
The First Gravity Mage

Follow the story of 14 year old Ryan Lowells that will have to face the world unprepared. He is not overly talented or extremely smart, but he is more intelligent than the average at person. The only help he will have is snippet of memories from a person on earth, as he rank up and get stronger he will be able to receive more memories. He will have to learn how to use an unknown element that no one in his world had before. With no preset spells or martial skills already made with his element, he will be forced to become more creative to find ways use his element and create his own spells. As he struggles to progress his power in a world where power is survival, he will face many challenges. As simple as knowing who your true friends are or just wanting love, to fighting for a chance to keep his world alive. A unknown power will periodically transfer any living being that had entered a dungeon before to another world. With the only objective is to survive and there are more than one world that is suffering from the dungeons. Why did Dungeons appear. What is the reason to give them power. Why did a unique person gave him his memories. Are you truly free in a world where you only left with no choice but to do what someone else want. What will happen when you lose most of what you are fighting for but not everything. Will you continue to fight for what you have left or focus on revenge and disregard what you have left. (I won't ever be locking any chapters, the app price things way to high. I Want to try to build a fan base. First time writing, probably will make mistakes. I can only get better, so feel free to let me know the problems in my writing.)

Dynaxty · Kỳ huyễn
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106 Chs

59 Checking up on Elizabeth

Ryan made his way to the stage for his 4th fight, and he came out with his head high, walking confidently. In his head he just hoping his nickname drew more eyes to him.

"The second fighter for the rank1 stage is Warden. He fought 21 matches in total, 18 wins, and loss 3 times. He is on his 7 consecutive win." The announcer yelled before beginning to announce ther other fighters.

Ryan had remembered the name of the  guy before he made it to the stage. He was an earth element user, and he have some kind of earth spell that traps people.

He wasn't worried of being trapped, he planing on just ending it quick with his speed. He understands he not actually invincible, his opponents only need 1 chance for there attacks to connect to change the whole fight.

Not to much time pass before the announcer yelled "FIGHT."

Ryan didn't stay in one place to avoid getting trapped and pulled out his sword. Using his flash steps he managed to create a opening, and made his opponent surrender.

Removing the sword from the guy neck, Ryan turned around and walked away. There was slightly louder cheers than normal but still not much compared to the amount of people in the audience.

Ryan made it back underneath the stage to his seat and check the betting odds. It was still low and he only got one more match to fight today.

There are only 5 phases each day, and each phase the fighter have to fight once. After the 5 phases the champions of each stage will fight if they had got challenged on that day.

Time pass and Ryan name got called again. He won it as easily as there other fights. There a very low chance of Ryan ever losing in his early ranks because of his aura.

After training for a weak with Brian and Elizabeth. He realized he have almost the same amount of mana as them and he is only a rank 1 novice while they are rank 2 Apprentices.

With his mana advantage, he can slightly over power others of the same rank with his aura alone. Giving them no real chance to fight back, and his flash steps is as good as a 3 star movement technique. Making it hard to even place a hit on him.

Ryan went to collect his mana stones after his 5th consecutive win. He had earned 12 LG mana stones. 2 mana stones can from winning each match after his third consecutive win and 10 mana stones for winning 5 consecutive matches.

Ryan went back to the inn to check up on Elizabeth, they had took her home after her fight.

By the time he made it there everyone was in her room talking and she looked to be just fine.

"How you feeling, are you okay." Ryan asked with concern in his voice.

"Im fine, I knocked myself out from over charging my brain." She said in a soft tone.

Ryan had a confused look on his face as if to say why would you do that. Tom seeing that decided to explain to Ryan what had all happened. He already got the details of the fight from Elizabeth.

"So you saying his element is some kind of mind element, what element could preform mental attacks like that?" Ryan said looking at Tom.

"Im not sure, there are alot of elements and unheard of elements. For example you, or even me. The academies do keep track of there students elements, and will have a better understanding of elements. But it don't mean they will disclose all the information about elements they find out. They only teach the students about the most common elements people have."

"Actually they probably teach the elites of the academies about all the elements the know of and make them take an oath not to disclose the information they gained."

Ryan had a thoughtful look hearing that, he had forgotten his academy was nothing compared to the real academies. Everything he had learned wasn't even the tip of the ice, there still much for him to learn.

"So what's yall plan now." Ryan asked the family now that they had loss.

Tom looked at his kids and his kids looked at him as if saying you should make the decisions. Tom sighed to himself.

"We probably won't participate in the arena fights any more. I don't have a lot of mana stones to spare, they still need some to continue there cultivation, and to enter the entry test. If they do get into the academy, mana stones will still be very useful, but fighting in the arena is to unpredictable."

"Its good experience but its not worth 5 mana stones each time they lose without winning 4 in a row. We will just train for the remainder of the time and you could always train with us when you have the free time." Tom said looking at Ryan.

"Alright, I shouldn't have any troubles with my fights unless i have to fight a person with mental attacks. I have no idea how to deal with that. I should be able to obtain 200 LG mana stones before the entry test. Oh yeah, did you ever figure anything out about that fruit i gave you?"

"I tried but no one gave me information about it but they did try to buy it. It's obviously some kind of natural cultivation resource, its not hard to tell. The fruit is stuffed with mana."

"Should I just eat it, or would it be too dangerous?"

"From the amount of mana in the fruit, it's hard to say, it may do harm if you absorbed to much mana. You better off waiting until you enter the academy, it will be easier to find out more information about it. Its not so precious to draw alot of people greed. The highest amount a person offer for the fruit was 20 LG mana stones." Tom pulled the fruit out his ring and handed it to Ryan. Ryan stored the fruit away back in his ring.

"Here some words of advice, you shouldn't let people know you have a storage ring. Even though we are in the city and its against the rules to fight in the city. There are many ways around it, never put your hopes in people following the rules. You are young and at first glance most people would think you are manaless."

"Its like a double edge sword, some people like me may think you have a strong background. Some people won't think much about it and think a brat got lucky to obtain a storage ring. Their greed will make them over look the fact they can't senes your mana core. The cheapest storage ring is around 700 LG mana." Tom gave Ryan a serious look.

"Oh, I never really had thought that much about it. Wait, there was people in the arena fighting with their storage rings on. If it so expensive how they managed to get there rings and still need to fight for more mana stones."

"If they are still young than they obtain it from there family, they didn't buy it. Some of those people that had fought today probably just training and can afford to lose fights. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the rank 2 and 3 fighters at the entry test for the academies."

"In that case I will start wearing my ring around my neck like a necklace."

"Make sure you don't let random people just scan you with there aura, that will be the only way for them to know you have a storage ring on you still. Most people won't do it sense its a sign of disrespect but there always special occasions."

"If they find out you are trying to hide your ring than it will make them want it more. Only reason to hide it, if you don't have the power to protect it or it holds something precious. But it's better than walking around in the open with it on, you wouldn't even know who's attention you will grab. They may follow you without you knowing and cause trouble."

"Buy yourself a pouch, and when you are pulling things out your ring, act like you are pulling it out your pouch instead. Strap your sword to you too, or any weapon you chose, so you have a weapon to defend yourself."

"The reason I am telling you this is because only recently I started to realize how little you truly understand about how the world work."

"You had seem to strong at the time you told us about your past, I didn't fully believe everything you said. But now I realize you grew up in a poor shelter place. By shelter I mean shelter from the real cruelties of the world."

"Thanks I appreciate the advice, and I might of been sheltered, but my dad and mom always told me how bad the world could get. I do have an idea about things, it just i haven't really experienced much myself. My first thoughts towards things may be a little naive at times." Ryan felt like he needed to explain himself, for some reason he didn't like the fact Tom was saying he was sheltered. In a way it felt like he was calling him stupid.

Ryan went back to his room after talking a bit more with Brian and Tom about today. Of course Elizabeth didn't say much to add to the conversation.

Ryan spent more than half his day at the arena, he planned to cultivate for the rest of the day.