
Chapter 28

After the little incident was dealt with, me and Ignea quickly made our way to the arena for her fight with Eleanor.

She was already waiting for us in the arena, Ignea joined her as I took a seat in the spectator's area. The two of them were prepared for the fight and it seemed like it could go either way at first but, in the end Eleanor took the lead.

Despite her holding back quite a lot, this was never a fair match, I just wanted Ignea to see what fighting someone with real power looks like.

Eleanor is a brawler type fighter, in other words she fights with her bare fists. Her talent for fighting is something that would make anyone envious. She grew up in the castle as her father was the chief butler.

He was an impressive man that took care of everything in here. He is the one who taught me how to read and how to write, he also taught me things like mathematics, history and military strategies. Before becoming my father's butler he was a captain in the royal guard and he retired after getting injured.

And now, his daughter has become the chief maid of the palace and also the vice-leader of the royal guards. She is the third strongest person in the entirety of Yafrenia at the moment, I'm sure he is proud of her.

As her king and as her childhood friend, I'm also proud of how far she has come, but I'm also proud of Ignea for being able to somewhat keep up with her.

It is an impressive feat for her. When we started her firepower was quite low for an A-class adventurer but now, who knows she might be able to wipe out a country or something so, I guess I'm quite a good teacher.

I really thought this match would be over in an instant but it seems I was wrong.

Ignea somehow manages to evade most of Eleanor's attacks, even if it's by a small margin, it's still impressive.

She has yet to try any big attack on Eleanor but I can tell that she is thinking of something right now.

She has to be, after all, during the training sessions she was an impulsive fighter but she did have times when she actually thought of better ways to fight.

Even if her plans aren't the most complex it can be quite interesting to see her switch from impulse to a plan.

On the other hand, it would be strange for Eleanor to not notice a simple plan like the ones Ignea makes.

I guess, at this point she has already proven her growth but still, I did expect a tad more from her after she learned all of those ancient grimoires.

As I said that, a massive explosion of flames happened in the middle of the arena, my focus shifted there instantly and so did Eleanor's.

That was a mistake on her part, the explosion was caused by a magic circle Ignea planted there, but Eleanor noticed that too late, she turned back to Ignea, but it was useless.

Ignea had already cast a spell and filled the arena with white flames by combining her flame magic with light magic. To a demon that would normally cause a lot of damage.

Eleanor was thrown to the other side of the arena. It was incredible, but it didn't last for long. She got up and smiled.

Seems like the fun part is just about to start.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Kojou5creators' thoughts