
The Extra Seeks Chaos

Eric Langley, an eighteen-year-old boy whose parents passed away three years ago, had no known relatives and was left to fend for himself. To support himself, he worked in a bakery, using his earnings to cover his daily needs and indulge in his favorite pastime—reading chapters of the novel "Humanity's Strongest Mage," which had recently gone on hiatus. Eric had a love-hate relationship with the novel. While he was captivated by its world, he despised the Protagonist, Alex Whiteheart. Alex had it all from the start: strength, fame, money, and of course, a harem. He never faced any real challenges, effortlessly overcoming every obstacle, which made the story lack something Eric craved....... Chaos. One evening, while taking a walk with his headphones on, Eric was lost in thought. The music drowned out the world around him, and he failed to notice a car losing control and speeding toward him. The last thing he heard was a screech before everything went dark. When Eric woke up, memories flooded his mind, and he quickly realized something was wrong. He wasn't in his own world anymore; he had somehow ended up in the world of "Humanity's Strongest Mage." To his shock, he found himself in the body of Arin Vale, an insignificant character never mentioned in the novel—a true extra. Now, armed with the knowledge of future events and driven by a desire for chaos, Arin had one goal: to disrupt the smooth journey of Alex Whiteheart, the Protagonist. He was determined to introduce Chaos into the story, making it far more interesting than it ever was, and in the process, he'll also find out that there's more to his character than just being an Extra. Let the Chaos begin! [Please, read up to 30 chapters before deciding. I'm sure you'll love it. Thank you!!] [WEEKLY GOALS] 100 Power Stones: 1 Extra Chapter 200 Power Stones: 2 Extra Chapters 300 Power Stones: 3 Extra Chapters 20 Golden Tickets: 1 Extra Chapter 45 Golden Tickets: 3 Extra Chapters Massage Chair: 2 Extra Chapters Luxury Car: 3 Extra Chapters Magic Castle: 15 Extra Chapters! [Please support this novel with power stones and comments. It'll motivate me a lot, thank you!!] Check out my other novels: Reincarnated With A Revenge System Elemental Vampire Join The Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/vZn9GF3y

anime_otaku_6087 · Kỳ huyễn
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Battle [Part 2]

A smile crept across Arin's face as he observed the wolves circling them. Their hesitation was evident, their gazes flicking nervously between the two humans. Perhaps witnessing Tessa's swift dispatch of one of their own had instilled a sense of dread.

"What's the matter?" Arin muttered under his breath, his tone laced with dark amusement. "You should know you're just a warm-up before the real show begins."

The wolves, sensing the dwindling time for deliberation, finally made their move. Their collective growls resonated through the forest, a low rumble of anger and fear. The first wolf, unable to bear the tension any longer, sprang at Arin from behind, its claws slashing through the air with lethal intent.


Arin pivoted sharply, his mana surging into his hand with blinding speed. A Water Spike materialized in his grip, shimmering with deadly precision.


Sparks erupted as the Water Spike clashed with the wolf's claws, sending it hurtling back to the ground. Before the beast could recover, Arin lunged forward, driving the Water Spike into its skull. The wolf crumpled instantly, life snuffed out in a heartbeat.

Meanwhile, another wolf leaped at Tessa, but she was already prepared. Her keen ears caught the sound of its approach. Instead of swinging her sword, she extended her hand toward the charging beast.


A piercing soundwave erupted from her palm, targeting the wolf's sensitive ears. The wolf yelped in agony, collapsing as blood trickled from its ears, disoriented and vulnerable.

This was as a result of Tessa's third Spell. This Spell allowed her to create a high pitched sound that she could target towards a single enemy or multiple enemies.

With a swift, practiced motion, Tessa swung her sword, ending the wolf's suffering in one clean strike. She flicked the blood from her blade, her expression unwavering.

Arin's smile widened as he folded his arms across his chest. "Three down, seven left."

The remaining wolves exchanged glances, their survival instincts kicking in. They knew that attacking one at a time was futile. In unison, they charged, aiming to overwhelm Arin and Tessa from all directions, leaving no room for escape—not that either of them intended to flee.

The ground trembled under the pounding of paws as the wolves accelerated, closing in on their targets. Arin's eyes darted from one wolf to the next, calculating their movements. Tessa's grip tightened around her sword, her stance shifting as she braced for the onslaught.


Three wolves lunged at Arin simultaneously. In a fluid motion, Arin stepped back, his cloak billowing behind him. He crouched slightly, extending his right palm with pinpoint focus. A small, seemingly harmless ball of water formed in front of his hand, no larger than a ping-pong ball.


The Water Ball shot forward with explosive force, tearing through the air like a bullet. The first wolf, unable to halt its momentum, was greeted with the Water Ball.


The impact was devastating. The Water Ball slammed into the wolf's head with such force that it exploded, sending chunks of flesh and blood splattering in all directions.

Arin's lips curled into a satisfied grin. "Looks like it underestimated the Water Ball."

The trick had been simple. Instead of crafting a large Water Ball, he had condensed it, packing an immense amount of Mana into a smaller, more lethal sphere. It was far deadlier than it appeared.

Yet, even after witnessing the gruesome demise of their comrade, the remaining two wolves showed no hesitation. They continued their relentless advance, their feral eyes locked onto Arin.

"Confident, aren't we?" Arin muttered under his breath, a cold glint in his eyes.

Wasting no time, he dashed toward the lead wolf, a Water Spike materializing in his right hand. As he closed the distance, he leaped into the air, spinning his body mid-flight.


His right foot connected with the wolf's head with bone-crushing force, sending it crashing into a nearby tree. The wolf let out a pained yelp, but Arin was already moving, focused on his next target.

In a burst of speed, he lunged at the third wolf, his Water Spike poised to strike.


The wolf barely managed to raise its claw in defense, blocking the first strike. But Arin wasn't finished.

A second Water Spike formed in his left hand. With the wolf directly in front of him, there was no time for it to react.


The spike pierced through the wolf's skull with precision. The beast collapsed to the ground, dead before it could utter a sound.

Arin's gaze shifted back to the wolf he had kicked earlier. It was struggling to rise, its legs trembling. Arin didn't give it the chance. A final Water Ball hurtled toward the creature, ending its suffering in a heartbeat.

Turning around, he saw Tessa dispatching the last of the wolves on her side. She had already killed two and was closing in on the third. The wolf lunged at her, but Tessa clapped her hands together, summoning an invisible barrier that deflected the wolf's savage attack.

This was her fourth spell, a versatile one. Not only could it cancel sound within a certain radius, but it could also deflect physical attacks, just as she demonstrated now.

Seizing the moment, Tessa swung her sword in a swift arc, cleanly severing the wolf's head from its body. The creature's lifeless form crumpled to the ground.

With the battle seemingly over, Tessa glanced back at Arin, a frown creasing her brow. "Where's the last wolf?"

Arin unfolded his arms, his eyes fixed on a nearby tree, a predatory grin spreading across his face. "They'll be here soon," he murmured, his voice low and dangerous. "But I guess it's time to use it... The Chaos Element...."

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