
The fate between us?

Maya was in the forest in her deep-walk sleep and saying " don't go" she stumbled over something and fall over head she woke up wondering where she was?

while she was dreaming when she looked up she saw this man who is holding her head up she slapped him hard twice in the cheek

" what the heck is wrong with you" he shouted

"well who are you and why are you holding my head" she said

"he explained what happened that he had hunting and saw this girl sleeping and he tried to help her she hold into him so hard he couldn't wake her up and waited for her to wake up"

" hey you didn't say the most important part" she said

" and that is? he responded back?

"why were you holding my head up"? she said

"like I said your very strong, you wouldn't let me go I had no choice at the moment"?

" the name is Maya and I hear that lot I am strong" Maya said

" well nice to meet you strong girl, name is Kailid"

she told him how she ended up in the forest and got lost

he try to hold his laughter but couldn't that it almost sound like he ego through the forest

she looked at him and joined the laughter, they could not hold laugh

Kailid said " sorry funny story but I believe you"

" alright just take me home" Maya said

they walked in the direction in the city-said bye and walked on their path still hope to see each other one day in their daily life

I guess someone grant their wish because not too long after this incident they saw each other going to the same place?

do you think they are going to remember each other? like this story and write what you think about it in the comment below?

until part 2 comes enjoy reading