
The First Gravity Mage

Follow the story of 14 year old Ryan Lowells that will have to face the world unprepared. He is not overly talented or extremely smart, but he is more intelligent than the average at person. The only help he will have is snippet of memories from a person on earth, as he rank up and get stronger he will be able to receive more memories. He will have to learn how to use an unknown element that no one in his world had before. With no preset spells or martial skills already made with his element, he will be forced to become more creative to find ways use his element and create his own spells. As he struggles to progress his power in a world where power is survival, he will face many challenges. As simple as knowing who your true friends are or just wanting love, to fighting for a chance to keep his world alive. A unknown power will periodically transfer any living being that had entered a dungeon before to another world. With the only objective is to survive and there are more than one world that is suffering from the dungeons. Why did Dungeons appear. What is the reason to give them power. Why did a unique person gave him his memories. Are you truly free in a world where you only left with no choice but to do what someone else want. What will happen when you lose most of what you are fighting for but not everything. Will you continue to fight for what you have left or focus on revenge and disregard what you have left. (I won't ever be locking any chapters, the app price things way to high. I Want to try to build a fan base. First time writing, probably will make mistakes. I can only get better, so feel free to let me know the problems in my writing.)

Dynaxty · Kỳ huyễn
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106 Chs

5 Training

Just as Daymon was about to speak dad interrupted him saying "he already knows enough let's get back to the topic of his training."

Narrowing his eyes at Ryan "I'm not sure you know this Ryan but if you start school and not even at peak of the body refinement, then your first few weeks will be you getting your ass handed to you. You only just started senseing mana less than a month ago.

Compared to other kids that could have been senseing it for almost a year now and formed there core. You already at a big disadvantage. We may of taught you alot about dungeons and real life experiences. But without strength you can used the knowledge effectively.

For the remainder of the time you have, which is 2 weeks will be spent training. Getting to peak body refinement is your goal. If u have at least half my talent you should be able to do it.

"here." Drake handed over the lightning skill to Ryan.

"I know you can't use the lightning skill yet but it won't hurt to look it over and mesmerize how to perform the technique. It called the lightning claw and its a 1 star martial art. It should be good enough to use up until your Apprentice ranks."

Ryan couldn't help but sigh and took the skill. Ryan lost in his thoughts of how painful the training process will be. Even tho I'm bout to break into mid body refinement it will still take some effort to make it to the peak.

I do want to train but I'm not an masochist either. Knowing the day won't end until I'm beaten half to death, is not good training motivation. I guess I have no choice, I rather get beat up by my family than a bunch of kids around my age.

Time to put 100% of my effort into training and spend every bit of time I have training.

After Ryan motivated him self enough and got himself into the right state of mind. He looked up at his mom with a firm determination burning in his eye. "What plans do you have for my combat training."

3 days later

Sweat hitting the floor with every breath Ryan took forming a puddle. After a few days of training to his limit he was second guessing himself. Maybe it's okay not to train this hard. I made good progress in body refinement. I should reach the peak before school starts even if I don't go all out now. I should turn it down a little to like 70%, or maybe 60%,  you know what maybe fith..

" Ryan!, break time is over"

A loud stern voice cutting off Ryan thoughts causeing him to flinch. Slowly getting up from the ground he start thinking to himself a way to get out of training for the rest of today.

"Hurry up, your thoughts is written all over your face right now. If you not in front of me in 3 seconds, tomorrow practice will be double."

Ryan stop hesitating and ran in front of his mom. Putting up a false expression of being ready for what next.

His mom didn't pay no attention at his antics. "I called your brother over. You will be spareing with him instead of me today."

Ryan heart drop to the floor. Unlike his mom that go easy on him, Daymon don't hold back much. Knowing that Its a garente that the spar won't end until he can't move.

Ryan start clearing his throat, preparing to talk himself out of training before he could get here. "Mo.." "guah!"

But before he got a chance to speak a word, a small ice rock came flying in from the side hitting him in the stomach.

"Always pay attention to your surroundings I had walked in the training room 10 minutes ago" Daymon said as he walk towards the center of the room.

Ryan just watch him walking rubbing his stomach, "mom why didn't you tell me he was already here"

When he got no response he look in her direction and see his mom all the way at the exit of the door watching him. "sigh"

knowing his mom did that on purpose and started to walk towards Daymon realizing there no avoiding this.

"Let see if you can do better than last time" Daymon said as he rush Ryan with a kick. He limit his speed and power low enough so Ryan have the ability to react and counters his attacks.

As they started sparring Malisa watches from the distance until she hear the door behind her open. "How have Ryan training been going" Drake asked as he see his kids sparring.

"He been training hard these few days but I can tell he bout to start slacking after today."

"Have you been training him new techniques" Drake asked seeing Ryan use new moves.

Malisa sigh dejectedly hearing the question."No I haven't. I wanted him to learn how to use the current techniques he already been taught before I teach him more. The technique you seeing him use is self taught. As you can see when he use the techniques i taught him his form is still lacking a bit. He do it perfect when we practice it but in a fight it turn into what you see currently."

Drake laughs looking at the spar. "You don't need to sugar coat it. His technique is lacking more than just a bit, his technique almost none existence. Well, i guess you can tell he was taught how to fight but at time's its look like he only self taught. He lacks coordination and seem always unbalance.

It don't even look like he taking is serious. He freestyle fight than attempt to use a couple fighting techniques in between, than go back to freestyleing.

When he freestyle it just look all over the place so much extra movement and alot of flaws to take advantage of. But somehow it works better than the techniques he learned from us, that have less flaws and more efficient."

Seeing Ryan using the momentum of an attack to the shoulder that was unavoidable, to spin his body with the hit so he could try to spin kick Daymon.

Drake couldn't help but praise him " his fighting combat sense is better than most people, I will give him that. It was a nice way to lessen the damage he would have took when he realized he couldn't avoid the hit."

Malisa agree "He could be a combat genius if he find it in himself to take it seriously. He probably fight alot better if his life was on the line."

"Yeah, maybe. It's kinda ironic how Daymon flaws is he to good at learning techniques. He use the techniques perfectly but that make him to predictable.

He way to straight forward when he fighting. Ryan on the other hand his techniques is bad and making his attacks less efficient. He loses at least a quarter of the power and speed when attacking. But his fighting style is unpredictable for that reason."

"Don't forget when Ryan fight he capable at thinking ahead, unlike Daymon "

"Yeah Daymon just fights without thinking, he fight to much inside the box which limits himself."

Malisa wore a bitter smile "If only Ryan could stay motivated enough to keep practicing to get his form better. His freestyle is not bad, it's just that it could be performed so much better."

"He don't need to look for more motivation, he have plenty of motivation to want more strength. What he lacks is discipline and confidence in himself. He need to train his discipline to not give up so easily when things get hard or look impossible.

Im sure he smart enough to understand why he have to train hard but he get unmotivated when he see the gap between him and other people.

A thought pops up in his head saying. "What's the point training this hard when you will never be as strong as them. There no difference from putting 100% and just 50% if you would still be behind." He lacks confidence in his self and give himself a limit. He already think he won't surpass certain limit before even trying, so he stop ahead of time."

As Drake watch Ryan get kick to the ground but not getting back up this time. He turned around to leave but before he walked out the door. "I garentee that his thought process or close to it but I'm not sure how to fix it. If only he have more confidence to believe in himself. Just cause he bad at martial arts doesn't mean he can't be strong.

He actually better than an average person even while being clumsy at martial arts, but he compared himself with us all the time so he can't noticed.

He even thinks he worst than average from awakening slightly late. If one day he realize that he is more capable than he thinks, I believe a true genius will come out of him."


The sound of the door was heard closing in now the quiet training room. Malisa was happy to hear Drake words but upset too. She always praise him at everything he do but he still lacks so much confidence in his self for some reason. She sighed to her self before putting on a smile and walking over.

"Pretty good Ryan I can easily see the improvement."

Ryan didn't respond he just laid there looking dead. With the only sign that he still alive is his chest moving up and down from breathing.

"Now Daymon let's spar i can't have you beat up on my son like that without an repercussion." his mom said smiling mischievously. Daymon face couldn't help but turn black when he hear her words.