
The Evolution of Genius: Every Night, I Get Smarter!

This is the story of how I became the greatest genius in the history of humanity, destined to go down in the annals of history for all eternity! This is the story of how I made humanity what it is today. It all began on a fateful night in New York. With a certain peculiar dream. The Universe is grand and mysterious. What's important remains hidden... _________ P.S. Watch out, contains descriptive R18 scenes. [ completed ]

WorldScholar · Thành thị
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Over the next couple of days, I dove into online forums, tackling big questions from top scientists in engineering, control systems, physics, mathematics, and AI.

Someone asked about optimizing a control system for a complicated manufacturing process with changing parameters.

I talked about using machine learning to adapt the system in real-time. I stressed the importance of a solid feedback system based on Bayesian statistics for better adaptive control.

In a quantum physics thread, a user wanted help with minimizing the impact of decoherence in entangled quantum states.

I suggested looking into quantum error correction codes and the potential of using topological qubits. My response focused on the benefits of topological protection against errors in quantum computing.

A mathematician presented a problem about optimizing a non-linear system with several constraints.