
The First Vampire: A Journey Into The Supernatural

The story began when Lucifer grew bored. This led him to decide to create a superior race to his father's, for his own entertainment. This race would surpass humans in every aspect, but there were still limitations to what he could achieve. For instance, he couldn't deceive the sun, a natural force belonging to his father, God. He desired a race that could outwit and behave like humans in order to deceive his father's masterpiece, but he couldn't create it in the same way as his father. Therefore, he opted for a shortcut - creating a disease known as vampirism. The main character becomes the first vampire, obtaining the blessing from Lucifer himself. In the year 646 A.D. in a small village in The Frankish Kingdom, a young albino girl named Carmilla lived in fear for her life. In those dark ages, her unique appearance meant almost certain death. Confined to the basement of her house, she had never seen the world beyond its walls. Her parents kept her in chains, showing her no love or kindness, except for her sister Anna, who was her only source of comfort and care. However, tragedy struck when fate cruelly took Anna away. Alone and desperate, Carmilla prayed for salvation, and in her darkest moment, an unexpected blessing came from the Seraphim Lucifer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In my novel, Carmilla will embark on a journey through different time periods, facing great dangers along the way. She may encounter historical figures such as Vlad The Impaler, visit the Lancaster duchess, and possibly even travel to Brazil. The story will be filled with numerous historical events, some of which will be altered while others may not occur at all. The supernatural world will be rich with a variety of folklore from real life, some of which I may create myself. Elements such as werewolves, sorcery, faith bearers, pagan gods, and more will be included. I draw inspiration from real world legends and events, and will also introduce some original creations of my own. Many of the vampire characters in the story will be influenced by existing vampire literature, such as Castlevania, Vampire: The Masquerade, Count Dracula, and others.

San_Martins · Lịch sử
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14 Chs

The Brave Soldier

Maps are bloody difficult to read. Why there is a mountain in my way? There is no warning whatsoever about hills. Where am I even? By Lucifer, scholars possess nonhuman intellects if they can read this.

Lucifer guides me for I have no idea of what im doing. My only options seem to be to go around this hill praying to find my way eventually. After walking some more stopping to feed on a local animal, I find myself in the middle of a hellish encounter.


My attention swiftly turns toward the sound of metal clashing against each other far away from here. The smell of blood... mmmm, I crave it. Has been days without a drop of human blood, just the smell causes me to salivate. A small peek should not be a problem, yes, just a little.

Sniffing the wonderful scent of blood while hearing metallic sounds, I find myself hiding behind a tree while a few men are fighting. The losing side hears a red shield with golden stars and a crown patterned on their tunics. They fight with courage against enemies wearing dark blue tunics who have more numbers. Horses fall alongside screams of pain of men with broken bones and lost limbs, swords slicing against meat paint the green clearing red.

What should I do? Standing peeking behind a tree, I frown my eyebrows while thinking of my next step with a thoughtful expression. Would be good to drink some blood but it might be a bad idea to get involved in whatever this is... yet, I WISH FOR BLOOD. 

My instincts are screaming! Argh... my claws are already getting out without me even wanting it. First, that incident at the river, now this. Controlling myself is no easy feat.

Lost in my interior fight trying to control myself, something wakes me up. The last man standing from the red side, courageously put his sword up looking at a swan of enemies rushing at him with horses, the determination in his eyes as destined death approaches him captivates me.

He has black long hair arranged in multiple braids, healthy white skin, a scar on his left cheek made by a sword slice, looks about 40 years old, and has a well-kept big beard. 

Alongside the deafening sounds of steps from horses coming in his direction, I hear his last words in the form of a battle cry.


Beautiful... A soldier who lost his comrades one by one on the cruel battlefield yet he stands with unwavering determination in his eyes, facing his fate without a single drop of regret.


My instincts guide me as I run toward the battlefield cutting the wind. I stop in front of the soldier, pick up an axe from the ground throwing it at a man on his horse, the axe successfully tears the man's head apart in a vertical cut.

By Lucifer... I killed a man, for nothing. There is no rage, no sadness, im in control. I had other options, running away with the soldier behind me would be an easy task for me, yet my choice was to kill a man. Strangely, there is no remorse or pity, 'it is only natural' thats what my nonhuman side tells me.

Soldiers scream as they perceive what happened and horses start to crumble in fear as they lock eyes with me.

"Ist es Selûne?!"

"Warum Selûne Toulouse hilft?!"

I hear confused screams in an unknown language among their ranks. Who is this Selûne everyone speaks of? Anyway, im here now, there is no time to hesitate.

My body turns into a swan of bats rushing into the enemy ranks who are hesitant to attack. What is this?! Wait now is not the time to be confused, focus.

Invading their formation my body alternates between bat swans while my claws find themselves tearing throats and limbs. A smile forms on my face while my claws tear everything in its way. 

My pupils move at an inhuman speed peaking up movements from all the soldiers around me while killing them. A soldier tries to strike me with a spear which I evade easily, in a swift movement my hand grabs the spear from the soldier's hand after tearing his face apart with my claw.


I spin the spear with all my strength resulting in the frail spear breaking but killing multiple soldiers around me. Then my body turns into a swan of bats that penetrates through the walls of soldiers.

"Göttin des Todes, warum tust du das?!" Soldiers yells in confusion and desperasion

My hand reached to grab a soldier by the neck using him as a shield, another soldier came to attack me with a swipe of his axe but it ended with my human shield dead and my claw on his neck.

little giggles escape my mouth. Im not sure of what this feeling is... but it is wonderful! My human side tells me that if I get too close to this feeling, I might never come back. The thought of turning into a mindless beast who wears a human face like those people in my old village makes me sick. No matter how much my humanity drifts, my conscience needs to stay intact.

Dodging from a vertical swipe and grabbing the perpetrator's neck, I pull him into my embrace biting his neck resulting in his blood running into my mouth like a waterfall.

"Unmöglich! Sie ist sehr stark" 

While I delight myself in human blood. The soldiers retreat anxiously after throwing their weapons on the ground. Should I let them go? There is no meaning in killing them all for nothing... Yes, I believe it is for the best... It is enough, but why does this thing inside me ask for more? Hearing it too much might cause me to lose myself, there is a need for balance.

After draining the blood of the soldier he falls to the ground as an empty and unhealthy shell of a person. A little sigh escapes my mouth as I look at the state of my body. By Lucifer, why does this always happen to me? Until a few minutes ago, this robe was brow was it not? Argh, my hair too.

Looking at the soldier wearing red, he stands mesmerized with eyes expressing admiration. After we stare at each other for a few long seconds, the man snaps back to reality and runs toward me like a madman. The man stops in front of me kneeling while extending his two hands that hold his lying sword, gesturing for me to take his sword.

Eh... Is he proposing to me?! By Lucifer! No! It is too soon! Im is not ready for marriage yet! And thou know nothing about me! The man then speaks waking me up from my confused thoughts. His voice sounds deep and warrior-like.

"Oh, great Salûne, Goddess of the moon and death, I thank thee for fighting my enemies, please claim my soul as payment. It would be an honor to die by thy holy hands"

... A goddess? Why are people calling me Salûne then? Confusing... My name is Carmilla there is no Salûne here.

"Why, Forgive me but I possess no knowledge of this Salûne thou speak of, much less am I a goddess" I say formally with a hint of confusion

The man gasps looking up to stare at me with a confused expression he frowns his eyebrows.

"Impossible! Thy prowess in battle and pale appearance are exactly what the legends describe. Great Goddess, claim my soul" Says the man assertively

Is this man desperate to die? A light sigh escapes my mouth. If he does not wish to hear the truth, then might as well use it in my favor.

"Why do thou desire to die? if thy wish is to repay me, do so alive by serving me" I say with a hint of annoyance

The man without hesitation, grabs the handle of his sword sticking it to the ground with one hand in the handle of his sword and another on his heart, he speaks with a tone of concern.

"Thou wish is my command Goddess Salûne, but my hands are made to kill, my body is forged to battle and my only wish is to die a warrior before age makes me unable to hold my sword"

Age hmm... Lucifer's blessing seems to make me unable to change physically, as my body is in constant regeneration to its original state, which is the state when I first drank Lucifer's blessing. Not sure if it works as an immortality, the blessing entered my body mere weeks ago so im not capable of confirming it.

Thinking carefully, Lucifer's blessing came from a liquid that looked very similar to blood. When the time calls for it, might as well try to feed this man my blood.

"Fear not, in my travels we shall encounter battles that warriors around the world can only dream of" I say with an enthusiastic tone

I do not know if we will really, but until now, my heart was pierced by a piece of stone and I fought off a small raid. For me, this is legendary already.

The man then rises with a serious expression grabbing his short sword and sheating it. Ouah! I could not perceive before as my mind was set on other matters but this man is giant. Im not exactly short although not tall either, but compared to him, im afraid I look like a child. Im starting to get embarrassed...

"Eh... then what is thy name? Mine is Carmilla" I say with a hint of embarrassment attempting to break the uncomfortable silence.

"My name is Revgnir from Allemanni if the goddess wishes to be addressed as Carmilla then I shall abide" Says Revgnir with a serious and respectable tone

What an interesting name. Is it normal to tell the name from where you came before your name? Unfortunately, I do not know my old village name.

This wrong assumption of his annoys me, im no goddess! A light sigh escapes my mouth. Anyway, we should go quickly before the sun rises. My body craves a bath too, hopefully, there is a river around.

"Revgnir thy knowledge of this land far surpasses mine, may you guide me towards a nearby river?" I ask casually

Revgnir who seems always serious and direct, promptly guides me into the woods without hesitation. While walking, my curiosity about Revgnir's life led me to ask him about a variety of things and he did not fail to answer all of them.

Revgnir was born in Allemanni, a region of the Frankish kingdom. His father was a warrior who fought for the Merovingian Dynasty, the current ruler family of this kingdom. Revgnir followed in the same footsteps as his late father who died in battle long ago leaving his mother and his son behind, Revgnir's mother then died from disease not long after his father's death, by that time, Revgnir was 30 years old and already a member in the Merovingian ranks. Unfortunately, he possesses no skill in reading but he knows this land like the palm of his hand, so he says. He and his men were appointed to protect the city of Toulouse from the Visigothic kingdom which constantly attacks this region.

More slowly than ever, we found the said river. Putting my backpack on the ground, I pull another robe that looks similar to the one im using but blue. I almost start to undress but then recall that Revgnir is behind me. Shame strikes me resulting in a light blush in my cheeks.

Regvnir starts to pull his pants down in front of me with a serious expression and blunt tone he asks.

"Shall we have sex?"

?! My expression shows my shock and I turn around in shame to avert my eyes.

"Unholy! Why thou ask such a disgraceful thing?" I answer slightly angry and blushing

He simply looks at me with a curious expression frowning his eyebrow while pulling his pants up.

"Legend says that thy appetite for sex is endless, is it not true that thou have birthed more than 50 children?" Says Revgnir with a curious tone

By Lucifer! This Selûne is a whore! A single woman birthing 50 children, how can this be? Shameful! Worse of all is me being mistaken by a whore! 

"Of course is not true! I said it already, my name is Carmilla, and im no whore! Now go bath on the other part of the river" I say annoyed

"My appearance is not of thou liking?" He asks curiously with a hint of melancholy

This! Argh! Why his mind is unable to accept that im not Selûne?! Revgnir goes to the other part of the river mumbling something about being popular with women back on Allemanni. Unbelievable!


After bathing and dressing up, we left the river walking at a rather slow pace for me who usually runs with unnatural speed from place to place. Soon, we stop by a a cave to stay away from the sun, Revgnir does not seem interested in asking why and just follows what I said.

This is barely a cave but fits us both at least. Now, the main course! Finally, I do not need to stave until nightfall. This is somewhat embarrassing to ask directly now that im thinking straight... bah! He said he would serve me.

"Revgnir, my for lack of a better word 'race' feeds on blood could thou extend thy wrist? might be an unpleasant experience" I say formally

Without hesitation or asking questions, the warrior extends his left hand, turning his wrist to me. My instincts were right about him, indeed a fitting person to serve me around this land.

I grab his wrist carefully, biting it trying to do it as gently as possible. Mmmm... what a luxury, blood right before going to sleep is the best, and then when nightfall, he is going to be here for me to bite again. No more animal blood, finally! Now it feels more like living rather than surviving.

Oh! I need to pull out. Come to think of it, this is the first time im not draining someone dry. Taking out my mouth of his wrist, the wound heals rather fast mysteriously leaving only tiny marks on Revgnir's wrist.

Why, what a useful thing. Great Lucifer is all-knowing for thinking about this. Revgnir looks rather surprised too.

After that we both sleep, Revgnir is not like me who needs to sleep during the day but as he said, a soldier needs to sleep whenever he can. Soldiers are apparently trained in the art of sleeping anytime, anywhere.

I must admit, sleeping alongside someone capable of walking in the daylight makes me feel safer. Not as much as I would like but still better than nothing.


Waking up in the night, I swiftly drink some of Revgnir's blood before going out of the cave. Simply perfect!

Our travel continues, in the way we chat about multiple topics usually related to information about this kingdom. One of my great fears was ceased by Revgnir knowledge.

"Thy appearance is unique, but worry not, Christianism is not predominant in Toulouse, although the same can not be said to Paris whose Duke is a Christian so my advice is to stay away from there"

So there are other religions, although Im sure Lucifer is real, so im going to stick with him. Great Lucifer is the best of them all, he even bestows his blessing upon me, how can other gods who are more similar to whores be better than him? Impossible! The one and only Lucifer is the greatest of them all and who says the contrary shall feel the power of his blessing.

After walking some more, we came across something interesting.

A dark-haired man carrying a sword in one hand and a lamp in the other. He wears a mantle that covers his body. I perceived him from far away but as he did not seem dangerous I chose to just pass by anyway as it would be very inconvenient to turn around.

After the mysterious man, stares at us for a few seconds he chooses to greet us coming closer.

"Ay, greeting fellows night travelers, if it's not too much trouble, may I ask a few questions?" The man asks casually

Revgnir looks at me waiting for my answer. Why not, im not running anyway. I accept his proposal and the man proceeds with some rather interesting questions.

"Have you two come across, some, how should I say, 'strange', events in your travels around these parts?" The man asks with a light hesitant tone

Hmm... my heart got pierced by a spike made of stone that came from seemingly nothing but I better refrain from speaking about this.

"Nothing comes to mind, could thou be a little more specific on what 'strange' might be?" I ask with a casual tone

He put on a thoughtful expression, and after thinking for a little he starts to speak hesitantly.

"Something... non-natural, anything, maybe a shadow passing on the corner of thy eyes, or even traces of dead animals"

This man... is hunting me for sure. He is like that duo who tried to kill me, so that's how they tracked me, those dead animals. I had my doubts, but now it is confirmed, people are trying to hunt me. Sacre bleu... as soon as they find that battlefield from before, they will come looking for me in Toulouse. At least, they fail to grasp my appearance for now.

"Apologies traveler, we saw nothing of sorts but if I may let my curiosity speak, what is it that thou seek?" I speak with a respectable and curious tone

This feels good in a different way than killing does, it is like im making a fool out of this man who seeks me but im right here in front of him, little does he know, my claws could reach for his neck right now. Deceiving other people is somewhat close to the good feeling of killing them but in a more humane way. At least, that's what I feel.

The one who hunts me stands thoughtful about my question, he seems to fear speaking more than he should. Some kind of instinct coming from inside me makes my expression turn soft and a warm smile forms on my face, after looking at me his posture relaxes and he speaks more freely.

"We are among travelers here, right? Thou might think of me as mad but im hunting an unholy beast. Word says among my peers that this foul beast seeks the blood of the innocent to feed. If you care to hear my advice, refrain from traveling at night as one never knows what might be lurking in the shadows" The man speaks with a hint of enthusiasm and concern

Foul beast!? Curse be thy tongue who speak only lies. Im no foul beast, fool! If I was not trying to be a nice innocent traveler, I would have you know that my sister used to say im very beautiful.

With a light expression of fear, I put my hand in my mouth.

"Oh my, a beast you say? We should hurry back to Toulouse then, I thank thee for thy advice kind traveler" I say with a hint of fear in my tone

Revgnir watches my performance mesmerized without saying a word to the one who hunts me. In the end, we left the scene without worries. This shall serve as a lesson for me, my actions have consequences I was unaware of until now. But, in the name of Lucifer, this was good, making a fool of humans is an unexpected pleasure for some mysterious reason.

We then proceed to make our way to Toulouse, Revgnir seems positive about our arrival in a few more hours.