
The Fateless Mystical Assassin

11 Nov 2039 00:04:31 It was the day when the gates to other worlds opened and humans received skills and blessings. It was also the day a man broke fate, a man who would later be feared and respected by even the gods. ERROR!!! You have died. WARNING! Your death is not registered in the system. > You soul is now entering nearest vacant body. ERROR!!! The acquired body is too weak to host the soul and is now entering a state of coma.

Amicale_Myth · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

The party

Trevor could clearly feel everything in the dream. He could feel his blood pumping, he could hear the gunshots being fired, the clanking of weapons, the screams of men, and the beating of his own heart. But his mind was calm as a still lake. He could feel his only goal was to survive and kill as many as possible. He still had goosebumps and was breathing unevenly while sitting on his bed.

"I should take a shower I stink." he got up and took a shower and went downstairs to have dinner with others.

" What should I wear tomorrow" he thought to himself. He had not attended a party for a long time.

" Whatever I'll figure it out tomorrow" he laid down on his bed and slept within seconds.

--The next day

Time quickly went by as Trevor continued to learn about the world on his phone till evening. The party started in the hall of the mansion on the first floor. Guest started coming in as Allister greeted them. He was wearing a grey suit with a white shirt and blue tie which complimented his eyes. Eleanor was also there. She was looking like an empress as she wore a violet gown. It was a weird choice for girls her age but somehow matched her cold personality. All the boys were occasionally staring at her while girls were looking at her in envy. A few girls were talking to her who were her friends.

"When will Asher come ?" one of them asked.

" He's getting ready." Eleanor answered.


"Big brother let's go" said Alea as she knocked on the door.

"coming" he shouted as he looked in the mirror. He left his room and went downstairs with Alea. Alea was wearing a yellow one-piece dress that reached her knees and her silver hair was tied into a ponytail which highlighted her cute round face.

tap tap

Everyone's attention turned towards the stairs and they were stunned by the appearance of the siblings with silver hair. Alea was looking extremely cute but what shocked them was Trevor (Asher).

He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a yellow tie which was in contrast to his cyan-colored eyes. His shoulder-length silver hair was covering a portion of his face but that just added more charm to his already handsome face. Even his own family members were somewhat surprised as they had never seen him look so charming. Every time they saw him he was looking pale and weak but today even though he was still pale he looked like a completely different person. The atmosphere instantly changed as girls were sending him heated gazes, even some females in their late 20s were staring at him hard while the boys were showing jealousy.

tap tap

The silence broke by the sound of Trevor and Alea stepping down. Everyone walked toward them and congratulated Trevor on his recovery. After the adults were done, Asher's friends and neighbor's kids started talking to him.

"Right then Asher fell down on the teacher haha" one of the boys named Isaac wrapped his arm around Trevor's shoulder as he talked about the past and made many jokes to make Trevor laugh. Isaac was Asher's best friend and had cried for days after Asher went into a coma. Trevor naturally liked the guy as this was the first time he had laughed so much in a long time.

"I a-am Amy nice to meet you." a girl who was the daughter of one of Allister's shyly introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you I'm Tr.. Asher." Trevor still sometimes forgot that now his name was now Asher. But he still liked the name. Trevor knew that Asher's body was vacant when he possessed the body so he deduced that Asher's soul must have gone to wherever souls went after death.

"Haa.... bro you are a traitor" Isaac said while sighing with a serious face.

" What do you me.." Trevor stopped midway as he realized there were many girls who were secretly glancing at him. Most of them quickly looked somewhere else as soon as their gaze met Trevor's but a few still kept staring at him while smiling. Trevor instantly regretted wearing such nice attire. He certainly enjoyed getting acknowledged by the opposite gender but this was still too much. He felt like as if they were somehow invading his privacy.

"Too late to regret now" he muttered under his breath.

"Hey, Isaac I got the {RUSH} skill on my first kill !" A handsome guy about 16 years old said with an excited expression. He had a well-toned body and crimson red hair. He was also a point of attraction for many girls at the party.

"Wow, dude your luck is way over the charts. I've never seen anyone get a skill on their first kill. Even though you got an E rank skill it's awesome nonetheless." said Isaac with a shocked expression.

" You got your fist kill ?" asked Trevor with a raised eyebrow.

" Of course, I got Ah! Where are my manners? I am Rey Rodenbow." said the red-haired guy while offering a handshake.

"I am Asher Mitoss" said Trevor as he shook hands.

"I guess you don't know yet but you can enter the gates even if you are below 18 by joining a party one rank above the gate's rank. For example, if you want to enter a D rank gate you must join a C rank party." explained Isaac.

"Hmm, I joined a B rank party and we raided a C rank dungeon." said Rey.

"How did you get a skill on your first kill ?" asked Trevor. Even though Trevor was new to these matters, he knew that getting a skill card after killing a monster was very rare. The chance of getting a F rank skill was 1 in 10 kills, E rank skill was nearly1 in 100 kills, D rank was nearly 1 in a thousand kills and so on till B rank. No one knew the prob. of getting an A rank skill as there were less than a thousand people who had obtained it. As for S rank skills, the number of people who had gotten it could be counted on fingers. They were S rank raiders and were usually called emperors. Asher's dad, Allister was one of them.

"I am an archer and I managed to get the last hit on an E rank troll and got the skill {RUSH} which increases running speed to triple for 10m by using mana and the cooldown is 5min. It's highly useful in battle for an archer like me." explained Rey.

"It's a great skill. Hmm.. So how do you join a party ?" asked Trevor with sparkling eyes.