

"Yes, we just want to help you. I can feel that you're in danger, and that's why I can't let you go away." Bryan said.

The girl lifted her head as she glanced at Bryan. She opened her shaky palm and said, "C-Can you r-really help me?"

"We couldn't help you if we didn't know a thing about you or the people who are after you." The director shook his head.

"I can help you," Bryan said.

The director and the girl glanced at him and saw his serious and sincere expression. He really wanted to help this girl.

"I will help you," Bryan said. He understood that he couldn't save everyone, but if he encountered someone in trouble before his eyes, he would save that person.

"I..." The girl opened her mouth while looking straight into Bryan's eyes. "I'm not what you think I am..."

"I don't care. Just tell me your problem, and I will lend you everything that I've got." Bryan said to the girl.