
The Fallen Eastern Kingdom

The Fallen Eastern Kingdom Synopsis : In a forgotten eastern city far away from the civilized and democratic West Coasts of Niberia an almost unseen struggle was continued between the survivors of old matriarchal system and the brutal emperor forces . The last Queen of the Dessert as she called by her people has to learn to adapt and survive in this new and cruel world in order to save herself and her family.

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6 Chs

The Haram

''The Haram''.

The foreign women in the palace lived in special restricted area in the hurt of the city called «Haram».

Valena was hostage but as many other girls she was used as a slave girl.

They kept her in the emperor's slave's rooms where many other young and beautiful girls , usually kidnapped from all over the empire , were slept also.

The girls all in age of nineteen or sometimes twenties was working, eating and sleeping together.

Girl's with brownie like mocha skin and light black eyes from south kingdoms like her and blond ones from the north.

They lived in this luxurious rooms with fine food and drinks often given to them in bed from other slave's.

Usually children slave's or male servants of lower social classes.

The girls could also choose their own personal servants from them to assist in their everyday needs.

They provide them with the best silky clothes and perfumes from all over the empire for the events.

They also often received gifts like jewellers or precious stones from the emperor himself.

Each one of the girls had her own bathhouse heated with underground pipe's and decorated inside with cyan marble and silver.

Other , male usually slaves or servants worked at nights to prepare the water for them.

The slave girls was also educated more than the free men of the city and definitely more than in their previous life.

They learned them writing and reading in the local hieroglyphic alfabet.

Singing and dancing was part of their everyday education also.

The new environment appeared attractived and many of this girls especially from poor families started to believe that perhaps this fate wasn't so bad after all.

Some they tried to gain the favour of their masters doing things against their own «sister's» as they cold each other.

Snitching and backstabbing was usual inside the Haram.

And the punishments for the girls that accused for even the smallest mistake was severe.

But despite their privileges the women weren't free at all.

It was golden cage.

These beauties especially those who came here recently where all chained together in small groups with fetter's in each of their left ankles every night.

They slept next too each other under the watchful eyes of their guard's.

Even the women who were years in the palace were locked in their rooms at night and shackled with the same way as an reminder of their status.

There rooms had no windows and the heavy doors was locked most of the time.

All of them wore the same purple shift dresses and where bare footed ( as this was the rule for slaves in all the inside halls of the palace ) .

Some of them gain the trust of their masters with their obedience.

And after one year this women used as supervisors of the other girls in the palace.

The most beautiful of them became one of the many wife's of the emperor or his younger brother's.

Other girls married some of the others public officials or officers and

Gained some of their freedom's in this way …

Velana never made any friendships there.

She knew that her sister had escaped and hoped that she could help her.

But as the mouths passed by it became clear that her sister couldn't free her.

She couldn't even reach her by letters.

Valena isolated herself from the other girls and her only thought was to escape.

Her escapes however ended only with her captured again few hours later.

Then they usually shackled her again in an isolate room for almost all day.

She didn't find any way to pass the guard's and the dozens of servants who guarded every door in the Haram.

Soon she felt into disfavour.

Now her everyday life was too assist the maids of the palace in some of their light works and serving the soldiers of the emperor in their feasts.

Others girl's usually danced in front of the guests or sang songs in many of the celebration's and gatherings.

But princess pretty feet was always chained in her ankles with a thin shackles to prevent her from her sudden escapes attempts.

The guard's new now how fast she could ran and kept her away from the other woman's as punishment for her indiscipline behaviour.

But in her good luck she was still too precious for the emperor to be punish like the opposite gender male slave's.

Sometimes the captured lither beauties where working outside in the famous roof gardens of the palace.

The city was one of the two main capitals cities of the Imperial state this year's.

Inside the double high reddish walls off the city heavy armed warriors and archers in the towers we're watching every movement of the citizens.

The slaves there were almost half of city's population and rebellions wasn't uncomon.

She realised however that it was impossible to escape.

But her free spirit never stopped thinking how she could gain again her freedom .

Her people will not abandoned her she thought every night with her eyes brimming with tears.

Only they and her sister could freed her from her chains perhaps paying more ransoms or exchanged her with another hostage ,she often thought looking the new women that arrived each day.

But her own beauty was her saviour and her doom.

The emperor never allowed pretty girls like her to be released so easily.

Even in exchanges between the war prisoners she was excemted.