
The Extra Seeks Chaos

Eric Langley, an eighteen-year-old boy whose parents passed away three years ago, had no known relatives and was left to fend for himself. To support himself, he worked in a bakery, using his earnings to cover his daily needs and indulge in his favorite pastime—reading chapters of the novel "Humanity's Strongest Mage," which had recently gone on hiatus. Eric had a love-hate relationship with the novel. While he was captivated by its world, he despised the Protagonist, Alex Whiteheart. Alex had it all from the start: strength, fame, money, and of course, a harem. He never faced any real challenges, effortlessly overcoming every obstacle, which made the story lack something Eric craved....... Chaos. One evening, while taking a walk with his headphones on, Eric was lost in thought. The music drowned out the world around him, and he failed to notice a car losing control and speeding toward him. The last thing he heard was a screech before everything went dark. When Eric woke up, memories flooded his mind, and he quickly realized something was wrong. He wasn't in his own world anymore; he had somehow ended up in the world of "Humanity's Strongest Mage." To his shock, he found himself in the body of Arin Vale, an insignificant character never mentioned in the novel—a true extra. Now, armed with the knowledge of future events and driven by a desire for chaos, Arin had one goal: to disrupt the smooth journey of Alex Whiteheart, the Protagonist. He was determined to introduce Chaos into the story, making it far more interesting than it ever was, and in the process, he'll also find out that there's more to his character than just being an Extra. Let the Chaos begin! [Please, read up to 30 chapters before deciding. I'm sure you'll love it. Thank you!!] [WEEKLY GOALS] 100 Power Stones: 1 Extra Chapter 200 Power Stones: 2 Extra Chapters 300 Power Stones: 3 Extra Chapters 20 Golden Tickets: 1 Extra Chapter 45 Golden Tickets: 3 Extra Chapters Massage Chair: 2 Extra Chapters Luxury Car: 3 Extra Chapters Magic Castle: 15 Extra Chapters! [Please support this novel with power stones and comments. It'll motivate me a lot, thank you!!] Check out my other novels: Reincarnated With A Revenge System Elemental Vampire Join The Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/vZn9GF3y

anime_otaku_6087 · Kỳ huyễn
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54 Chs

Battle [Part 1]

"Chaos..." Tessa called out, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Just to confirm... we're really going to fight "something" tonight, aren't we?"

Arin noticed the excitement in her tone, which surprised him. After all, she didn't know the real reason why they were leaving the Academy.

He continued walking toward the forest, with Tessa following closely behind. "Yes. Are you that eager?"

They were currently on a narrow path leading to the forest, not far from the Academy. On either side, the meadow stretched endlessly, a sea of grasses and wildflowers swaying in the chilly night breeze.

Tessa cleared her throat, attempting to sound nonchalant. "No, just... curious."

Arin hummed thoughtfully. "It sounds more like excitement to me."

Tessa pouted, but he couldn't see her expression since she was trailing behind him. Their cloaks billowed in the wind as they walked.

"How did you know there was an exit in the wall?" Tessa asked suddenly.

A few moments of silence followed, the kind that made Tessa more curious—and slightly nervous. Only the sound of the rustling wind accompanied their footsteps.

"Tessa..." Arin said, his voice steady as he walked ahead. "You should know by now... I have my ways."

'I knew he would say that,' Tessa thought, slightly frustrated. Chaos was always so mysterious, but her curiosity often got the better of her, leading her to ask another question.

"Chaos... You keep saying you have your ways, but..." Tessa hesitated, swallowing her nerves. "Who really are you?"

Arin stopped in his tracks, causing Tessa to halt as well. She stared at his back, squinting slightly, trying to read his expression beneath the mask.

'I shouldn't have asked...' she thought, regretting her boldness.

Arin, meanwhile, was taken aback by her question. 'She's always curious, but she usually hides it. This is... different.'

He hadn't expected her to ask something so direct, but that didn't mean he would give her a straight answer.

He sighed softly and resumed walking. "Tessa, some things are better left unspoken."

Tessa closed her eyes, nodding slightly as she processed his response. "I understand," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

They finally reached the edge of the forest, its towering canopy casting deep shadows over them.

Arin glanced over his shoulder at Tessa. "As you know, there are Beasts in this forest. Stay alert."

'I didn't need to tell her that. She already knows,' Arin thought.

Tessa unsheathed her sword, gripping it firmly as her expression hardened. "Understood."

Arin nodded and stepped into the forest, Tessa following closely behind.

The trees were tall, their leaves rustling gently in the wind. The moonlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting a pale glow on the forest floor. Arin had a specific purpose for coming here; otherwise, he wouldn't have bothered.

His eyes scanned every corner through his mask as he moved steadily.

He had intentionally deactivated his Extra's Cloak Skill, allowing the Beasts to sense his presence. Though, that wasn't his primary objective.



A wolf's howl echoed through the forest, making them stop in their tracks.

At the same time, the sound of hurried footsteps approached, prompting Tessa to tighten her grip on her sword. If it had been a living being, it might have been strangled by now.

"A Beast is coming..." Tessa muttered.

Arin scoffed softly. "Not "a" Beast, Tessa," he corrected. "Beasts are coming."

As if on cue, five wolves burst out from different angles of the forest. They stood around eight feet tall, their grey fur rippling over lean, powerful limbs.

Their eyes glowed a menacing red, casting an eerie light in the darkness. Low growls rumbled from their throats, revealing sharp fangs capable of tearing through flesh.

Their claws were long and razor-sharp, reflecting the moonlight and making them appear even more dangerous.

At the same time, five more wolves emerged from different directions, bringing the total to ten.

"Grey Wolves..." Arin murmured.

"They're Grade 1 Veteran Beasts..." Tessa said, her voice steady.

A smirk tugged at Arin's lips. "You sound excited for a battle. Well, it's time."

Tessa nodded, and in that instant, a wolf lunged at her, its claws outstretched, ready to strike.


In a swift motion, Tessa swung her sword, deflecting the wolf's claws with a shower of sparks. Her eyes flashed with cold determination as she adjusted her stance.

But she wasn't done.

Tessa had only four spells for her Sound Magic, a surprisingly low number considering her high rank. But she had chosen to master these spells rather than learn new ones for the time being, and it was paying off.

Her first spell allowed her to move without making a sound, which could also be applied to others.

As for her second spell, she was about to use it...

She gripped her sword tightly, assuming the stance that Dan had taught her.

In an instant...


She kicked off the ground with explosive speed, startling the wolf. It hadn't expected her to move so quickly.

In the blink of an eye, she closed the distance, her sword swinging with deadly force.


The wolf managed to block the strike with its claws, the sound reverberating through the forest—exactly what Tessa wanted.

Her muscles tensed as she absorbed the clanging sound, amplifying her strength and speed.

In a fluid motion, she attacked again, this time even faster. Before the wolf could react, her blade sliced through its body, cutting it clean in half. It crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Arin smirked as he observed the remaining wolves, their momentary shock leaving them vulnerable.

But they didn't realize that...

"The battle has only just begun..."

It was time for Arin to act.

"Perhaps you'll serve as a good way to pass the time before "they" arrive..."





What do you guys think about Tessa's second Spell? Let me hear your thoughts!!

Also, the battle continues in the next chapter!!

Please, power stones will be much appreciated. Also, consider leaving a review. Thank you!!

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