
The Evolution of Genius: Every Night, I Get Smarter!

This is the story of how I became the greatest genius in the history of humanity, destined to go down in the annals of history for all eternity! This is the story of how I made humanity what it is today. It all began on a fateful night in New York. With a certain peculiar dream. The Universe is grand and mysterious. What's important remains hidden... _________ P.S. Watch out, contains descriptive R18 scenes. [ completed ]

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Relationship II

As the car pulled up to Mrs. Hayes' house, the warm glow of lights greeted us.

As we entered the house, Veronica, whom Oliv and I had been eager to see again, met us right away.

She hurried downstairs upon hearing the commotion. She wore white nylons on her legs, light blue jeans shorts, and a white t-shirt. Her dark brown hair was wet and cascaded down her shoulders. She looked sexy.

Veronica caught me looking at them and smiled, then greeted me and Oliv with a wave of her fingers.

Oliv nudged my shoulder as if to reprimand me for staring. In contrast to Veronica, Oliv wore long black jeans and a comfortable red blouse.

We made our way to the dining room with the rest. I found a seat. Oliv sat right next to me and Veronica took a seat directly across from me.

Mr. Hayes ordered food beforehand, so the dinner started. We had some typical conversations about science and business and we talked about how fusion energy will influence the world.