
The First DemiGod

Koa Alvin is a bastard son from the city of Axefall. He was treated very poorly. He wanted to become stronger in a world where the strong thrive. Koa was sent in to his first battle where he died. He met someone allowing him to return but more than what he once was. Follow Koa as he becomes something else within the world of Desolaverunt. This is the Discord sever that I will be using: https://discord.gg/UBwXv3K7Mf Send a message at me if you see a mistake that you think will needed to be fixed. This is my first book so I don't mind criticism but make it where it will allow me to learn from my mistakes. By no means am I a amazing book writer that makes no mistakes, English is my first language and I still suck at it. Each chapter will consist of a thousand words so, don't imagine long chapters. This will allow me to post at least once a week. The post day will be Sunday morning. If more people want chapters I will try to post more on Wednesdays of the week but it will depend on you guys.

Koakiki_2000 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 7

Soon they arrived after walking for a week; It was an open field that looked like it had been tainted by battles so nothing grew in this barred field. Though no blood was seen on the field, but Koa could smell iron in the air.

A messenger was sent to the City of Falix's camp in order to set up for both side to the agreement of the war. Koa was within the ranks of the infantry, prepared for the coming war. Across you could see knights of Falix all wearing the same color armor. Many of the infantry began to feel intimidated, by all the auras of that army.

"It looks like our city wasn't the only to bring experienced fighters." Fax said nervously smiling.

"What do you mean, how can you tell that they are experienced?" Koa look at Fax confused.

"Haha. You're probably the only man in our army that hasn't noticed their auras." Fax

"But I havn't seen anything." Koa

"Seeing auras come from experience, but you can still feel it. The air feels as if you are on top a mountain and can barely get enough air to breath." Fax

"Wait that feeling is from them." Koa looked a bit distressed.

"Ah. So, you did feel it." Fax said smiling.

"Yeah. I thought it was from the smell of iron in the air that made it feel like it was hard to breath." Koa

"Well, get prepared. Looks like its starting soon." Fax

Soon after that the war was beginning. The knights were waiting for them to hear the command.

Patrick, one of the leaders of the army, stepped in front of the formation.

"Stand strong men, their army may be large and skilled. But, we are knights and warriors of AxeFall. What we lack in size and skill; are made up by our unwavering spirit and will to protect our city." Patrick yelling to raise moral and invigorate the men.

"Are we just going to fall today and let them change the ways of our city." Patrick

"Nooooo" The mass of knights yelled.

"Then let's protect our city, our families." Patrick

"CHARGE!!! For the glory of Axefall" Patrick yelled.

"For the glory of Axefall!" The knights repeated.

The Infantry began running forward to fight the knights of Falix. With in a minute both sides clashed against each other. The sounds of metal hit each other, and the blood curdling screams, were the only things that could be heard.

Koa was within the mass of the infantry; he swung his sword and it meet a knight. Koa was trying to cut off his arm but do the crude weapon it only cut halfway thru. The knight screamed and fell backward, blood was coming from the arm. Because he fell to the ground the knight was only tramped by the two armies; causing the screams to turn silent.

Koa did not have time to watch the knight he injured, as he was already fighting against a new opponent. Koa tried the same as before, but it was easily blocked by the knight. Koa was pushed back and saw what the knight looked like. The knight had armor that look worn, there were claw, cut marks, and dents all over the armor. As Koa was inspecting his opponent, the worn armor knight closed the distance. The knight swung his sword towards Koa neck. With barely enough time to react, Koa brought his sword to clash with the blade. Koa stumbled backward, but quickly recovered only to look at his sword it was broke in half leaving a jagged edge.

'Fuck, he broke my sword what do I do. Think damn it… Then the thought of the book First keep with the flow of your sword, but also pay attention to your opponent's as well. Second, find your opponent's weakness. Third, think head. Okay his strengths are speed, strength and has sword a technique. How in the FUCK am I supposed to find a weakness?' Koa was thinking as he was dodging and parrying with his half of a sword.

The knight swung his sword downward, Koa shifted to left dodging the blade.

'Shit glad I decided to dodge, that would've cut thru my sword then probably me.' Koa's thought.

The knight recovered and turned toward Koa. The knight looked angry at Koa for dodging his sword. This time the knight thrusted his sword at Koa. Koa was unprepared so he could only redirect the blade with his sword. The blade pierced his left shoulder, just missing the bone. Koa moved away out of habit to get away from the blade and knight. Koa was bleeding; blood trickled down his arm. Then like a light bulb went off in Koa's head.

'Really I am stupid. He has been boasting his weakness the entire time, and I was stupid enough to fall right into his path.' Koa thought.

The knight was prepared for Koa to cower in fear or scream in pain. He wanted Koa to beg for his life, but Koa nothing only looking at him with a smirk. This pissed the knight off to the extent of steam coming from his helmet.

'A fucking weakling wearing leather armor, smiling at me like he is standing above me. I'll make him see his fault for pissing me off.' The worn armor knight thought.

The knight stepped back from Koa. This was strange to Koa so he only on guard even more preparing to dodge.

"You piss me off weakling I'll show you the difference between the knights of Falix and knights of Axefall." The knight.

"Centaurs Charge." The knight spoke.

The knight started to run straight towards Koa. It was the same as before he was faster, it had a faint outline of a horse beast. The distance between them was closing in seconds. Koa focusing of the movements of the knight's blade. It sounded as if a horse as galloping toward you. The Knight reached where Koa was and decide that he would thrust his sword again.