
Storm Rolls In

The driver took his seat with a polite nod to the rest of the group, and began to eat with such enthusiasm that the server was beaming at him like her child had just won an award.

"We don't have long to sit around today. There have been issues along the road thanks to rain, and there is more bad weather set to roll in later tonight." The driver explained as he ate.

"Alright then. We won't hold the process up. Everyone, be ready to finish your lunch by the time that the driver is done. If you need more snacks, perhaps this lovely lady would pack us some sandwiches for the road." Karl agreed.

She began calling back to the kitchen to get sandwiches made for the travelling Elites, and the driver smiled. 

"It's likely the most business they've seen all week, other than the morning coffee crowd. Farmers love to come in and chat in the mornings, it's how they pass the news around to those who don't live in town." The driver quietly explained.