
The Fastest Man in Game of Thrones AU

A modern man reincarnated in an alternate universe of Game of Thrones / ASOIAF as the son of Lyanna Stark and Raeghar Targareyan. He also inherited superpowers from three worlds - Flash, Aquaman & One Piece. Is he a savior of Westeros or the destroyer of order? Let's see how many changes he had brought to this world. Spoiler: He will discover NEW WORLD CONTINENT, the unknown part of ASOIAF. Disclaimer: This is fanfic written for fun and enjoyment. I did not own any copyright to ASOIAF, GOT & the cover pics.

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Disturbing Dreams

The trajectory of Westeros had been changed drastically because of my presence. That's for sure.

This also created a uncertainty of the future. Whatever I knew about the plot was useless.

My butterfly wings had waved resulting more cyclones in the stormlands. 😁😁

I really enjoyed here, playing king and doing whatever I wanted.

But recently, I was not sleeping well. It's not the Three Eyed Raven that tried to enter my dreamlands but also OTHERS.

He was not just trying to invade my dreamland but to drag me to his. The disturbing fact was he could hurt me in his spiritual realm or dreamland.

There was a frostbite mark on my temple. I could not heal it even with my almost infinite plant vitalities. Actually, it's not that I could not heal but it'd take a while. Maybe it might take a year or two.

Now, I realized that power magic could not be calculated based on the physical strength.

Shit, he tried to turn me into THE BOY WHO LIVED.

I learned my lessons. To be honest, I was afraid to sleep.

My spiritual or mental strength was fairly strong. But I did not have any techniques or skills to use it.

Even the compulsion or memory reading were all rude and rough.

If these continues, I might become another Mad King. I guessed the previous mad king was tortured by such visions.

The king of the realm was connected to the fate and destiny of all beings living in the realm.

Winter was coming. And they started targeting the realm.

I did not think such dreams and vision were limited to Targareyans but to any king who sat on the iron throne.

Maybe the King Robert in the original timeline also had such dreams. And he vented on wines and whores.

I explored ways to defend my mind or spiritual realm. I even flashed to the Citadel and read whatever record they about the magic or any extra-normal things.

I developed a spiritual defence with inspiration from Occlumency and computer firewall.

It's little rough but I could sleep peacefully.

Seriously, I needed to look few magic books. Even if I could not practice, I needed to understand them to know how to defend against magic.

'Forgive me Lord, I have sinned'

I vented my frustration on sex. I did not look for whores. I had a better choice.

I proposed the two Tyrell sisters to get know each other better before the marriage. With some mind suggestions and compulsions, they gave in.

I knew it was against the code of conduct of transmigrators to force a woman to have sex but I desperately needed to vent.

Wow, my dream came true. They were amazing. Roses were soft and but lingered forever. If I didn't have super strength, my life expectancy would be shortened.

They were like fox demonesses sucking out my Yang Qi.

All purposes were served. I vented all my frustrations. We got to know each other better. I knew their depths and they knew my length.


Swimming among the flowers, I almost lost track of time. The tournament was about to begin.

The nobles started arrived one by one. Most of them stayed in Guest Houses.

I found a new unexpected and interesting development in King's Landing. There were many children selling booklets about the tournament and prototype newspapers about the happening in and around westeros.

I planned to publish newspaper but I thought it was little early. It's be better to improve the literacy rate first.

But here I found that someone in this world had already started publishing newspapers.

I checked them out and found the source. It turned out that it was the handwork of the eunuch at my court.

Yes, Varys was the one who published this booklets and newspapers.

Removing the beggars and poor from the King's Landing had greatly affected his intelligence gathering. So, he thought of a legitimate means for his little birds to roam around the city without arousing any suspicions.

What a genius!

I could not underestimate the heroes of this world. They might not have my powers and strenght but in the game of politics, I was a newbie after all.

I was doing whatever I thought it'd be good for the realm. I had never bother thought about the far reaching impacts it might have in the power balance of the players.

Even if thought of it, I'd dismiss them.

I was floating. I was living every man's fantasy. I had the strength, I had the super powers, I was the king and I had a harem now.

Many spies, mercenaries and wandering knights had also flocked in. I had to give more attention to monitoring the city.

This was not the first time that many spies came to the city. They even tried to infiltrate the castle. That's why I gave restriction orders and commanded to tighten the security of the Red Keep.

I did not leave Cersei outside of my monitoring range. She was going to be the mother of my children. How could I not care about her?

At first, it was pure lust and fun. But now, I came to really care about this lioness.

There was another headache.

How could I hide from Olenna when I was fucking her two daughters?

She was asking me when I was going to marry them. Well, I could not run away from this responsibility.

I promised them that marriage ceremony would be held after the tournament.

This tournament might be the real game changer for entire Westeros. I had a hunch that there'd be some disturbances in the near future.

Every changes in the society means a new social structure. Changes do not come without a price.

In the history, every changes were accompanied by bloodshed.

I hoped I could do it without a bloodshed.

My first goal after impersonating as the king was to liberate the people from hunger.

Without the worries about food, people wanted more. They wanted more power. It'd be a challenge to the power of the noble lords.

A middle class might arise soon. Nobles won't be happy.