
Battle II

This event attracted warriors from other legions as well. They remained in their seats, looking down at the platform below.

Cicero sat at the top, with three individuals beside him.

The first was an old woman with long greenish hair. Her face was full of wrinkles, and she wore a white robe. She was Frena, a Division Commander of Athena's Champion.

The second was a middle-aged man in dark armor. He had red hair, blue eyes, and greenish scales on his skin, indicating that he was a demi. His name was Adein, a War General of Ares' Warriors.

The last one resembled a ten-year-old boy with black hair, black eyes, and a horn protruding from the center of his forehead. His name was Casme, also a War General of Ares' Warriors.

A War General was equivalent to a Division Commander in Athena's Champion.

All four of them were demigods.

"Cicero, isn't this too early? If I'm not mistaken, he just gained the title of Hero Candidate, right?" Casme asked.