
The Fallen Eastern Kingdom

The Fallen Eastern Kingdom Synopsis : In a forgotten eastern city far away from the civilized and democratic West Coasts of Niberia an almost unseen struggle was continued between the survivors of old matriarchal system and the brutal emperor forces . The last Queen of the Dessert as she called by her people has to learn to adapt and survive in this new and cruel world in order to save herself and her family.

Daoist1UBWpG · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Queen Loss

The Queen's Loss

Her sister, the Queen ,was devastated by the lost of her beloved sister.

The fact that she couldn't do anything to take her back made her fell even more helpless and unsafe.

Her fury and sadness was unbearable and for days she didn't came out from her chambers.

From this day she didn't went outside as a Queen, disguised herself as a common woman in order to avoid another attempt.

Her palace was the only safe place that she could find.

It was built with almost clear cyan marble and with tall thin turrets in each of his four corners.

A double line of cyan tall and thin colonnades surrounded it all around.

Four bronze statue's of griffons was seated as ancient guards in the wooden entrance doors.

Many human sized black statues of past Queens and priestess of the previous generations decorated the arcades in front of the main entrance.

The palace was still famous for it beautiful woman's dancer's that still lived in the palace hall's protected from the outside word.

But now the old matriarch system has been replaced by the emperor strict governor rule who cruelly explode every wealth from her and her citizens.

His rule started fifteen years before after the siege and the following defeat of her few outnumbered soldiers that consists the city's garrison.

The treason of her own mercenary guard's in one of her gates followed next.

The last few loyal female warriors of the Queen was the royal archers of the palace, the Asalinas.

This women were from noble families of the east and trained to become archer's and mounted messengers in the service of the Queen, for life.

But even this brave women's was killed except few who retreated with her Queen in the second level of the city until the total surrender of the capital.

The emperor Garhelm has allowed only the symbolic existence of the Queen from ever since.

Now she was restricted in her own palace but with her own people inside at least.

She was not even allowed to go outside the city without the governor decision.

Mercenaries patrolled the outside streets ensured that no escape attempt will be possible.

The history of her family and the events that followed after the siege was known to all the citizens.

The famous for her beauty mother Sermina Vll decided defeated to deliver the city keys to the victorious emperor to prevent more bloodshed and suffering of her people.

Sermina was then young and innocent and with no experience about the emperor's dishonour and cunning mind.

The people that still remembered her said that she was just her daughter …same dark hair ,and crystal green eyes.

The negotiations was seemingly ended with the promise from the side of the emperor that no violence or enslavement will took place in her people.

Also he gave her his word that the Queen's royal family and herself will be remaining safe and free to leave their palace if they surrendered peacefully .

Few days after the peaceful surrender of the city the Queen was sleeping in her quarters still in her palace which was by the agreement a permanent asylum.

She was still in her night dress when suddenly she was arrested and taken with the rest of her royal family.

The emperor men chained the helpless queen with shackles in her hands and ankles in front of her sister's and her last supporters.

There the white dressed Quinn forced to take an oath that she will excepted any conditions and even slavery from the Hermadians in order to protect the lives of her people's from immediately execution.

The Queen's cousins and other nobles was almost all enslaved and transferred in prison's in distant place's.

Her last remaining Asalinas tried to escape with the queen's daughter and some servants from secret underground tunnels.

But somehow their enemies anticipate this attempt and they all captured just outside the city's walls.

The governor imprisoned all the captured Asalinas in the city castle.

Nine of them were very beautiful ,as he observed, among them their leader the blonde Hermina.

Hermina was sackled as the other girls with golden chains in their ankles and wrists.

- I will spare the life of your sisters …and in return i want your love …,he told her.

In order to save her sisters the helpless woman excepted with tears in her light blue eyes.

And she was taken in one of his luxury mansions outside the city and became his wife.