
the first step is the will

Is an easy life really better than one filled with hardships? Is there a determined path or can I become something that I myself desire?

DaoistCpDMGE · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Think, forget, repeat

The river of time is something that not any existence can witness.

One can see it by chance or one can take the opportunity to somehow witness it.

Whether is by chance or intentional all agree that the first time one witnesses it they get breath taken.

Its sheer size makes one realize its insignificance.

Bigger than worlds, stars, or even galaxies.

It or Her as higher beings taught us, water being of a dazzling purple as one can see their reflection in its crystalline surface.

I came to witness the river of time only once.

The first time I died my consciousness was dragged as a calming, feminine voice spoke some words that I couldn't remember, only for my head to be dipped in the immense river.

The rest is pretty simple since I just restarted my life over and over all over again only to die again.

My fate was decided as soon as I was returned to life as the chosen one always managed to emerge victorious.

My fate was bestowed upon me by the will of the world.

The fate of the villain.

As the loop was getting endless and the life bestowed was taken again and again, I started to wonder why was I being reborn again and again.

Was it a form of torture?

Was my life all a dream, only for a new beginning to arise again and again?

I pondered those questions again and again.

I wasn't angry, neither were my emotions swayed.

My patient self who could withstand countless tortures this much wouldn't be able to arise my emotions.

My mind, however, wasn't able to withstand the torture that the chosen one inflicted upon me.

In one round where my strength was lower because my soul wasn't recovered yet.

He decided to kidnap me and use the most torturous spell ever known on that planet.

That spell was a forbidden one, of course.


Because it replayed one's life over and over until their brain turns to mush.

The process can take from 1 day to years.

I was made to witness my mother's death and betrayal over and over until I became a mindless fool.

As I was remembering everything a small tear rolled off as my whole body was as still as a statue.


10 years pass and I'm still grinding for the next breakthrough.

My body is becoming stronger and stronger as the pills helped tremendously.

Since the sect I was in wasn't satisfactory I change it a few times until I managed to get into one of the top ten sects on the planet.

Its leader was a rank 5 being.

But it didn't make a lot of public appearances so I didn't know how they looked.

From what I heard the leader is a woman who wears a veil.

She isn't human either, but an elf.

A race that already has a long lifespan, coupled with her rank, I don't think she will die in the next couple of million years.

That info was pretty useful since I could make use of her to get to the fairy queen.

Currently was strolling through the sect, since the place where the sect was located provided way richer cultivation areas and energy levels I decided I could take a look at the environment in some places.

After looking I went back to my room to continue cultivating.

Since I was a high-ranking elder I didn't need to do much since I had lower ranks for that.


Today I learned that a treasured space will open soon so I took some disciples and made my way with some other elders toward the place.

There awaited some other elders from other sects with their disciples.

This place couldn't be monopolized by one force alone so they agreed to send rank 4 and lower here to prevent the rank 5s from destroying the whole subspace.

I, however, had a different opinion.

These sacks of meat here are perfect for boosting my cultivation.

So I quietly put a mark on one of the disciples as I then took off to where the other elders were waiting.


As time passed the door opened and the waiting youngsters went in as the elders remained to wait at the entrance.

While inside, the whole place looked mystical, the mountains and seas looked as if the whole place was terraformed using a painting as the blueprint.

The people took off in different directions and different groups as they started searching for different treasures.

10hours,1 day, and 1 week passed as the time to return came and the people started gathering and going to the exit.

But before they could get close a tyrannical aura unleashed, the sheer aura made them spit blood as they all collapsed to the ground.

A slightly stronger man lifted his head and tried to see who was doing all of this, they were members of one of the most respected sects in the world, who dared to be presumptuous here?!

But...lifting his head caused all his pride to collapse as fear found its way deep within his bones.

There he was...High in the air looking at everyone and everything as if they were merely chickens to be slaughtered.

His red eyes and handsome appearance made a weirdly beautiful picture as his hand was behind his back.

The other is stretched in front as he uttered words that reverberated throughout the whole place, the sound echoing as if the bells of hell were signaling new visitors.


The people didn't have enough time to process the words as a huge shadow appeared behind his back and stretched out its humongous draconian head to bite and devour everything within this dimension.

Another head appeared as a third and fourth one followed by hundreds that started biting and munching on flesh and rock.

It didn't take much time for this place to be destroyed as the humungous figure appeared at the entrance of the dimension as the door collapsed.

Everyone's face became shocked at the sight as they prepared to attack but alas, they were too slow as each head took a person between their teeth as it began to munch on the very much alive person inside.

Screams of agony rang as they all became hushed with a crunch sound followed by loud munching and swallowing.

The huge beast didn't seem done as it eyed the distance where a sect was located.

Its members were mostly dwarfs that specialized in making equipment that sold very well.

Their leader was a rank 5 that was well known for his greedy nature.

The beast spread his wings as he launched forward with such momentum that a crater was left in place.


Inside the sect grounds, one could see dwarfs busying themselves with learning and experimenting all with the purpose to learn blacksmithing.

The better one was as a blacksmith, the better the treatment of the sect.

One dwarf was busy with hitting a hot piece of exotic metal when his vision turned dark.

< It's already night?>

Thought the dwarf as he turned his head to lo-BOOOOOM

A huge explosion could be seen as half of the sect was blown to bits.

When everyone was shocked to witness this scene the roar that followed woke them up to see the horrifying hundred-headed draconic beast that was spewing different versions of fire.

They hastily mobilized and prepared to fight the beast as the shields were put to the front to defend the first attack.

After this attack they would immediately march and subdue the dragon before it could do more damage...or that's what they would've done... if they weren't melted and eaten by the monster in the next second.