
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Queen and fairy

This planet has some weird stories.

For example, when I was scanning the world with my qi I heard all sorts of stories.

From how to world started to how each god of theirs got their name.

But these were not the only stories.

In the capital city of the main empire on the planet, lived a princess.

She looked stunning, a beauty who would incite wars if the empire would've been weaker.

She used to have a great friend, but that friend of hers had a less fortunate situation.

She was not poor, nor was she cruel to other people, but she was ill.

The type of illness that withers your life away slowly.

The princess was very fond of her friend, they always talked and played together.

Never got bored of each other and never ran out of subjects to talk about.

They complemented each other.

When the princess found out about her friend being ill tried her best to cure her.

From doing it herself to searching all over the world for doctors.

She continued telling herself that she couldn't handle the sorrow of her friend going away.

Even tho the princess was not weak she wasn't strong either.

She searched all over the world for someone that would cure her friend.

The more time went by the worse her friend's life got.

The petals of the beautiful flower were withering.

The world started shedding tears the more her condition worsened.

The rain never stopped, it only got worse.

Her friend stopped visiting her, not because she was disappointed by her friend.

But because she couldn't.

Her days were numbering short as the time when the god of death came to visit her was nearing.

The princess seeing that she didn't have enough time went to one of the mighty beings.

Ones who could lift the mountains and split the seas.

Gods who could move moons and reshape the sky.

The mighty rank 5.

She kneeled at the foot of the mountain and shouted

<Mighty being, one loved by the heavens and adored by the world, I ask you to cure my friend and in exchange, I'm willing to give you all the gold in the empire!!>

For a rank 3 like her gold still matters and was undoubtedly the only thing she could muster in this amount of time.

She waited and waited but the answer never came.

Seeing that she was being ignored angered her greatly.

Why, when presented with a simple request do you ignore it, WHY.

WHY do you only wish to watch others suffer while you rest on your mighty mountain?

Her rage piled and piled until it couldn't get any stronger, her body heat up and emanated a strong aura.

She was breaking through.

The aura grew stronger and stronger until it approached rank 4 and then proceeded to surpass it.

She grew taller as her body became even more enchanting.

A terrifying aura rose as another woke to suppress it.

The residents of the mountain were shaken as their hearts grew cold.

The being who was kneeling at their door was now someone on equal grounds as their leader.

Their terror grew and despair was seen on their faces as their leader was beheaded by the princess as she took his body and went back to her kingdom.

Her friend being half a foot in the grave was too tired to even open her eyes as she rested on her bed.

The princess didn't even make a noise when she arrived as she did some signs and the corpse transformed into a pill.

She then gave the pill to her sickly friend.

The rest is history as what happened shocked the entire world.

This is the legend of the strongest beings on the planet.

Cecil Whitespirit, queen of fairies and friend of the previous princess, now queen of the empire


Kridione managed to expand the empire like never before, conquering everything she saw as her resentment towards the old rank 5 spilled towards the world.

Two beings of the same rank tried gaining up on her only to end up dead as her strengths only rose even further elevating her as the being with the highest chance of getting to rank 6.


<Intresting story!More!More!>

She gestured as if she was a baby wanting more food.

Looking at her I noticed that she gave off some dark aura that disturbed the nearby environment.

<I see you started to recover slowly>

I smiled as I talked to her.

She also smiled and we started talking.


3 weeks passed and more will come before my death will, however, we will focus on these ones first, right?

As I was saying, these weeks marked huge progress in my cultivation as I was slowly making my way toward rank 5.

With steady steps and a stable heart, I will be able to conquer countless lands as I'm progressing toward my path.

"Rank 5 is not easy to get to, you must practice a lot, and only with time will you see results"

Her words encouraged me more as the thought of delayed gratification made me even more eager to test my limits.

The longer the journey the easier to give up, right?

However, I will not even entertain such a thought.

I will progress on my path until my legs are broken and my hands tore off.


2 years pass as the world is still stably developing its way towards higher grounds.

Her Highness, queen Kridione is stably developing her kingdom towards bettering itself.

Higher technology is being researched as I'm starting to see a pattern.

Whether it's magic or technology, both lead to the same point.

The magic devices become more refined and more people are able to buy them.

The education system is improving as its aim is to recruit and train a lot of talented people for the kingdom.

I see the queen is not a closed-minded fool, mhm, it's indeed good.

Her intelligence should not be low.

I nod my head thinking about my next prey as her future will look truly fabulous under my leadership.

I will "help" her conquer the whole world as I'm aiming to extract all its resources for my next project.