A woman from our world is reborn as a Fallen Angel Gamer in a Marvel/Crossover AU. Will she grind her way to the top, or get a game over?
Nailed it! Damn, I'm a great actress! I heard Heather start choking behind me while Asia giggled.
"What the fuck!?"
"This new girl is into him?"
"Does she have no taste!?"
Complaints echoed all around from the spectators.
Raquel was scowling initially, but he immediately grinned like a peacock after I started praising him. If anything, he looked a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm but he decided to roll with it. "Y–yes! I am the great Razuel! Six Winged Fallen Angel extraordinaire at your service, my lady~." He said in a manner he probably thought came off as suave. "Might I have your name?"
"Me?" I pointed to myself while still smiling at him. Ten black wings popped out behind me and I let a hint of my power spill out. The smile on Razuel's face vanished and a look of fear replaced it! "I'm Layla… And you will not speak to my adopted daughter like that ever again!" My smile switched to a glare as I took a threatening step towards him. Power rolling off me in waves.
Gasps could be heard all around the cafeteria from all the spectators.
"Holy fuck!"
"Ten wings! Ha! She got us good!"
"Razuel is a dead man!"
He immediately took three steps back himself. "T–Ten wings!? Y-you're a new C-cadre?" He started backing away even more.
"Are you going to apologize?" I asked him as my wings bristled.
He quickly glanced at Heather behind me. "I am so sorry, young lady, for talking to you like that! I just remembered that I actually have somewhere else to be right now…Bye!" He turned around and immediately started running out of the cafeteria as fast as his legs could take him. His two lackys weren't far behind him.
Once the arrogant idiot left, my wings receded and I turned back to Heather and Asia.
Heather had some small happy tears in her eyes! "You called me your daughter?" Heather ran up to me and hugged me tightly! "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
I hugged her back. I don't know what I was freaking out over earlier. This was nice. "Of course, Heather."
"I'm happy for you two!" Asia said while Heather and I hugged.
Heather didn't let go of me for a few minutes. When she did though, I figured it was time for us to leave because we were all receiving a bunch of weird stares.
And by "we," it was mostly just me. I did bust out my 10 wings right in the heart of this other world's Grigori HQ after all. I probably freaked a lot of people out around here!
No doubt, Azazel Alter was probably just sitting in his lab laughing his ass off as other Fallen freak out while trying to figure out where I came from.
"So? Where should we explore first?" I asked the two girls. "We're in a whole new world after all." I of course wanted to check out Kuoh at some point, but it seemed like we weren't quite a canon yet so it might be pretty boring.
"I want to see if this world has a Hogwarts!" Heather declared before pausing for a second. "...Maybe…my old friends are here?"
I didn't think this world would have one, but it wouldn't hurt to take a look real quick. It would make my daughter happy at least.
"I'd like to meet the other me…if that's OK?" Asia asked. "The other Azazel said that she was still the church's Holy Maiden." Asia told us that she wanted to meet the other girl and possibly warn her about the Devil plot before it was too late for that girl.
I thought that was a very kind and amazing idea from her.
[It also takes "looking out for yourself" to a whole new level…]
"Let's go to Hogwarts first and then we can go and check out the Vatican!" I said loudly.
Nearby Fallen Angels blanched at my declaration.
"You can't just check out the Vatican!"
"You'll restart the Great War!"
A bunch of them started complaining at me!
Shit…I forgot this was possibly canon DxD. Fallen Angels and Angels hated each other here…for some reason that was never fully explained beyond "Fallen Angels are dicks."
Asia was frowning when she heard all of the complaints around us. She looked at me in concern for what we would do.
I pat her head comfortingly. "Don't worry Asia. We can just sneak in. And if we get caught? We'll smash our way out!" I declared proudly. The only two who could really stop me were Gabriel and Michael anyway. The other twelve winged Angels such as Metatron and Rafael weren't nearly as strong as those two were.
"Mmm. Thank you, Layla! You're the best!" Asia said cheerfully.
"Alright, then. Let's go!" I said as a purple portal opened up behind me. "First stop is Scotland."
"HOLD IT NEW GIRL!" The doors to the cafeteria opened and a young man with silver hair and a manic gleam in his eye entered. He was looking at me challengingly. "You're not leaving here until you fight me!" He declared while pointing his finger at me.
Vali Lucifer - The White Dragon Emperor - Level 55