
3 aging

I found it quite interesting how life just passes you by when you don't focus on it I stared into the deep blue sky the Cresent sun like a frown shattered the sky with orange and yellow lights. I wondered if my parents had accepted my death how long has it been since I died to them? My head plagued by such thoughts I start to breath sucking in air from my surroundings I try to feel the speckles of magic but I. Fail I hold this breath in my core and blood before breathing a tenth of that out 5 times taking in on big breath I spit out a couple droplets of blood. I cough roughly before beginning the process after the sun had set and the sky was full of stars I finally condensed a breath of magical power I carefully dispersed it throughout my body, so I don't convulse and did in a couple minutes finally stretching the length of my body I steadily release it relaxing in my bed I lay down.

I sit at my desk in the palace wondering on the magic information I got from the book it addressed multiple concerns but it did not mention how to achieve aids or anything eles but the fact you need 100 condensed drops of magic. I used a bit of the magic I learn and turned focusing on a apprentice magic book I gripped it like a normal book then pulled like my presence commanded it to move it when forth and into my hand. I cheered these nightly practices for my magic are paying off although it's just using me as and anchor and my magic as to a chain I also don't have to do that I chucked the book I was reading back to its place and as. A man possessed it flew right into its spot flipping the book in I carefully mumbled the worlds rolling them in my mouth with vigor and curiosity of this new power


Fire spirit absorption

By collecting magic or mana in its purist form and tempering your body with either Fire or the breaking of bones using the abrasive technique that weaponize the mana in the surrounding air.


While i would continue to read this was far more important as they say "no pain no gain" and my child body may not be able to withstand it it is still the only way to get stronger I left the place and took a breath my eyes. Opened profoundly yet unsure of the outcome but i stole my resolve i layered my eyes with bits on mana my temples bulged i have to keep. A precise control of my mana to not injure my eyes I felt the sting hit my eyes but i simply took a ragged breath. I saw small dust like objects in the air above and around me with various colors like a sea of beauty suddenly it flickered and then. When out as fatigue went over my i mentally slapped mu face breaking my focus and thus. My anchor trying again I carefully guided the mana to my hand then i used the most basic of the fire spirit absorption technique visualization i used my stubby hands and forced the mana to my finger. Like chock i drew a crude symbol then a circle the mana turned white I smirked I had done it somewhat right. But its not what made me happy its the fact that this folloss the laws of physics somwhat bent though you see light is made up of a spectrum of different colors an uncountable and unsee able amount so mana works almost the same but are anchors. Or power over mana works like a theoretical prison like how you can break light rays into colors by using prisims this follows the same law just in opposing circumstances this is also how you use certain types of magic you break the prison but only let certain elements out this is usually. Captured or visualized by using runes or incantations these runes are slower but use more magic as it is more accurate.

Ending my inner monolog i used my plam and push a bright light emitted from the corners of the crudely drawn rune like pressing a button then. It hit me and unbelievable amount of pain i looked down I saw my bones twisting i curled grinding my mouth closed no teeth to bite my lip. I lifted my hand I saw it snapping like a twig then it reseeded i stretched my free hand I felt unfet and unshaking but i look closer i had become taller?

A young boy dashed through the field his deep coffee brown eyes brownish skin and silky black hair flowing in the wind giggling happily. We kicked a ball around I saw that someone was open to get it in the goal i had been blocked so it seemed my foot rested on the base of the ball in 1 fluid motion I flicked it out with my foot using a bit of mana on my eyes I saw the future movements or possible future movements of my opponent and it stayed true jumping I slammed the ball as hard as i could in a blind spot. Behind them they moved to the left not realizing till to late and i skillful dashed to the ball my teammate figuring out my play called "akash pass" my kick glided through the air its destiny determined till a leg intercept my pass its ball control unmatched as it hit the ground but like a tiger. This foe pounced dismantling my team i knew we had mere seconds to save pushing wind mana into my legs I stood before this strange person "you know wehlch you are good but not good enough." Once again i kicked the ball under his foot I made a dash behind him and dribbled fast like a shooting star I crushed all in my path i used a foot over technique to confuse any defender in my path rhythmically kicking the ball forward. Falling back blocking and repeating soon I stood face to face with a tan boy a little taller than me he was build like a tank but that stood no chance against my foresight i twiried around using the same flicking motion as before to make him think I was gonna hit the right side I felt my hair in the wind. I took a breath upside-down in the air the ball at my foot spinning I felt time crawl to a slow and i used all my strength and hit the ball no spin as predicted to the right but this boy underestimated me and like raging water it broke through his defense slipping past his fingers like a fate once in his grasp. I cheered "gooooalll"