
Second part of fate between us?

as they were entering this restaurants, they saw each other in the table behind them

Maya laughed and said to Kailid " don't know if this call coincidence or you being stalker right now and followed me"

" well I would call this fate" Kailid said

"so who are you with" she said

"no-one at the moment, but what about you Maya?" he said

" to be honest I had hope to run into to you but same no-one at the moment as well" Maya replied back

" fair enough but same feeling to run into you again" Kailid said

they stayed there for a while, eating food, just talked and enjoyed having fun at the moment they had good time until the part this girl came out of nowhere and slap Maya

" How dare you Kailid why are talking with this girl what about me did you forgot that huh"?

" who are you are why did you hit Maya answer me that"?

while Maya just stood there frozen after a while she came back to her world

this crazy girl explain to Kailid and Maya that she was in love with Kailid but was shy girl and graduation without talking to him but now she found out that he was talking to this girl in this restaurants and got jealous

" who is she anyway" the crazy girl said

" Well she is my girlfriend and you just slapped her so apologize to her" Kailid said

" that can't be true hey say something" the crazy girl said to Maya

Maya blanked her eyes twice jumping back and forth to make sure what he said was true and what is happening but still played the act

" yeah crazy girl he is my boyfriend" Maya said

Is there going to be a fight? let me know on the comment below and how you like my story?

Until part 3 comes out enjoy the story.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Fardowso_abdullahicreators' thoughts