A soft woman's voice yells with a pleading tone

Huh? It seems like it is close, might as well go and help this person, and taking a sip or two of blood while at it would be wonderful.

I run toward the voice quickly making my way through the forest and arriving into a swamp area, it is then when my eyes meet a woman. Her legs are underwater while she tries to pull her body out holding in a rock. A light blush appears on my face while staring at her figure.

My Lucifer... she is so pretty, so beautiful, simply gorgeous! Oh my, im losing myself here, I should help her. Running toward her, after arriving I extend my hand which she grabs with a warm smile.

My... she is gorgeous. Fair skin almost pale, blue eyes that resemble two rare jewels, black smooth hair with one dread on both sides and a beautiful white dress that showcases more skin than my nerves can handle, her whole body is simply gorgeous in every aspect.

The woman stands up looking at me with a gentle expression while I lose myself in her appearance, she continues to softly caress the hand that I used to help her stand up.

"Oh my, what a kind traveler, im Genevive, and as a way of showing my gratitude my house is right, would you like to spend some time with me?" She says with a gentle and calm tone

Hmm? House? Looking to the side, there is a house with a triangular-shaped roof around the swamp in a solid area. A small house but big for one person to live in. Ah yes, it was always there of course.

With a light blush on my cheeks, while Genevive caresses my hand slowly, I speak with an embarrassed and shy tone.

"O- Of course, what a beautiful house thou have"

Genevive with a gentle grasp in my hand starts to guide me there while singing a melody in a low voice. She can even sing! beautiful and talented!

Arriving at her home, Genevive opens the door letting me inside, she then proceeds to lead the way to a living room where there is a single armchair by a lit fireplace holding a soapstone pot cooking something.

The woman leads me to sit down in the armchair and to my surprise, she sits down in my lap lying on my chest completely defenseless in my grasp. 

Mmm... she smells good and this is so comfortable... I feel like falling asleep, she is so warm too, if she is okay with it then... 

I hesitantly wrap my arms around her waist passing my hand in the soft fabric of her dress. Genevive turns her head a little to face me with a joyful expression but a hint of seduction in her eyes. 

"Touch me more kind traveler" Genevive whispers seductively while caressing my thighs

Yes... mmm I love this, love her, I want to stay here forever. We proceed to cuddle in the armchair while my hands pass through her whole gorgeous body, she leans for a kiss that I gladly retribute and we kiss each other while she sits in my lap.

Minutes pass in a blink as we cuddle by the fireplace. Everything seemed perfect, until.

In a passionate kiss, losing myself to pleasure while hugging each other. I pull back from her kiss forming a string of saliva connecting both of us. But after taking my eyes from her mouth for a second, her rageful eyes startle me and wake me up from my lust.

With a hesitant and confused tone, I speak.

"I- D- Did I do something wrong?" I stumble on my words

Genevive's left side of her face starts to melt slowly, my eyes wide in shock.

"Why! Why! Just die, why are thou not dead?!" Genevive yells ragefully


My eyes open anxiously to be greeted by a beast with a horrible green skin holding my body under the water.

What the! Instinctively my claws get out and in a swift movement, I tear the creature's neck apart making the green swamp water turn into shades of red.

Shit! Shit! Shit! Why im under the bloody water?! 

Freaking out completely, I make my way toward the surface thanking Lucifer for do not need to breathe. After arriving successfully at the surface crawling to outside of the water with an utter shocked expression and confusion.

What the hell!? Bloody thing! Now I recall, this disgusting piece of garbage grabbed my hand and pulled me to the water with it, what the hell was that unholy illusion?! Disgraceful beast! It tried to drown me, stupid beast, I do not breathe!

I get up annoyed and kick the dirt floor in anger. Maudit creature! Now im all wet, I just lost time in this disgusting place, next time a woman screams for help in a swamp close to me, she is dead.

Now I have to find a proper river before continuing, it is impossible to wash properly in this godforsaken green water.

Better hurry if the sun comes out before me finding a river and I end up having to sleep like this I swear in Lucifer's name...

Sorry for the short chapter, I have the flu so it is kinda hard to write right now so I might take two or three days to rest for now.

San_Martinscreators' thoughts