
The Fallen Punisher

Kayden, a young prosecutor, has lived his whole life trying to fit in and be a model citizen. However, when the Awakening arrived and unleashed the mana across the Earth, Kayden lost everything. He then decides to break free from the cage of morals that he himself had created. Thus, in a world teeming with uncertainty, Kayden embraces the Trials, a series of perilous challenges that push participants to the brink of death in their relentless pursuit of glory and treasures. At the same time, he begins to have dreams about a desolate wasteland, where an ancient palace stands in ruins, still guarded by an eerie black gate. Determined to find the answers he seeks in the chaos of his new reality, Kayden embarks on the path of cultivation, gradually unraveling a web of lies and schemes covering the whole existence. Follow Kayden on his journey to the top, which will shake the foundations of the universe.

WritingLegion · Kỳ huyễn
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50 Chs

Sparring Time

When Kayden arrived at the fight hall, a few people were already waiting there, apart from those of other groups training on their own.

As usual, Audrey stood quietly by a wall, with the characteristic expressionlessness that Kayden was beginning to get used to.

Lucas, the one Kayden remembered for his French accent, didn't seem intent on making friends, either.

Since there were still about ten minutes before the appointed time, Kayden sat on the floor while he waited.

A while later, he notices someone sitting next to him.

Josh smiles at her as he brushes one of her curls away from her face. His coal-black hair is still wet as if he has just stepped out of the shower.

"Hey, you are Kayden, aren't you?" He said cheerfully.

"Yes, can I help you?" Kayden asked, still wondering why Josh was talking to him.

"Not at all, I just wanted to talk to someone before the sparring since I'm quite nervous. Are you nervous too?"

Kayden was still confused but he didn't have anything better to do, so he decided to keep speaking with him.

"Not really," Kayden replied, which was true.

"As expected from the one whom Sergeant Lee values the most. I'm Josh by the way."

Kayden smiled and answered, "Nice to meet you, but I think you're exaggerating."

"No, no, although the sergeant seems to value more those of you with the white badge, your case is simply exceptional." Josh insisted, leaving Kayden not knowing what to say.

Returning to the subject of the sparring, Kayden asked. "Do you know anything about how the sparring is going to be?"

"I have no idea, but I've heard that two recruits won't be participating since they're injured," Josh uttered mysteriously.

"Really? How did they manage to get injured in less than a day?" Questioned Kayden, unable to understand how this was possible.

"From what I've heard, the pressure for sparring made them cultivate frenetically, and they ended up trying to unlock the wrong node, creating internal wounds in the process," Josh explained, his answer leaving Kayden speechless.

"And why are you so nervous? The results are important, but not too much since there will be plenty of options in the future to move up in the rankings."

Josh's normally cheerful face darkened when he heard the question, surprising Kayden, who didn't know if he had done anything wrong.

"I know but… I really need to prove to them that I can be someone outstanding too…" He said, half answering, half rambling.

As Kayden's curiosity grew, the imposing figure of Captain Jake appeared through the hall's door.

"All right, recruits, I will now explain how the sparring session will work," He began. "Everyone will have four combats and each victory will give you a point."

'The results might be very different depending on the opponents you fight.' Kayden thought.

"However, although the opponents will be chosen randomly, those with white badges will not face each other."

'Poor whoever is unlucky enough to fight me.' Kayden thought, laughing inwardly.

"The meetings have already been decided. There will be four combats simultaneously to speed up the process. Victory is decided when the opponent gives up or is unable to continue. I will announce now the first four matches."

"Kayden vs Ryan."

"Audrey vs Alice."

"Charles vs Edward."

"Will vs Nick."

Kayden walked to the weapons and stood still as he thought. After a few seconds, he decided on a traditional sword and went to the appropriate place for his match.

He moved it nimbly to warm up his muscles, waiting for his opponent to arrive.

After a while, a nervous man arrived, also with a traditional sword. Kayden was slightly familiar with his face, but the man had left no impression on him either at the help center or the base.

Looking around, Kayden saw Audrey warming up with a rapier as Alice looked at her somberly.

Elsewhere, Charles could be seen smiling while he held a spear, Edward looking nervously at him as he held the shield in his right hand tightly.

Lastly, Will was holding two daggers with an arrogant look on his face, oblivious to the imposing axe carried by the man who seemed to be named Nick.

"Before you start, I think it's not necessary to remember that once your opponent isn't able to continue, you can't attack a single time more," He warned before announcing, "Start!"

Kayden and Ryan squared off while holding their wooden swords.

Kayden held it with ease, his movements fluid and graceful. Ryan, on the other hand, was less confident, his grip tight and unsure.

As the fight began, Kayden, remembering all his training before the Awakening, quickly took control.

However, due to all the mana his nodes had absorbed before the fight, his strength and agility were simply overwhelming. Ryan, in contrast, seemed to be a beginner with the sword, besides having much less mana in his body.

'He has probably unlocked around six nodes. We aren't on the same level.' Kayden thought calmly, his sword striking with precision and force.

He had used only about half of his strength, but Ryan could barely parry the blow.

Kayden moved and attacked again while Ryan was still stumbling back, sending his sword flying.

"I give up." With a bitter look on his face, Ryan surrendered.

After easily winning his combat, Kayden looked at the others with interest.

Audrey was overpowering Alice with ease as Alice tried to block the rapier's swift attacks.

As Kayden expected, a few seconds later Audrey's sword came to rest next to Alice's neck, causing her to accept defeat as her face distorted in anger.

On the other hand, Charles had finished the combat even faster. It seemed that Edward's shield had been useless against the spear's range.

Charles, who looked younger than Kayden remembered, had a serene look on his face. Edward, however, was looking down at the ground, downcast.

When everything seemed to indicate that those with white badges were far superior to those without, Kayden was truly surprised to observe Will's combat.

Although Will attacked relentlessly with the daggers, Nick was managing to block most of them with precision using his axe, dodging the others with swift movements.

After a while of exchanging attacks, Will's face began to show fatigue while the man called Nick remained impassive.

Eventually, Will didn't move fast enough, and the axe struck his arm mercilessly, causing him to drop his dagger and fall to the ground as he screamed in pain.

"Ok, enough. Nick wins." The captain announced.

Nick offered his hand to Will to help him up, but he declined, struggling to get up on his own.

Will's look showed both anger and surprise, showing he couldn't believe his defeat.

'So this is what mana does to your body. Not only improves strength, reactions, and those things but also makes your body more resistant to injuries. Otherwise, that blow would have broken Will's arm.' Kayden reflected.

"I will announce the next matches now." Captain Jake said.